Friday, July 1, 2011

Japan's Electric Companies Defend Nuke Plants, Diss Opponents as "Spreading Baseless Rumors", and Say Their Loss Is National Loss

First off, the 73-year-old chairman of Kyushu Electric, whose Genkai Nuclear Power Plant may re-start as soon as sometime this month. (If this particular nuke plant goes, the entire Japanese archipelago, except for Hokkaido and Okinawa and several far-flung islands in the Pacific, will be "downwind" from this plant.)

Shingo Matsuo (pictured right), chairman of Kyushu Electric Power Company who operates Genkai Nuclear Power Plant, told Asahi Shinbun that the anti-nuclear movement since the Fukushima accident is hurting his business and therefore it is hurting the nation. He calls it "emotional" reaction, the same sort of "baseless rumor" (i.e. radiation, remember?) that is hurting farmers and fishermen in the affected region.

From Asahi Shinbun (7/1/2011):

九州電力の松尾新吾会長は30日、朝日新聞の取材に対し、東京電力福島第一原子力発電所の事故をきっかけに定期検査中の原発の運転再開が遅れている ことについて「車検の済んだ車に乗るなというようなもの。エモーショナル(感情的)な側面がもたらした一種の風評被害」と述べた。

Commenting on the delay in re-starting the nuclear power plants that have been in regular maintenance due to the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, Shingo Matsuo, chairman of Kyushu Electric Power Company, told Asahi Shinbun on June 30 that "it is the same as telling someone not to drive a car that has passed inspection. We're suffering a kind of "baseless rumor", brought about by the emotional reaction."


Chairman Matsuo pointed out that the stable supply of electricity from Kyushu is indispensable for the recovery from the March 11 earthquake/tsunami, emphasizing the importance of re-starting the Reactors 2 and 3 at Genkai Nuclear Power Plant (in Genkai-cho, Saga Prefecture [in Kyushu]).


Due to the delay, the fuel cost at Kyushu Electric is increasing by 600 million yen (7.42 million) a day. According to Chairman Matsuo, "We're wasting the fuel cost, and that's negative on the national scale."

The governor of Saga Prefecture, Yasushi Furukawa, is willing to approve the re-start of the aging plant, and Genkai-cho (where the plant is located) has already voted strongly in favor of the re-start. The governor's father worked for Kyushu Electric, and was the general manager at the Genkai PR Center.

Genkai's Reactor 3 uses MOX-fuel. Last December, the reactor went into maintenance earlier than scheduled when the radioactive iodine 4 times the normal level was found in the cooling water for the RPV.

Then, there's this managing director at Kansai Electric Power Company who said their reactors "will never break, even if they are hit by the Taepodong missiles from North Korea." It was his answer to a shareholder's question about the safety of the nuclear power plants that Kansai Electric operates, during the annual shareholders' meeting on June 29.

From Sports Hochi (6/30/2011):

「北朝鮮が原発に対してテポドンを撃ってきたらどうしますか。その対策を教えて下さい」―男性株主の質問に、原発事業の担当役員である豊松秀己常務取締役 (57)が答弁に立った。「テロ対策は、侵入があれば治安機関に通報する。大規模テロには対策本部を設置し、テポドンの場合は国民保護対策本部を作って国 と対応する」その上で「仮に着弾があっても、堅固な立派な格納容器と思っている」と言い放った。関電の原子炉11基は日本海に面する福井県内にあるが、弾 道ミサイルの標的になっても「大丈夫」との強弁だった。

"What if North Korea attacks your nuclear power plants with their Taepodong missiles? What is your countermeasure?" asked a male shareholder. Managing Director Hideki Toyomatsu, who is in charge of nuclear power generation business, stood up to answer. "For an act of terrorism, if there's an invasion we will inform the authorities. For a big-scale act of terrorism, we will set up the headquarters to deal with the terrorism. If it's a Taepodong missile attack, we will form the headquarters with the national government to protect the citizens." He added, "Even if the plant is hit by the missile, our solid and well-built Containment Vessel will withstand the hit." Kansai Electric has 11 reactors in Fukui Prefecture facing the Japan Sea. Toyomatsu confidently said "Not a problem" even if one of them becomes the target of a ballistic missile.

 根拠は不明だが、自信満々の“安全保障宣言”。原子力発電に長年警告を発してきた京大原子炉実験所の小出裕章助教(61)は、この発言を大いに疑問視。 「仮に格納容器が壊れなくても、配管1本が壊れるだけで炉心溶融(メルトダウン)が起こりえる。格納容器が大丈夫だからというのは、もともと成り立たない バカげた返答」と、関電の見解を一蹴した。

We don't know the basis for this confident "declaration of safety and security". Hiroaki Koide of Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute, who has been sounding alarm against nuclear power generation for a long time, dismisses this remark as nonsense. "Even if the Containment Vessel itself is intact, a meltdown can happen if one pipe is broken. To say that Containment Vessel withstands a missile attack is just an impossible, nonsensical answer."

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry have been strongly pushing for the re-start of all nuclear reactors that have been stopped. Minister Kaieda, who made a ton of money selling books on how to invest in high-risk high-return assets toward the end of Japan's asset bubble, has been visiting the municipalities with nuclear power plants to persuade the municipal governments to allow the re-start. And now the electric companies are saying silly things like these in their effort to ridicule the anti-nuke sentiment as unscientific and unreasonable.

To further teach the citizens of Japan the lesson, the Japanese national government simply ordered 15% electricity cut (link in Japanese) for large factories and offices starting July 1, in the areas supplied by Tokyo Electric and Tohoku Electric, with a fine for the offenders. Kansai Electric has decided to join this wonderful effort to cut electricity consumption.

Never mind that there is more electricity supply than demand anyway, and never mind that more than half the thermal power generation (LNG, coal) are kept off-line.

It is almost as if the government and these large electric power companies would rather see people die from heat exhaustion trying to save electricity, as long as they can teach them the lesson - nuclear power is good, it is necessary, and it is safe. Anyone who says otherwise is unreasonable, unscientific and hysterical.

They did that after the Bikini Atoll. They did that after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They got away with it every time. We'll find out if this time is different.


  1. Sorry...After watching Fukushima, I have a hard time believing your containment is going to withstand missiles.

  2. Wrong way round: His business is hurting the people in Fukushima and is therefore hurting the nation.

  3. By the way, do you have a neat way of knowing how many thermal power stations in Japan are on/offline??? Is there a website that shows the status of thermal stations???

  4. the voice in your headJuly 2, 2011 at 5:25 AM

    Can withstand a Korean missle? This stupid idiot is lying through his dentures. The old nuke plants were built pre-9/11 and aren't even able to withstand a passenger plane hit let alone a missle.

    Anyway, why should Korea waste a perfectly good missle to lay waste to an antiquated reactor when it has been shown that simple loss of power can do the trick.

  5. @ Matt,

    "After watching Fukushima, I have a hard time believing your containment is going to withstand missiles."

    It's not withstanding scrutiny, as they knew it wouldn't.

    Empty shells of men, telling us how things are going to be.

  6. The Self Defense force should round up the Cabinet of the government and all the executives of the Electric companies and lock them up. Then they should plead for international help get Fukushima under control. TEPCO is hiding behind the radiation shield of Fukushima, safe in the knowledge that nobody will willingly go into the power plant to see how badly they're screwing up. I have been in direct touch with the foreign office of my country... keeping them informed of the finer points. They are close to considering the government of Japan as a direct threat.

    SDF, your government led you down the wrong path during WWII and it cost two cities, they are doing the same thing to you now. Already it has cost Japan 1,000 square kilometers that will never be habitable again. Irradiated birds and animals will move and fly from this 'dead zone' and die in your woods and parks and yards where the radiation from their bodies will pollute you soil... unseen. Fish will carry radiation to all the shores of Japan. When they die, the radiation will sink to the sea floor to be eaten again to spread anew through the food chain. Soon you may have a country that is no longer worth feeling pride over... one way or another.

    If someone inside Japan doesn't take action soon to gain control of the situation at Fukushima them someone outside will have to do it for you.

    You have been warned.

  7. I've heard that 'can withstand' a direct hit line before. Lemme see, the World Trade Center in New York was designed to withstand a 707 impact at take off or landing speeds. Too bad it was 757's travelling at cruise speeds that hit the towers. Then there were the levees in New Orleans which were built to withstand a Category 3 hurricane but didn't.

    The real problem maybe far less explosive. Iranian nuclear facilities were said to be damaged not by multi ton warheads atop supersonic missiles but the Stuxnet computer virus. A missile attack from North Korea on Japan is possible but it is also quite traceable and it would the last act the leader of that nation would ever order. How much more likely is it that the North Korean government could surreptitiously infect a Japanese, ROK or American nuclear power plant with computer software that would send the plant out of control? We know there have been 'fake' workers
    employed at Fukushima Daichi. TEPCO admits they have no idea who some of the people who worked there really are? Even if you 'know' who your employees are that does not mean they could not be compromised. Whose to say North Korean agents
    are not holding a man's family hostage or that he hasn't joined some cult like the one that put
    the sarin gas on the Tokyo subway? I think the risk of internal sabotage is greater than we have previously imagined.

  8. @ Anon 8:17,

    there is possibly a "cult" in action, and what characteristics?

    Let's see, Bush reigned over 'the hijacking', and I can assure you, many Americans believe what he hijacked was American govt., civil liberties, values ...
    The 'American Way of Life' WAS compromised, which is what they were telling you they were going to do.

    Govt.-sponsored terrorism was all the thing before he came into office, and what does that have to do with Japan?

    Allowing radiation to spread over the countryside and doing nothing about it, lying about it, even, is terrorism. And a govt. is doing it. Several govts. are.

    EPA upping 'safe' radiation exposure limits, lots of Bush-appointees now in that agency.

    Connect the dots at your leisure, but the contortions required to deny convergence are visible.

    profits at any cost, their profits, is the "cult"

  9. these jerks are more stupid than i thought. they act like monkeys. they are greedy bastards having been taught by the other greedy bastards in the world.
    they deserve to fry on a plutonium plate. burn baby burn next earthquake should do it.

  10. If I got the numbers right about Energy suply inside Japan correctly, you can shutt down all of the plants tomorrow.
    Do it.

    Now is the time to do the right thing, and besides that, how mutch more evidence do you need.
    Nuklear is to dangerous to deal with and the residue is not a lesser risk.

    Is it worth it.

  11. the voice in your headJuly 2, 2011 at 2:37 PM

    Misspelled "missile". See, my mind is already eroding due to nuke industry bullshit exposure.

  12. Areva,
    Do you have articles/evidence to show that there are more electricity supply than demand in Japan? Also, the same goes for LNG / diesel being underutilized. This is the first time I've ever heard such claims.

  13. @anon @4:36PM, until I get the links (there are many) for you, here's "Genpachi and Tama" explaining it for you.

  14. Areva, thx, the videos by uncle genpachi was useful. So this nuclear power in japan is just a ploy to make money. May God save us all. Any other info you have on this is appreciated.

  15. They are trying to Hold on to Nuke Power by the Skin of there Teeth we don`t Want Nuke Power any more we want Solar Glass,Solar Towers,Zero point Energy,Hydrogen Turbines(Water Engine),Air Power these are just a few of the options available instead of nuclear Power anyone who is For Nuke power should be injected with there own Medicine Nuke power stations Have to GO they are a Threat to the Whole planet and Humanity and if we don`t Stand up Now for all that is Good this Deconstruction of our Environment and Us will Continue,ive never voted for Nuke Power this has been Forced on Us all the Animals and Life on Earth has been effected by the Pollution these Corporates should be sent to Prison right now for even suggesting we continue down the road of Destruction !!!
