Tuesday, June 28, 2011

TEPCO's Shareholders' Meeting Finally Over after 6 Hours

From the tweet of the journalist at the event:

During the Q&A session, an irate shareholder shouted at the TEPCO's management, "Go inside the reactor and die!"

A great commotion inside the hall ensued, and a snicker in the TEPCO's press room.


  1. After Fukushima and Fort Calhoun, the biggest american nuclear lab threatened by a wildfire

    In french, sorry


  2. Was Masataka Shimizu at the meeting or has he gone back into hiding ( with his $7 million going away present)? World class weasel that guy.
    When he checked himself into hospital at the beginning of this disaster I couldn't believe it.
    Like a general calling in sick on the day of the battle.While Masataka's soldiers were trying to open valves next to a 5000 degree reactor about to blow up, in a building full of hydrogen gas, he's laying in a hospital complaining of fatigue and high blood pressure.

  3. Great point regarding Shimizu. I have been waiting to see what would transpire today. I bet he was not there and is probably not even in Japan anymore. But he will get what he deserves at some point. The people of Japan will not let this slide once the birth deformities and cancers start to appear. Heads will roll by torches and pitchforks.

  4. Hello,

    vous oubliez la personne qui leur a dit aussi, d'aller se faire tous Hara-kiri !

    Mais ça fait bien longtemps que le sens de l'honneur a perdu la bataille face au pouvoir de l'argent ... Ces gens là sont incapables d'éprouver le moindre remors vis à vis des victimes de leurs actes, il n'y a que l'argent et le pouvoir qu'il leur confère qui est important !

    Merci à toutes les personnes qui ont eu le courage de crier ces vérités face à cette direction de comiques ...


    you forget the person who told them also going to make every Hara-kiri!

    But it's been a long time that the sense of honor has lost the battle against the power of money ... These people are incapable of feeling any remorse towards the victims of their actions, there is only money and power he gives them is important!

    Thank you to everyone who had the courage to shout these truths to face this direction of comedy ...

  5. Hope you don't mind my glomming onto your site....

    Censorship in Japan - The Fukushima Cover-up

    by Richard Wilcox


  6. @ Helios,

    ".. Los Alamos National Laboratory, the main nuclear weapons lab in the United States, has been shut down for a second day as a massive wildfire approaches the facility. The anti-nuclear watchdog group, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, says the fire now appears to be about 3.5 miles from a dump site at the lab where as many as 30,000 55-gallon drums of plutonium-contaminated waste are stored in fabric tents above ground."


  7. Yes, the weasel that is Shimizu was at the meeting. Why he has not yet jumped off a tall building and onto a parking lot pavement, is beyond me.

  8. Shimizu is not only a form of 'negative object', he by now probably feels he is a nominated negative object, amplified in his deleterious effect upon all he encounters.
