Sunday, June 26, 2011

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Reactor 3's Radiation Remains High

2 Packbots from iRobot were apparently accompanied by 5 carbon-based workers and entered the Reactor 3's reactor building to take the radiation measurement on June 24.

The result was announced on June 25 by TEPCO, and the radiation level remains high. At many places it was higher than in the previous survey which was done on June 8.

This time, they either didn't take the measurements or didn't disclose the measurements near the staircase that leads to the contaminated water in the reactor building basement (southwest corner).

Comparing this map to the one they disclosed on June 9 (June 8 survey results) below, it is clear that they weren't disclosing all measurements done on June 8. Sigh. When will they ever learn?


  1. ".. the radiation level remains high. At many places it was higher than in the previous survey which was done on June 8."

    "Comparing this map to the one they disclosed on June 9 (June 8 survey results) below, it is clear that they weren't disclosing all measurements done on June 8."

    Let's see, reactor 3, MOX-plutonium fuel, a past criticality event lasting 7 hours, obvious criticality that extinguished itself in its 'hydrogen explosion', very thirsty cooling water requirements compared to 1 & 2 and TEPCO still wants us to believe #3's spent fuel pool still exists.

    "TEPCO will start the operation of the Spent Fuel Pool air cooling system for the Reactor 3 on June 30"

    All the above is TEPCO's way of telling us #3 is a special needs child.

  2. I fear that by the time we fully get control of this situation Most of Japan will be left uninhabitable. I wish the Japanese people the best of luck, because their going to need it.

  3. hello
    have the spent fuel rods stored above or next to each reactor melted into the core?
    if they haven't have the 90 to 100 tons of fuel in each reactor melted into a blob of Corium?
    what is the temperature of each blob if known?
    have the blobs cooked thru the concrete of any of these reactors?
    is the geology under the plant igneous?
    sorry for all the questions. i have a need to know.
    i hope all will be well with you and yours .
    Best regards

  4. And did the Countenance Divine,
    Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
    And was Jerusalem builded here
    Among these dark Satanic Mills?

  5. I don't think the Native Americans
    ever felt any 'Countenance Divine'
    shining through the hill of murder,
    mayhem, lies and bullshit so no,
    the answer is no.
