Sunday, July 24, 2011

2 Days After the Accident, Chinese Authorities Already Buried Derailed Bullet Train Cars

Chinese beat Japanese in burying the evidence. But then, at least they are not radioactive.

In case you are not aware, the Chinese version of "Shinkansen" (bullet train) collided on July 23, 4 train cars fell off the bridge and killed at least 43, injuring at least 192.

Either they were so quick in determining the cause or they didn't want to know the cause, the Chinese authorities have already buried the derailed train cars. They dug a huge hole (15 meters wide, 5 meters deep) and bury them, according to Yomiuri Shinbun (7/25/2011).

The local residents told Yomiuri that the front car was smashed into pieces and buried. The authorities have also been busy deleting any message on the Internet critical of the government's handling of the accident.


  1. This is simply beyond belief! You cannot fix an unknown problem and nobody believes the problem has been found and corrected in such a short time. Who will ride these trains now?

  2. How official Japan plans to "bury the evidence" about radiation:

    Japan about to censor Internet news on nuclear radiation

  3. Governments in Australia are awaiting the overdue shipping of new trains from China.

    For a start, it's insulting to the Australian workers that they were not used for the tender.

    But, now, with death and destruction (no disrespect to the casualties intended) the Chinese covering up the defects of a fatal collision are playing an evil game.

    They are similar to Tepco and the Japanese government; profit before and above people's lives.

    As it's my first post, I've always wanted to say a special thank you for your brilliant service to the international community in the face of disaster.

    You've gone way beyond the call of duty. You've been centred and never over-emotional about the issues - stunning. I wish I had that gift. Your detail and research has been, as far as I can see, meticulous. You are an A grade, numero uno blogger and journalist. Thank you.

  4. Yes the post above is right, this is a godsend of a blog and well researched... hats off to EXSKF ! keep up the good work

  5. areva, note this,

    "Japan about to censor Internet news on nuclear radiation" ?

    They better censor their own laws, then,

    "About the Beef Traceability System

    The Individual Cattle Identification Register records and unitarily manages all the individual information and the location of each head of cattle raised in Japan based on Article 3 of "the Law for Special measures Concerning the Management and Relay of Information for Individual Identification of Cattle" (Law No.72, in 2003. hereinafter "the Law") stipulated in order to make the foundation for implementing measures aimed at preventing the spread of bovine spongiform encephalopath (BSE) of which the first case in Japan was detected in 2001, and also promote the provision of information designed to identify individual cattle related to beef and thereby to advance the healthy growth of the livestock industry and related industries, as well as the interests of consumers."

    Japan passed this law in 2003 to track beef cattle.

  6. areva, note this,

    "Japan about to censor Internet news on nuclear radiation " ?

    They better censor their own laws, then,

    "About the Beef Traceability System

    The Individual Cattle Identification Register records and unitarily manages all the individual information and the location of each head of cattle raised in Japan based on Article 3 of "the Law for Special measures Concerning the Management and Relay of Information for Individual Identification of Cattle" (Law No.72, in 2003. hereinafter "the Law") stipulated in order to make the foundation for implementing measures aimed at preventing the spread of bovine spongiform encephalopath (BSE) of which the first case in Japan was detected in 2001, and also promote the provision of information designed to identify individual cattle related to beef and thereby to advance the healthy growth of the livestock industry and related industries, as well as the interests of consumers."

    Japan passed this law in 2003 to track beef cattle.

  7. Surely we're not posting comments, then taking them down?


  8. wow! frontal collison @ >100 km/h.
    pretty sure the eyeball would fly from their
    sockets .. what a mess .. better bury it quickly.

  9. "Surely we're not posting comments, then taking them down?"

    This has happened twice. Identical post removed twice.

  10. For anyone having their posts "removed" - Google automatic SPAM filter does a fine job of removing posts seemingly at random, even days after they are initially posted. I have no way of disable it, unless I go back to moderated comments only (meaning I have to approve every single comment).

  11. "For anyone having their posts "removed" "

    Hard not to call it removed when the page reloads after clicking on Post Comment, with the updated page containing the new comment.

    I am aware that Captcha has some controversy surrounding it, is Captcha a Google product/service?

  12. "Google automatic SPAM filter does a fine job of removing posts seemingly at random, even days after they are initially posted."

    Does Goog charge a special fee for that "dsys after" service?

  13. While it may seem suspicious for the Chinese to literally bury the evidence within a day of the accident, it is more plausible that the failure was obviously in the line, not the trains.
    Train lines are divided into sections and no train may enter the next section until it shows clear on the monitors. There are automatic brakes to stop any train running a red light.
    In this case, allegedly because of a lightning strike, the first train was stopped and there was no signal the line segment was occupied, hence the accident. That indicts the line, because both the power and the signaling failed without generating any alarms, red lights or even just error messages at the central control. That is a remarkably bad performance.
    It suggests the firing of three senior railway officials may be just an initial step. China has invested very heavily in its rail program. If it is as unsafe as this accident suggests, much more fallout should be expected.

  14. "While it may seem suspicious for the Chinese to literally bury the evidence .."

    No enterprising, impoverished Chinese are willing to dismantle and deliver those railcars to the scrapyard?

  15. areva,

    I see you de-spammed that comment on the beef tracer numbers.

  16. And the Captcha to post the above comment ?



  17. @anon at 7:05AM, was it in the spam? I don't remember de-spamming it. Google seems to put a message in and out of spam on its own, then. It's getting scary.

  18. areva,
    I'll play free with Goog's intentions and identity here.

    As a site that offers to trace beef cattle in Japan based on a law passed there in 2003, I don't see how the site could be 'automatically' selected as spam.

    there would appear, at the least, to be factions within Google, and the reason that's relevant here is the blogware package that I assume powers this site is either monitored by Google, or has some kind of reporting code that's activated by identified IP addresses as being essentially, yes, 'alarmist' even here in the U.S. It is an influence of the nuke industry money. GE is noted for its media outlet ownerships, and there's rumors Goog is a front org. for the NSA, a spy branch of the gov.

    So if an identified IP address has shown signs of finding out 'uncomfortable' info for those above-named orgs., they could start toying with the service.

    Captchas, blogware, spies .. all people with organisations sitting on their heads.
    And speaking of "agendas", some of these orgs. are purely dissipative in nature .. because they Serve corruption.

    That's why the Spam filter takes out things and puts them back.
    Toying in a dissipative way, they convince themselves they are breaking momentum. w/e

    "@anon at 7:05AM, was it in the spam?"

    I have no idea if it was in the spam, I have no access to spam filter contents.

  19. Captcha,
    when I post this comment, generate a real goofy, "recto-cranial inverted" captcha for us, as Denninger would say.

    "Google seems to put a message in and out of spam on its own, then."

    I just composed a detailed response to that question, and it disappeared into the ether.

    Your site's being toyed with.

  20. Looking at Google's so-called "help" on Blogger, I'm far from being alone... many frustrated, angry bloggers. So far the only solution seems to be moving to a 3rd party service for comments.

  21. "So far the only solution seems to be moving to a 3rd party service for comments."

    I would do that, it's rather blatant.

  22. .tnatalb rehtar s'ti ,taht od dluow I

  23. those high speed trains record data in black-boxes, just like airliners do, it has reportedly been found in the first day after the accident. The evidence is in the black box ,not in the passenger cars.
