Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to Seek Recognition of Japanese Cuisine as World Intangible Cultural Heritage

No, it's not a joke.

From Mainichi Shinbun English, citing Kyodo News (7/6/2011):

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- A government-appointed panel held its first meeting Tuesday to consider a proposal to seek UNESCO registration for Japanese food culture as an intangible cultural heritage with a view to promoting food exports and Japan's tourism industry.

Many of those present at the meeting were positive about the idea, saying Japanese food is valued around the world because it is healthy and also because of the esthetics of the way a dish is presented, the farm ministry said.

The panel, assembled by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, will submit its report by October with an eye toward winning registration from the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization by November 2013.

The ministry hopes the initiative will help restore trust in the safety of Japanese food now that some 40 countries have toughened regulations on food imports from Japan following the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

So far, French, Mexican and Mediterranean foods have been designated by UNESCO, and Korean imperial cuisine is expected to be added to the lists in November.

Mainichi Japanese (7/5/2011) has a bit more detail. The government panel consists of food industry big shots including the honorary chairman of Kikkoman and the head of a famous cooking school.

If the Japanese government wants to "restore trust in the safety of Japanese food", the best thing it could do is to stop the radioactive material leak from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, and embark on decontaminating the entire Tohoku and Kanto at whatever cost.

The Japanese government always wanted to create "inflation". Here's their chance. Just print money and spend to carry out the necessary work of restoring trust.

Instead, they operate on the cheap, calling radioactivity as "rumor" and pushing, of all things, Japanese food as a World Heritage, as if being recognized as such would somehow decontaminate the food in Japan.

Or they may be promoting a unique blend of 2,000-year Japanese cultural tradition and radioactive cesium and strontium, with a dash of plutonium and cobalt-60. Just like that nutty Fukushima doctor says, "Food with a bit of radiation will fetch premium!"


  1. I have spent half my life in Japan and am a big lover of Japanese cuisine. It is my favorite food to eat. But now, as a result of Fukushima and also the lies by the government and food companies I will NEVER buy or eat Japanese food ever again. I do not care about about the effect to the Japanese economy or farmers. Health is more important than $$.

    In my eyes, Japanese cuisine is dead. The Japanese government should have thought about this consequence beforehand and also what effect their lies about radioactive contamination would have. I have ZERO trust in the Japanese government or any food companies.

    I left my over 15 years of life and my career in Japan 3 months ago because of this horror. It is a disgusting thing that this has happened because of TEPCO's greed and carelessness. Even more disgusting is that they are all trying to conceal the truth and the risks to save their precious economy.

    The damage has been done. Do not lie to the people. Evacuate your innocent people near the affected areas. What you are doing is criminal and inhuman. You should all jump off a cliff you disgusting subhuman monsters.

  2. I think they'll go for the blend: Japanese cuisine, glowing in the dark, giving you the gamma-vibe

    BTW, they're just doing what was popular in the early 1900s. Give a look at these ads:

    or these products:

  3. I'm trembling with anger, almost literally. I've sent them an email to demand such a stupid project be terminated immediately and that they instead do what they're supposed to be doing now.

    We're living day by day worrying about the radiation included in what's in our mouths and worrying about the children's internal irradiation through foods. Why aren't they? Why do they stop being human beings after they become politicians or bureaucrats?

    Anyway, many of my friends say they will make a protest. We've done so many times since March 11, something we hadn't done before. I'll really want to make them see that some of us are not the naivest and whitest sheeple as we used to be. We're turning to black sheeple for them.

  4. Only the Japanese could come up with something so retarded to counter the slowing sales of their health taking radiation contaminated foods.

    I am tempted to make a crack about radiation starting to indeed affect Japanese people's brains but had been a Japanophile(NOT ANYMORE) long enough to know this type of retarded shit reasoning is quite normal.

  5. "Intangible" is exactly right. Who would want to touch sushi wrapped in radioactive seaweed?

  6. "Just like that nutty Fukushima doctor says, "Food with a bit of radiation will fetch premium!" "

    Heh, what the hell, if your turning the sense of a lifetime on its head, you may as well go full bore!

    "I am tempted to make a crack about radiation starting to indeed affect Japanese people's brains but had been a Japanophile(NOT ANYMORE) long enough to know this type of retarded shit reasoning is quite normal."

    The code of silence in the international nuke industry and in those who need plutonium is that type of retarded shit, also. Suppression of information enabled by intl. collaborators after the TEPCO Inaction Dirty Bomb Fukushima is evidence of "retarded shit". Period.

  7. Once again we are witness to the full-scope of human pathology,and depravity,it seems to know no bounds.Let us pray for mother nature to put us all out of our misery,the sooner the better!

  8. Japan you crapped in your bed now sleep in it and do not make other nations eat it.

  9. "Let us pray for mother nature to put us all out of our misery,the sooner the better!"


    Not quite. That would be the pathology you spoke of.

  10. Oh come on. This has to be a joke.

  11. @anon at 7:39PM, go see for yourself. The Ministry does not have the English page for this particular endeavor:

    You can even leave your idea on how to approach the project:

  12. Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to Seek Recognition of Japanese Cuisine as World Intangible Cultural Heritage

    This inaction, to not protest while the disaster was forming and to later come up with these ^^ retarded-sense initiatives suggests some group's silence is what they feel is appropriate, as in, they bear grudges - they've been 'underpaid' too long, it's 'what they wanted', 'they' need plutonium.

    The ones that 'need' plutonium are awfully silent, worldwide.

    I trust you can wend your way through those semi-quotation marks above.

    In the end, plutonium is not needed. John Gofman's dissertation thesis,
    U-233 is in many respects a better fissioning candidate = no need for plutonium.

    Addicted .. to plutonium?

    Pu-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years, 10 half-lives to be 'safe' = 240,000 years. Know of any extant civilisations that old??

    Addicted to secrecy .. to murdering children ?

    Something monstrous was born out of world war 2, and the silence enables it.

    Adolescents in charge of the place.

  13. Ah, Ramen noodles.

  14. Has the Bush Nazi-CIA been controlling the Japan vote (like they do in the U.S. because too many Americans mewl and prance instead of being real and remembering what kicking a bully's ass is about. Yes people, MEWL AND PRANCE!)? It sure would explain why Japan consistently creates and markets the best consumer goods on earth,cars, cameras, computers, you name it. But goes bat-shit crazy here at Fukushima. Remember George H.W. Bush losing a quart of lunch and breakfast all over the Japanese Prime Minister? Bushiro? Bush represents an extremely vicious bigotted crowd.
    Most Americans can sleep with the pigs without a second thought. I want to know about Japanese voting fraud and who did what.
