Thursday, June 30, 2011

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: iRobot's "Warrior" to Do the Vacuum Cleaning on Reactor 3 Floor

TEPCO announced on June 30 that the "Warrior" robot from iRobot will vacuum clean the floor of the Reactor 3 reactor building in the area where the high radiation has been detected.

The US-made "Warrior" and Japanese-made vacuum cleaners. (Both Hitachi and Toshiba, TEPCO's affiliate companies at Fukushima I, manufactures vacuum cleaners as well as nuclear reactors...)

The press handout on June 30 says:

"Since radiation dose on the floor is high, we plan to conduct cleaning from July 1 in order to reduce the radiation exposure for the workers, removing the accumulated sand with vacuum cleaners and robots."

Accumulated sand?? From where?


  1. I see TEPCO is still making it up as they go along, just like they've done since about an hour after the earthquake. Has anyone checked if TEPCO followed any of their well thought out emergency plans at all?

    Here's a thought to anyone or any government interested in investing in nuclear power. TEPCO lost forty years of profits in one nuclear power plant failure. Whether TEPCO or Japan stay solvent remains to be seen.

  2. St. Louis Post-Dispatch is covering up the fact that there are two Nuclear power plants (Ft. Calhoun and Cooper) surrounded by flood waters and Los Alamos threatened by an out of control wildfire, and removing people who post stories about it in their forum or comments

    Not only are they covering it up and trying to humiliate me about it, nearly all these cretins think RADIATION is safe and happy and as American as apple pie and torture.

    These two power plants are within 6 hours of St. Louis, so surely its newsworthy. Instead they run stories on American Idol.

    If you care about the future of the country, we need to realize the media DOES NOT CARE ABOUT US. As this demonstrates, even when there is a massive threat to a specific area they still do not run the truth.

    Research Thorium, you'll realize these nuclear plants are for the MAIN PURPOSE of MAKING NUCLEAR WEAPONS

  3. Its probably a bit premature but I'm gonna write it anyway just because.

    Vacuum, little iRobot, vacuum! Ooops...

  4. Cheaper to fit Shimizu with a vacuum hose and send him in instead. What a nice gesture and selfless parting gift for us that would have been after his resignation. No need for a sword or wasteful jumping onto a parking lot pavement from a high building. Although that would be appriciated too.

  5. Can't agree with you more on Shimizu. But instead, TEPCO and the Japanese government will welcome retired nuke scientists and engineers to the plant, who are just fed up with amateurish way the accident has been handled by both.

    And what is TEPCO going to have them do? The company said these senior citizens will clear the debris using power shovels. Hahahahaha. It's so sad I have to laugh.

  6. Too Funny for words, a robot vacuum(s) trying to suck up the massive radiation dust and dirt ALL OVER the destroyed plant. And the British government is colluding with their nuclear "partners" to PLAY DOWN the Fukushima tragedy.

    Can't believe a single word these lying bastards say.

  7. The touting of expert knowledge and technological savvy is pointless, misleading and dangerous without integrity of character.
    Political correctness robs people of their conscience to do what is right.It is a widespread disease that has infected modern society and accounts for most of its ills.

  8. It's all happening as per plan folks. details are for devils. Look at the big picture as it unfolds right before our eyes. Japan is not alone.

    All the elementals are in chaos.


  9. "Sand" could be dust and debris shaken off the walls by earthquakes and explosions. Could be something else entirely.

  10. The "sand" is actually Boron Glass which has pumped into the reactor.

  11. "sand" could have been washed in by the tsunami or pumped in later along with the sea water they are using to cool the reactors. Or both.

  12. Shimizu, hell. How about fitting Jeffrey R. Immelt, CEO GE, with a dust pan and brush and send him in to sweep up the mess his company's reactor design made.
    YES, research Thorium reactors. A previous post mentioned it, thorium is a much safer way to go. However, where would we get our plutonium to make our H-bombs? Crap, we only have 20,000+ nuke warheads and we want more!

  13. I believe japan is (or has been?) steap ahead of robotics, why they dont work on help from this side? It will be good for future machinery biz.

  14. Ok so the vacuum actually vacuums up some of this highly radioactive sand and dust-maybe before breaking. Then what? These drums are going to be so radioactive they will need other robots to empty them, and then other robots to bury them because humans will not be able to go within 100 yards of them. But coming from TEPCO management robots maybe this all makes sense, Yeah

  15. The sand is from the nuclear explosion pulverizing the containment, like the Trade Towers...
