Thursday, July 14, 2011

Contaminated Water Treatment System at #Fukushima Is Stopped Again

One post ago, I wrote "The on-again-off-again water treatment system is finally on again". Well that was premature. It's off again.

According to NHK Japanese (7/15/2011), after the contaminated water treatment system was restarted after 30 hours in the evening of July 14, TEPCO noticed that the system was operating at a much reduced rate (37 tonnes/hour) than the system was designed for (50 tonnes/hour). So the company stopped the system in the morning of July 15 and is investigating.

No information as to which part of the system is having a problem, Kurion or AREVA.

Well, either NHK or TEPCO is not telling the truth, because 37 tonnes per hour is 74% operating rate, and that has been about the rate of operation anyway for the system. So why would this alarm TEPCO?

1 comment:

  1. "One post ago, I wrote "The on-again-off-again water treatment system is finally on again". Well that was premature. It's off again."

    Affect a British pronunciation,
    "It's oaf again."
