Monday, July 4, 2011

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Reactor 3: Steel Sheets on the Reactor Building Floor to Shield Radiation

After "Warrior" the vacuum robot swept up "sand and dust" on the floor (whatever it was) which TEPCO said was causing the high radiation in the area (right below the Spent Fuel Pool) and the radiation level didn't go down, TEPCO is laying down the steel sheets on the floor to help shield the radiation.

So the very high radiation is from the floor, and it measures over 100 millisieverts/hour 1 meter above the floor.

In June when the workers entered the Reactor 3's reactor building for the first time since the March 11 start of the accident at the plant, they were seen swiping the floor and collecting samples (see the video). The result of the sample analysis has never been disclosed.

TEPCO's press handout on July 4:


  1. ".. it measures over 100 millisieverts/hour 1 meter above the floor."

    1 meter above the floor.

    "The result of the sample analysis has never been disclosed."

    This is where TEPCO really plays out its hand. Those samples would be definitive, and they withhold them.

  2. Thank you for providing all this information! Don't stop! It's great job!

  3. What's going on with this Unit 1 radiation graph?

    Unit 1

    It reads "Defective meter", but the other units say the same thing.

  4. They all say that. It is likely untrue. This has been discussed in some depth on energy news.

    The nutshell version is that the instruments are [likely] analogue not digital therefore relatively immune to radiation. Other factors can be deduced [heuristically] from the graphs, for example in some cases a long term trend line and in others a periodic pattern.

    Arguments, particularly those catering to comfort and complacency, based on the broken instrument paradigm are not difficult to refute given the shape of the graphs.

    Hope this helps. As above, fuller discussion on another site.

  5. So the huge oscillations (~50-250 sieverts/hour) are probably not artifacts. What's happening in there? Periodic recriticality events, or is the corium crust cracking periodically?

  6. ".. or is the corium crust cracking periodically?"

    Not as unlikely as it may seem at first glance. Remember when the cores were melting down, temperatures achieved were in the 5,000 degree range, tremendously hot.

    As one great blob whereever, it may extrude fingers of molten uranium as it decides to. May even do that 'regularly'.

  7. From my view i would say the meters are all pegged and fail. 230-280 is all. I would surmise they are in fact defective. The recovery period to full reading is a telltale. I would bet the instruments for public consumption are for a low range reading of less than 300. What if the actual readings are double or even treble those readings. A meter that only reads up to 280 is much more palatable than one that reads to 2000 and shows without doubt the levels of radioactivity currently. The "Defective meter" tags are an ass cover for the after show.

  8. "What if the actual readings are double or even treble those readings."

    It's the only thing that makes sense. Basements are flooded, corium is most likely in basement, radiation levels that high a floor above, high temps., withholding info of key importance. At this stage still withholding info says everything.
