Sunday, July 17, 2011

PM Kan: "Step 2 Will Be Brought Forward So That You Can Go Home"

"Extend and Pretend" continues in Japan, getting beyond delusional particularly in light of more evidence of widespread radiation contamination.

Prime Minister Kan, who survived the vote of no confidence and is determined more than ever to stay on (or dissolve the lower house and hold a general election with "beyond nuke" message, as some analysts have suggested, to appeal to the Japanese who are increasingly anti-nuke), now promises the 12 heads of the municipalities around Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant that completion of the "step 2" of the so-called "roadmap" will be expedited so that their people can go home.

What is the "step 2"? It is to bring the reactors to a "cold shutdown".

Don't laugh. And don't ask how they can bring three broken reactors which may not even have the fuel (or corium) inside to a "cold shutdown". Technically, a "cold shutdown" assumes a sound RPV and containment, not a RPV with a hole or two, Containment Vessel with a hole or two, and the reactor building top blown to smithereens. They will probably have to change the very definition of "cold shutdown" to claim they will have achieved the "cold shutdown".

Let's see, according to TEPCO, the Reactor Pressure Vessel's temperature for Reactor 1 is 102 degrees Celsius at the bottom of the RPV, the temperature for Reactor 2's RPV at the same place is 127 degrees Celsius. Reactor 3's RPV is hotter at 141 degrees Celsius at the water feeder. But just wait another 3, 4 months or so till the corium completely falls out of the RPVs and hopefully out of the Containment Vessel and deep into the concrete or substrate, so that the RPV's temperature drops down below 100. Call that a cold shutdown, and they're all set.

Yomiuri Shinbun (7/17/2011) reports:


Prime Minister Kan attended a meeting on July 16 at a hotel in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture to exchange opinions with the heads of the 12 municipalities surrounding Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant.

首相は、原発事故の収束までの道筋を示した「工程表」に関し、来年1月中旬までに原子炉を冷温停止状態とする「ステップ2」を前倒しで実現する考えを示した。 出席者によると、同席した細野原発相が、17日が期限の「ステップ1」を「ほぼ達成できた」と報告し、首相は「多くの皆さんが故郷に帰れるように『ステップ2』を前倒しさせたい」と語った。

Regarding the "roadmap" to winding down the plant accident, the prime minister expressed his hope that the "step 2" will be achieved ahead of schedule. The "step 2" is to bring the reactors to a "cold shutdown" by the middle of January next year. According to the participants in the meeting, Minister in charge of the nuke accident Hosono reported that the "step 1", whose deadline was July 17, had been almost all successfully completed. The prime minister said "we want to achieve the "step 2" ahead of schedule so that many of you can go back to your homes."


Some expressed a huge disappointment at the prime ministers explanation in the cabinet meeting and in the Diet that his "beyond-nuke" stance was only his personal opinion. In response, the prime minister said his administration's unified view on the issue would be decided soon.


  1. They are either delusional or criminals. I think it's a little of both.

  2. Seriously, this Kan has got to go... Problem is, we cannot expect the next guy to be any better... Oh woe is us!

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  4. err ... what was "step 1" ? Lie unconditionally to its people and insulting people's intellect ? If so, "step 1" is definitively completed.

    "step 2" ...? oh boy ...very scary !

  5. "... what was "step 1" ? Lie unconditionally to its people and insulting people's intellect ?"

    Yes, and confuse future researchers in gathering proof of contamination effects. And notably, employ "netudiant" in assuring us "This is nonsense. Nobody is about to get sick soon."

    " "step 2" ...? "

    We will find "netudiant" appointed as Field Marshall of Fukushima Prefecture.

    "oh boy ...very scary !"


  6. S.O.S From Fukushima: Silence is Deadly in Japan

  7. "We will find "netudiant" appointed as Field Marshall of Fukushima Prefecture."

    Yes, him and a few other particular dudes at the nuclear engineering forum that seem to be specially endowed with a choice intellect that can discern fact from fiction with nihonto-sharp truthfullness, unlike the rest of us stoopid plebs.

  8. "Yes, him and a few other particular dudes at the nuclear engineering forum ..."

    There's a thread there with 10,000 pages and over a million hits immortalizing calculations done with TEPCO data releases. Somewhere three quarters into it someone suddenly realizes that everything coming out TEPCO is a lie. Took them long enough, the geniuses! Fucking laughable.

  9. So it is clear as day. For the smart Japan is 100% useless. For the sheep all is good. The smart are leaving the Island. The stupid are Hanging on Every utterance from the TEPCO Bobble heads.

    I now know this was SUPPOSED to have happened.

    Any person talking like a land can recover from a serious scattering of PLUTONIUM in a few months is CERTAINLY intrested in knowingly exposing anyone stupid enough to return to the contamination just for the death rate spreadsheet of the area.

    God is watching. Nature is PISSED.

  10. Ignorance used to be bliss ... now Ignorance kills ! This is so surreal!

  11. "Anon 2:58 said...

    There's a thread there with 10,000 pages and over a million hits immortalizing calculations done with TEPCO data releases."

    That thread is a huge joke. You can plainly see how the minds of engineers work. And how they are oblivious to anything except the calculations at hand. No wonder it's so easy for companies like TEPCO to get away with murder. Just employ a bunch of human calculators with no connecting the dots ability.

  12. actually, once the NUKEs go under ground the returning in 20km have just as good a chance of survival as any1 on 本州,

  13. tepco ,,, go jump in to the reactor, take a nice bath,, enjoy the super glowing spa and die..... you ruin Japan...

  14. "We will find "netudiant" appointed as Field Marshall of Fukushima Prefecture."

    "Yes, him and a few other particular dudes at the nuclear engineering forum that seem to be specially endowed with a choice intellect that can discern fact from fiction with nihonto-sharp truthfullness, unlike the rest of us stoopid plebs."

    Fact from fiction?, choice intellect?, witness this offering, "This is nonsense. Nobody is about to get sick soon."

    "seem to be specially endowed", yes, perhaps that's it, include both possibilities ambiguously in choice of wording.

    "That thread is a huge joke. You can plainly see how the minds of engineers work. And how they are oblivious to anything except the calculations at hand."

    Could even be said to "blinkered" engineers, see "netudiant"-unit once again,
    "The main impact of this little debacle is that it illustrates the blinkered perspective of the bureaucracy and the cunning of the farmers."

    It couldn't be the engineers are blinkered, or the "cunning" of the shills, could it?

  15. Nuke engineering is a dying profession and I suspect the dudes over at the nuke engineering forum are suffering terribly. I feel for them. NOT! It's hard to understand how, even with the rapidly growing mountain of evidence pointing to nuke industry lies, obfuscation, coverups, omissions, shilling, fudged numbers, negligent upkeep, money grubbing, collusion, media blackout,..etc.(did I miss anything?),the admins, moderators and most posters there think all this is "speculation" and "conspiracy theory". It's almost like a mini Japan where if you bring up the obvious you will be mocked and branded as an alarmist. If a coverup can't be computed with numbers then an engineer will tell you there is no evidence of one. If that isn't some major dumbass then I don't know what is.
