Sunday, August 28, 2011

Finance Minister Will Be the New Leader of DPJ

Yoshihiko Noda to be the leader of the party, and will be the new prime minister. He got 215 votes.

Ozawa lost.

Hello increased tax, hello TPP, which Noda is all for joining. Therefore, hello Monsanto. Maybe Monsanto has the genetically modified seeds that are radiation-resistant.


  1. Since Kaieda is also very pro-TPP, either candidate would have yielded the same result.

  2. Doubt he will last long enough to get anything meaningful done, good or bad.

  3. I saw on the news this is the 6th PM in 5 years I don't see how anybody can get anything done in such a short spurt in office.

  4. He's got a helluva job ahead of him. He'll probably only have a few months before someone calls on him to resign too.

  5. Well, Kan came thiiiiiiiis close to announcing Japan would join the TPP at the very end of October last year, i.e., after only 4.5 months in office.

    They know they have limited time in office so they are quite good at making major decisions in limited amounts of time for their own pet projects, like raising the status of the Defense Agency to the Ministry of Defense a few years ago (by someone in office only a very few months at that point) and so on.

  6. This is really scary....

  7. Separate to this story but concerning the very silly burning of radioactive waste that is creating more airborne particles and new hot spots in Japan.

    Do we have a google location map of where the incinerators are all located so we can start to check the current radiation and the radiation as it changes due to the burning? Obviously if we highlight the problem to the local community, they may not be so accepting of such a poor policy to deal with the problem.

  8. Why Why Why ? ! ?

    Why do you think as in that appeal below it is said?

    Save us.

  9. Maybe Ron Paul can save us.
