Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Post-Nuke Reconstruction Plan for Fukushima Prefecture: World-Class Radiation Medicine, Radiation Contamination Removal, Renewable Energy

When the governor of Fukushima started to say "post-nuke", I thought "OK, he must have found a new way to benefit from the close ties with the national government, other than nuke, or in addition to nuke."

According to Yomiuri Shinbun, the latest and final version of the Kan administration's plan for recovery and reconstruction after the March 11 earthquake/tsunami for Fukushima Prefecture will include a host of government research institutions going to Fukushima, with the related industries - heavy electric, utilities, pharmaceutical, etc. - tagging along.

Dr. Shunichi "100 millisieverts are no problem" Yamashita is already in Fukushima, salivating at the unique, world-first opportunity to study the long-term effect of radiation on children. Also, Fukushima University and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, of Monju fame, have signed an agreement to cooperate in research and development of the world-class decontamination technology, among others. (Links are in Japanese.)

That the government research institutions rushing to Fukushima makes me wonder if the whole plan is one gigantic experiment using the land, water, air, people, animals, crops, forests and mountains in Fukushima to develop world-class technologies in radiation medicine and decontamination, and renewable energy that the government and the industries can later capitalize on.

Yomiuri Shinbun (3:03AM JST 7/27/2011)


The final version of the recovery and reconstruction plan that the government was to submit by the end of this month was revealed on July 26.

原 発被害に苦しむ福島県に、医療や再生可能エネルギーにかかわる研究開発の拠点を整備し、政府系研究機関の関連部門の進出を進めることで復興を後押しする考 えを打ち出した。住宅の再建が難しい被災者には、低家賃の「災害公営住宅」を提供することも盛り込んだ。政府は29日にも復興対策本部を開き、方針を正式 決定する。

The plan will include the research and development centers for health care and renewable energy in Fukushima Prefecture, which suffers damages from the nuclear plant accident. The government will support the recovery by sending the government research institutions to Fukushima. For residents who cannot rebuild their homes easily, the government will provide the "disaster public housing". The government will set up the headquarters for recovery and reconstruction on July 29, and formally decide on the plan.

 最終案では、原子力災害の復旧・復興について「国が責任を持って対応する」と明記。放射性物質に汚染された土壌の除染や災害 廃棄物の最終処分については、「必要な措置を講じる」とした。また、福島県に「世界をリードする医薬品・医療機器の研究開発拠点」や「再生可能エネルギー の世界最先端の研究拠点」を整備し、関連産業の集積を目指す考えを示した。自宅を失った被災者には「災害公営住宅」を提供し、希望する入居者には将来的に 売却する構想も盛り込んだ。

In the final version of the plan, it is clearly stated that "the national government will be responsible" in recovery and reconstruction from a nuclear disaster. As to the decontamination of the soil and the disposal of disaster debris, the plan says [the government] will "take necessary measures". It also mentions the creation of facilities for the "world-class pharmaceutical and medical equipment research and development" and the "world-class renewable energy research" in Fukushima Prefecture, which are to attract the related industries. For the residents who have lost their homes, the government will provide the "disaster public housing", which will be sold later to those who want to purchase the homes under the scheme.

So here's one answer to the question posed by a resident in the youtube video below that captured the confrontation between the Fukushima residents and the national government officials over evacuation:

"People in Fukushima have a right to avoid the radiation and live a healthy life, too. Don't you think so?"

Well, the government needs them inside Fukushima for all these grand projects. Besides, the government doesn't care about that right for anyone outside Fukushima either.

(h/t for the video, @FukushimaAppeal,)


  1. Please watch the first part of the video, too.

  2. Just a reminder that protecting the country does not mean protecting the people who live there, but the state. The people are there to serve the state.

  3. you have to wonder if the eventual healthcare costs will exceed the boon that these new disaster-industries will create. . .

  4. no! its not the healthcare costs, its the funeral costs.....

  5. "renewable energy"

    Here's what the Japanese need, do this before they destroy your beautiful country,

    Experimental wind-farm produces tenfold power increase

    Bold New Approach to Wind 'Farm' Design May Provide Efficiency Gains
