Friday, July 29, 2011

Record Torrential Rain Prompts 375,000 People to Evacuate in Niigata, Fukushima

(UPDATE 8:24PM PST: Number of people ordered or advised to evacuate in Niigata and Fukushima is now 417,000, according to NHK Kabun Blog tweet. There goes the rice crop...)


Well, you can see the surging water and pouring rain, so the government can order or recommend evacuation to this many people on a very short notice and people will oblige.

Too bad radiation cannot be seen - "invisible snake".

From House of Japan (7/29/2011):

Local governments in Niigata and Fukushima prefectures on Friday issued evacuation advisories to thousands of residents due to record rainfall in the two prefectures.

The Japan Meteorological Agency said some areas in Niigata and Fukushima prefectures saw precipitation of about 100 millimeters per hour and warned of continued torrential rain in the two prefectures through Saturday morning.

The latest number from NHK Japanese (6:25AM JST 7/30/2011) is 375,000 people (and counting) who have been either ordered or advised to evacuate:


Evacuation order and recommendation has been issued to about 320,000 residents in Niigata and Fukushima Prefectures due to the heavy rain.

このうち、新潟県では、三条市で、五十嵐川の堤防が決壊したことを受けて、1万人余りに避難指示が 出されるなど、合わせて12の市と町のおよそ36万9000人に避難の指示や勧告が出されています。また、福島県では、7つの町のおよそ6700人に避難 の指示や勧告が出されており、新潟と福島の2つの県では、合わせて12万6000世帯のおよそ37万5000人に避難の指示や勧告が出されています。

In Niigata Prefecture, the levee broke along the Igarashi River in Sanjo City, necessitating the order to evacuate for 10,000 residents. So far, 369,000 residents in 12 cities and towns in Niigata have been ordered or advised to evacuate. In Fukushima Prefecture, 6,700 residents in 7 towns are ordered or advised to evacuate. The total number of affected households in two prefectures is 126,000, or 375,000 residents.

In Fukushima, it's the Aizu region that is affected, which is the west one-third of Fukushima Prefecture.

(h/t Robbie001)


  1. all the radiated people, where do they all come from, all the radiated people, where do they all belong,oh, look at all the radiated people

  2. Why Underground Entombment At
    Fukushima Daiichi Won't Succeed

  3. @anon... interesting article on problems with entombment... i've been wondering about that for awhile.

  4. Robbie001 sez:

    I wonder how all the thousands of tons of poorly stored radioactive sewage sludge and debris ash are handling all the heavy rains? Large volumes of fast moving water will accelerate surface and subsurface radionuclide transport and concentration. This may increase the contamination load on the people who depend on surface water for drinking. It may also flood relatively uncontaminated rice paddies with a fresh burden of contamination of varying bio-availability. Areas that treat their surface runoff may also see an increase in sludge contamination due to increased transport. The problem with fast moving water is it can resuspend and concentrate material that is otherwise ionicly bound in some soils. If enough "hot" soil accumulates in points of settlement it can create new unexpected hotspots.
