Friday, July 8, 2011

Update: 3200 Becquerels/Kg Cesiuim Detected from Beef from Minami-Soma City in Fukushima

These cattle were allowed to be sold, as long as they were scrubbed clean of radioactive materials on their skin, thanks to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the same ministry that is pushing to have the Japanese cuisine recognized as UNESCO's "world intangible cultural heritage".

According to Asahi Shinbun (link below), the Tokyo Metropolitan government tested the remaining 10 meat cows from Minami-Soma City that were processed on July 8. The highest number was 3200 becquerels/kg of cesium, and even the lowest number was 1530 becquerels/kg, more than 3 times the government's provisional safety limit for cesium in foods.

The one that was tested on July 8 had 2300 becquerels/kg radioactive cesium.

Asahi Shinbun (7/9/2011) also says:

芝浦と場では、農水省の指示で、福島第一原発から20~30キロ圏内から出荷された牛でも、他地域の牛と同様、放射性物質についての特別な調査はしていな い。ただし、厚労省からの指示が今回をのぞいてこれまでに5回あり、その際に行った検査ではいずれも基準値を下回っていたという。

Following the instruction from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Metropolitan Shibaura Slaughterhouse doesn't conduct radiation testing at all, whether the cattle come from the 20-30 kilometer radius from Fukushima I Nuke Plant or from other areas. However, there have been 5 instances where the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare instructed them to test for radiation, and in those instances the radioactive materials detected were less than the provisional limit.

Yomiuri Shinbun (7/9/2011) says something more disturbing:


According to the investigation by Fukushima Prefecture, 2924 meat cows have been shipped from the same area since the end of April.


At the end of April, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries issued its guidance that would allow the shipment of meat cows from this area as long as Fukushima Prefecture conducted the radiation testing on the body surface of the cows and took other measures [i.e. questionnaires]. Accordingly, the shipment resumed which had been halted after the Fukushima I Nuke Plant accident.

I sort of know what will be coming shortly: a noise from the government's Nuclear Safety Commission that the current provisional safety limit is too strict, and there won't be anything that can be sold if the limit remains 500 becquerels/kg for cesium...

Many cows from Fukushima have been "evacuated" from Fukushima Prefecture, with only surface radiation testing and information on how they were raised, even to far-away places like Miyazaki Prefecture in Kyushu.

(For more details on how these cows - and pigs and chickens - moved out of Fukushima, thanks to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, please read my new post.)


  1. Do you have a source for your last point?
    "Many cows from Fukushima have been "evacuated" from Fukushima Prefecture, with only surface radiation testing and information on how they were raised, even to far-away places like Miyazaki Prefecture in Kyushu."

    Keep up the good work, your site is tremendous!
    A beam of light into a very dark side of Japan.

  2. All the lack of will to messure radiation and the neglecting of maping fallout, is kicking back.
    All this they( and TEPCO)where warned about all the way from the begining, in mars. And it was ignored and downplayd.
    This has gone beyound stupidity and incopetence, this has becomed blatant criminality, covered by lies and distracting news, nothing more or less.

    We are witnesing criminality agains humanity. And they are conducting it without shame and moral.

    And I have to admitt, that this latest lies is mindboggling, and unbelivable in its scope.
    They are killing their ouwn people, and they know it. All this coverup is their(JAP and TEP) effort to "save" TEPCO and Japans economy. And with it, they sacrify the people of Japan.
    Even the unborn.
    And from the MSMs all over the world, comes only a earshattering silence.

    And the people of Japan has not yet realized that 4 months after, when radiation still is emitting and radiation accumulated, time is becomed more and more essencial and critical, this just gets wours and wours, there is no going back anymore.

    Wake up.

    "Nothing happens until something moves."
    — Albert Einstein

  3. I only eat Oz beef and never Japanese beef. It's too expensive. So beef doesn't bother me. What does bother me is the fact that pigs from Fukushima have also been moved to various prefectures in Japan. "Brand pork" is too expensive, too. So I'm thinking about switching to Canadian pork (somehow I don't feel like buying American pork).

  4. "Many cows from Fukushima have been "evacuated" from Fukushima Prefecture .."

    ".. pigs from Fukushima have also been moved to various prefectures in Japan."

    Mapping of the conspiracy, regrettable to have to be thinking like this but it's happening.

    Use of people as radiation sops for internment, it's happening.

    Won't you 'let them'?

  5. The mapping, continued,

    Throw in a "yep" there, refuse to call the military on their need for plutonium because they're your 'patrons', ignore Gofman's presentation of U-233 as a better fission candidate while pretending your support for Thorium is complete, issue statements like "Fukushima is not a disaster" .. and the Circle of Conspirators is complete.

    re: hanging from the military's nutsack, and the future offering of 'the proponent' the position of nuke plant manager

    Route the message accordingly.

  6. Self Defense Force, defend the people of Japan. Remove the cancer of government and corporate extortion from power. Arrest the bastards and turn them over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. The day will come when all exports will be blockaded for fear of radioactive contamination.

    Japan is being killed by a million slow cuts. Radiation accumulates, it does not go away. The Fukushima reactors are still leaking every day. TEPCO doesn't even know whether injecting water is helping or hindering anymore.

    Japan will be a cancer on the Earth if this goes on.

    SDF, what kind of cancer will you tolerate?

  7. All of the livestock in the evacuation area should have been humanely destroyed immediately after the Fukushima meltdown. These animals should never have been shipped throughout Japan and should never be used for human consumption.

    Except then TEPCO would have had to pay the farmers for the animals. And politicians won't do anything that costs a big corporation money, because they might lose some campaign contributions or a future job opportunity.

    The moral of this story is that in any country (not just Japan), if you are on the wrong side of a politician and his/her money, your government could care less about what happens to you.

  8. Radioactive Cesium found in tea roughly 160km from Fukushima Nuke Plant. It's three times the limit.

  9. "Except then TEPCO would have had to pay the farmers for the animals. "

    I suspect it's ever worse than this. The way they are shipping radioactive produce and meat all over Japan seems to be...I know this sounds crazy effort to conceal some of the disparity of illnesses that are going to result from Fukushima. By that I mean - if the Japanese were fastidiously keeping the spread of contamination to a minimum from the very beginning - then cancer/illness rates would become x amount around Fukushima and that level would be compared with much lower rates from other 'non affected' areas of Japan. If they spread the occurrence of cancer and illness around the entire country without telling people - it will help them conceal some of the rise in Fukushima related illnesses because all parts of the country will experience increasing levels of illness.

  10. I live in Au - and have decided only to purchase pre nuke packaged green tea. Used to buy Danish butter but sadely with all the lies and uncertainly have decided the only really safe option is to not purchase food derived/manufactured in the northern half of the globe.

  11. "If they spread the occurrence of cancer and illness around the entire country without telling people - it will help them conceal some of the rise in Fukushima-related illnesses because all parts of the country will experience increasing levels of illness."

    They can even blame it on THORIUM from Chinese coal burning, they won't be testing so they won't bother to identify the isotopes responsible.

  12. I wonder what their Emperor and Prime minister are eating these days? Meat from the Fukushima prefecture?? Are they even staying in Japan most of the time?

  13. Anon at 4:33PM, PM Kan made the emperor and empress visit Fukushima, eat fukushima produce and bring home fukushima produce as souvenir for their household that has small and young children.

    And where's the nationalist yakuza when you need them?

  14. a large portion of these will end up being consumed in the tokyo metropolis. End up in people im living in tokyo body, or in Tokyo trash or sewer and be burned in Tokyo, releasing their radionuclides for people in Tokyo metropolise to inhale or fall in water and end up in their tap water. Tokyo is getting contaminated. Maybe the Tepco shareholders will have more money, but in the end health care costs will cost much more than doing the best protection today.

  15. Drink, breath, and eat ALL the radiation you can! There is much more of it waiting to come out! Maybe we can clean the planet by being "human radiation filters."

    Think of it, we absorb all the particles, all the gamma rays, ingest the plutonium....all until we die then, we have done our duty to clean the planet!

    So TEPCO and the Japanese Government can stop lying. We the People freely accept being the human radiation filters you, have always wanted us to be!

  16. the voice in your headJuly 10, 2011 at 6:01 AM

    "Think of it, we absorb all the particles, all the gamma rays, ingest the plutonium....all until we die then, we have done our duty to clean the planet!"

    Unfortunately, this will not solve the problem. You will only become radioactive waste pushing up the daisies.

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