Saturday, July 23, 2011

#Radiation in Fukushima City Order of Magnitude Higher Than Official Numbers?

From someone in Japan posting a short post at this website of a TV program he just saw on July 24 morning (their time):


On TBS Television "Sunday Morning News". Radiation survey by Doshisha University and Kyoto Seika University of Fukushima City [in Fukushima Prefecture].

U-drain at an elementary school 56.9 microsieverts/hour; Fukushima Prefectural Government building 20.8 microsieverts/hour, Fukushima Railroad Station 2.4 to 22.4 microsieverts/hour. "Hot spot" everywhere. The Doshisha researcher was surprised to see these numbers. Do Fukushima City residents know about this?

I couldn't find the official radiation number for the Fukushima Prefectural Government building. The radiation at the Fukushima City Hall, about 1 kilometer away, is 0.95 microsievert/hour as of July 23, according to Fukushima Prefecture.


  1. "The Doshisha researcher was surprised to see these numbers."


  2. It is frankly incomprehensible that there is so little real information about the actual contamination levels prevalent in Japan.
    In a nation of 120 million well educated people. there must be at least several tens of thousands with good geiger counters who can test and verify the truth or falsity of the government measurements. Yet even the sites that provide such measures somehow have no data for the most relevant areas. (See
    Is there a sense of powerlessness or is there active effort to censor or discourage people from trying to see for themselves?

  3. Certainly not off the wall.

  4. 120 million well educated people..i don't think so.. living in denial and cognitive dissonance is not being well educated.... oh and yes both powerlessness and censorship prevails here in Japan on this radiation issue.

  5. "Yet even the sites that provide such measures somehow have no data for the most relevant areas."

    Operational fatalism, resulting from fending off outrageous accusations of 'alarmism' and finding radioactivity EVERYWHERE they look for it has smoothed out prioritisation of measurement sites?
    Unique to Japan at this time.

  6. I live in central Tokyo and have been measuring the air etc., for some time. My dosimeter which is good quality usually reads about .08 up to .11 microsieverts per hour. This is about double the number/level that is printed in the Japan Times and other papers as the official government radiation level for Tokyo. I measured the soil awhile back and it was about .2 which indicates a certain saturation of radioactivity, but the school grounds are not tested, and no one is demanding they are.

    The lying is prevalent and very few people here actually care. It is amazing to behold.

    OK, I gotta get back to the baseball game...


  8. When the citizens of Japan get to know -if they ever do- the real truth about the Fukushima high levels of radiation, they should pack up their bags and get the hell out of there as soon as possible. Radiation in the enviroment, water, beef, milk, sewer, construction materials etc. How far are they planning to go? No government in its right mind would ever do what the Japanese authorities have done to their own people (And to the nations of the world by allowing radiation to spread all over). Shame on them!

  9. The Fukushima earthquake was caused deliberately using HAARP - an electro-magnetic resonant frequency weapon at 2.5 hz bounced off the ionosphere for several days. So called 'climate change' is in fact covert environmental warfare. Former Japanese Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka complained in 2007 of a threat to use an earthquake weapon. The weapon was in fact used at Niigata to cause an earthquake under the nuclear power station. The World Government is using environmental warfare to break the power of the major nation states, such as Japan, China, Russia and also the United States. This is in line with a statement made by Henry Kissinger early last year about forthcoming 'chaos'. The United States is wholly controlled by the World Government, so much that it even has a fake 'president' who was not born in the United States. HAARP is currently being used to attack Fort Calhoun nuclear power station and Los Alamos lab where brush fires are approaching the nuclear waste dumps. Kissinger would put it this way: "The United States doesn't exist, but the people haven't been told." Or to put it another way, America is attacking itself, while also attacking many other countries on behalf of the World Government.

  10. Gordon, No one is more suspicious of government activities than I am, I do not believe the official JFK; 911; 7/7; Oklahoma City; Oslo bombings assassinations etc. But the problem with your theory was that Japan was AN ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN. Even if it was sabotage (like Katrina) it could have been prevented. Also, I do believe that the USG and others are involved in geoengineering (see the excellent film, What In The World Are They Spraying), in other words, chemtrails, and HAARP may well be involved in weather or geological "engineering" (sabotage). However the theory that some sort of sabotage was used in the case of Fukushima does not seem proven to me. I saw the Jim Stone webpage and it just seemed like a lot of mumbled jumbled nonsense. Alex Jones touted that angle but I do not trust Alex Jones as far as I can throw him in the Rio Grande. Some stuff on the internet, graphics showing readings and vibrations claim to prove HAARP was used. Perhaps, but since no one can understand what those charts mean it is ridiculous to believe it. I think the Japanese themselves are plenty able to sabotage themselves as they have shown in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster.

  11. Official Japan's response to the truth:

    Japan about to censor Internet news on nuclear radiation

  12. I am looking for the radiation survey map with the data obtained at the endof june / beginning of july.
    The map was presented by NHK World on July 21st. The map shows elevated radiation levels in Kurihara and Iwaki, tha tghad no been shown before.
    I cannot find the map on the internet. Any help welcome.

  13. Could somebody from Japan please explain to the parents in Fukushima city that the way they are cleaning up the roads and greens it not making things better but worse.
    Cleaning up contaminated areas without proper equipement and clothing and a proper decontamination after work will lead to the following very dangerous situation:
    During clean-up, these people will get become contaminated and without decontamination they will carry radioactivities into there homes, which have been clean before and will be contaminated afterwards. there will be more radioactivity in their homes than tere was before.
    Decontamination is a job for trained personnel only.

  14. "The Fukushima earthquake was caused deliberately using HAARP "

    I find it to be hopelessly amusing that anyone could think heating of the ionosphere could induce earthquakes releasing the quantity of energy on 3/11/11. The sheer weight of water, the thrusting of untold tons of crust by pumping the ionosphere?
    Bang away at someone else's skullsocket, lol.

  15. RE: Anonymous' comment at 4:18 --
    On what are they spraying -

    Experiments with strontium and barium vapour releases

    I came across this item looking at

    Can't these mad scientists be put on an island with a fake university? All of their work can then be thrown into a furnace!!

  16. For tangarra -
    my blog has a page 'Fukushima Info' with a lot of radiation monitoring links.
    Many of the links have multiple resources.


  17. I know when people will care about this mess....just before the cancers eat their bodies!

  18. HAARP?
    So you are saying that such earthquakes need some kind of external, modern-day, artificial energy source to occur?
    Wow, I wonder how they managed to have massive earthquakes in ancient times! Did some evil cabal gather on a nearby island and fiercely rub thousands of sticks together?
    (Look up "earthquakes in Japan" in Wikipedia for a list of major historically confirmed quakes and tsunamis back to 684 AD.)
    Some people are easily confused whenever the magic words "conspiracy" and "science" overlap... Might I suggest studying science as preferable to guessing about it?

  19. "HAARP? "

    And we're to believe the HAARP-wielders are able to focus those incredible energies to precise spots on the earth's surface, Fukushima & Ft.Calhoun? how, by using GPS?

    All this HAARP nonsense is based on reversing the connection between earthquakes and disturbances to the ionosphere as a CONSEQUENCE of the earthquake.

    They're essentially trying to make you think in terms of being the father .. of your father.

    Surely their time could be better spent.

    HAARP = the earth is unstable, ready to ERUPT at any moment due to tenuous forces. No.

    "Might I suggest studying science as preferable to guessing about it?"
