Thursday, June 16, 2011

#Anti-Nuke Animation "Uncle Genpachi & Tama" Series

The series was made before the Fukushima I Nuke Plant accident, in Japanese. Now the creator has made the entire series (5 videos) in English.

Tama is the name of Uncle Genpachi's cat, who stands up and starts to speak in anger on hearing misinformation about nuclear energy or nuclear power plant. It's quite funny and informative at the same time. Each video is no more than 3 minutes, but to the point.

Video 2:
Video 3:
Video 4:
Video 5:


Anonymous said...

Robbie001 sez:

Uncle Genpachi kind of reminds me of "Mr. President from "Super Milk Chan". Maybe Japan's richest man is looking for a mascot for his future solar venture.

Japan’s Richest Man Challenges Nuclear Future With Nationwide Solar Plans

"Billionaire Masayoshi Son has a track record in taking on monopolies after building a business that opened up the nation’s telecommunications industry. Now he aims to shake up Japan’s power utilities after the worst nuclear crisis in 25 years".

Anonymous said...

Not related but: Is the official TEPCO live webcamera rigged?

arevamirpal::laprimavera said...

@robbie, LOL. You know more about Japanese animation than I do. I'm still looking for that Godzilla footage where Godzilla destroys Hamaoka Nuke Plant...

@anon at 9:59AM, I've seen the same info in a Japanese message board. I'll watch the vids.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how episodes 4 and 5 predicted what was to come. Genpachi's dream horrifyingly came true. Only the place was different. I'll introduce them to my friends. Thanks.
"Genpachi" is a parody of "Genpatsu" (nuke plant in Japanese) maybe?

arevamirpal::laprimavera said...

@anon at 4;11PM, yes I think so too. Parody of Genpatsu, although it is a legit male name.

animation institute said...

hi u have made a great blog! its informative and learning too thanks...

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Shows that various advantages and disadvantages of the Nuclear energy, one should learn from the mistakes what we have Done.

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please view this...Atomic Suicide?

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