Wednesday, August 17, 2011

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Worker: No Steam Gushing From Cracks, But There Are Many 10-Plus Sieverts/Hr Locations

The anonymous Fukushima I Nuke Plant worker whom I featured before several times tweets on the information, yet to be substantiated, related by an independent journalist Kota Kinoshita on his blog on August 15. Mr. Kinoshita related the information only because he had heard the similar information from his government source.

What is that information? That there is steam gushing out of cracks on the ground, and that there are 6 locations that exceed 10 sieverts/hr radiation.

1. About "steam gushing out from cracks on the ground":

In Mr. Kinoshita's blog:

8月上旬の話です。夜の九時 ごろにおきたこと。福島第一原発の作業員よりつぎの趣旨でメールで情報が地元関係者に届いたという事です。その内容は、「敷地内に​ある地割れから水蒸気 が噴出。周りが真っ白になり、作業員が一時退避した。地下で反応しているようだ。風向きでそちらの線量に注意して」​。

It was early August, around 9PM. A worker at Fukushima I Nuke Plant sent an email to his local contact, saying "Steam gushing out of cracks on the ground. The area is foggy with steam, and the workers evacuated temporarily. Some kind of reaction may be occurring underground. Watch out for radiation level depending on the wind direction".


From the information source within the government, "I've heard about the steam coming out from the ground, and I am concerned".

Fukushima worker's tweet:


As I have said before, I have never seen, or heard about, such steam.

It's possible that he doesn't know but someone else may know.

2. About locations that exceed 10 sieverts/hr:

In Mr. Kinoshita's blog:


[The same worker] also told [his contact] that there are 6 locations that exceed 10,000 millisievert/hr [10 sieverts/hr], unlike what TEPCO has announced.

Fukushima worker's tweet:


I think that is true. But those are the locations that have been measured. I think there are many more.

Mr. Kinoshita's blog has this bit of "rumor" from his worker at the plant:


There are several cracks on the ground near the Containment Vessel, and the steam is coming out from them, not on a regular basis but sporadically.

Wait, does that mean the floor of the reactor building is cracked? He doesn't say which reactor.

And Fukushima worker has another tweet that says:


In the reactor buildings of Reactors 1, 2 and 3, there are many spots that measure even higher [than 10 sieverts/hr] and we can't go near them.

So much for the plant being stable. But so far, the information is unsubstantiated (i.e. not admitted, or denied, by officials at TEPCO or the government).

Speaking of the government, it will allow the residents in Okuma-machi and Futaba-machi, where the plant is located, to temporarily return to their homes later this month now that the plant is stable.


  1. It's a YELLOWSTONE "mud pot kettle" perking from nuclear magma (corium) down under somewhere.

  2. shows that the bottom of the torus of reactors 1 and 5 is at O.P 0mm (roughly sea level), while the bottom of the torus in reactors 2, 3 and 4 is below sea level. Steam coming from the ground may simply be originating in the torus. It shouldn't, of course, be escaping from the torus.

  3. Interesting. Mr Gundersen had a try at explaining how an infamous pipe you remember could emit over ten sieverts, he spoke of steam condensing on the (cold) pipe.
    In the context, it seemed quite blury.
    But if the steam comes from the ground, not from the reactor buildings, that would seem more understandable.
    Like in the song we "just have to wait"...

  4. could covering each reactor with a tent in this context be a bad idea? All these emissions will condense even further at the site itself. This means that the site will become gradually more and more radioactive and difficult to access? just a theory, same or along the same one as the one expressed by Arni.

  5. .

    Olkiluoto Nuclear Engineer explains the Fukushima Plutonium-connection on youtube interview video; how plutonium channel radiation made the base rock unstable under Fukushima Daichii (ref. Reactor number 4 collapse) and also caused the reactors to be unstable - a scientific fact admitted by various scientists. (Video will be soon translated into english?). On another video he speaks about the STACKS - still open in Fukushima Daichii:

    " I saw a flock of birds fly directly over one Olkiluoto Reactor stack: THE BIRDS WERE INSTANTLY GRILLED - - FELL SMOKED ONTO GROUND ... The guards warned us not to touch the grilled smoking radiating heaps, dangerous. "

    Statement of A rto Lauri, fmr (=whistleblower), Olkilu0t0 Nuclear Engineer

    A THEORY OF FUKUSHIMA (English subtitles coming soon)

    Now start to arque about the bequerels being delivered globally on all nations, 24/7/365 - NO END IN SIGHT!

    See facty linky


  6. .

    Both Finnish 0lkilu0to OL reactors have been standing still for months [state secret], can they be repaired?

    As the base rock (like in Fukushima) has cracked under the radiation, the OL Reactor 1 generator jumped off base last year, bearings shot. That time luckily no EUropean Fukushima. This year these very same generator bearings failed again - the reactor base is now incredibly unstable... Second time luckily no EUropean Fukushima.

    A rto Lauri also claims that the channel radiation caused the methane oxide, one kilometer down, heat, causing an explosion and high blue flash through the Fuku no4 reactor. Similar explosion happen naturally all over the world (see "A sinkhole formed in a house on July 19, 2011 in the north of Guatemala City")

    All because of this French export nuke-bomb leftover Plutonium 'you can eat' -and- IAEA demands official report if/why one microgram escapes....


  7. @anon 8:44

    you did a lot of research and i don't want to criticize you too much, but what you write about Austria/Zwentendorf is simply untrue. i as an eyewitness from austria was involved from 1969 in the collecting of (more than) 50.000 signatures nessecary for the plebiscite that actually happened 1978. my father brought them to chancelor Kreisky 1974, who actually was against nuclear but could not dare to say it. he knew the majority of people were against him, so he told people, he would step back if they vote against Zwentendorf. in the end it was only 30.068 votes more contra than pro nuclear. the plant was actually ready to switch on and there happened no 'crack' or whatever you assume.

    if the rest of your 'facty' website is as true as what you believe to know about Austria, it is nothing than waste of time of every serious actvist to read it.

  8. "Steam gushing out of cracks on the ground. The area is foggy with steam, and the workers evacuated temporarily. Some kind of reaction may be occurring underground."

    And the some: the molten plutonium enriched mass will xplode as it hits the water table. If other more or less thousands tons masses decide to join in the jubilee, it would create an 10.000 ton earth shattering gigaplutobomb.

    Japan no more.

    The day after; US coast builds 20 mile tsunami?

  9. sorry, off topic:

    i'm watching television right now, here in germany and on the news it is said that there is a study out now, wich proofs that children in fukushima allready have healthproblems due to the radiation.

    do you know wich study is meant?

  10. Austria/Zwentendorf:

    Its nice that most folks still belive in TEPCO science & polls. Say nukelubed oligarchy...

    As steted, the text is a translation from EU actist meeting; Ich habe keine anung.

    I guess you have not inspected the site? Neither have I ... so we can make believe whatever TEPCOwood videoos we are being fed.

    Btw, the comment space is open, pls make your statement on that blog. Thks.

  11. @anon 9.44AM

    The steam gushing out of the ground would be the reaction of the Corium hitting the water table, if this proves to be true.

    There would be an explosion of highly radioactive Steam only, nothing more.
    The only problem would be that there is nothing that can be done once that stage is reached.
    We would all just have to learnt to live with it, for a long, long time.

    I hope it hasn't come to that yet, but seeing how things are being managed up until now, I wouldn't be surprised.

  12. Quote from above: "So much for the plant being stable. But so far, the information is unsubstantiated (i.e. not admitted, or denied, by officials at TEPCO or the government). ", I just read at NHK WORLD English the following:

    The government and TEPCO said on Wednesday that maximum radiation levels around the plant during the past 2 weeks were 200 million becquerels per hour.
    ( from: Radioactivity down to one-fifth of July levels)

    The amount has decreased substantially since right after the accident, but the plant is still believed to be leaking radiation at a rate of about one billion becquerels per hour. (from New decontamination plan for nuclear plant)

    so much about approved information :-)

    @anon 10:20 AM:
    Welcher Sender war das denn? Hab hier nichts finden können.

    -sorry for the german, folks!

  13. "So much for the plant being stable."

    .. And so much for their diagrams.

  14. August 4; Fairewinds transcript:And second, when they get into these buildings to actually try to dismantle the plant, they are going to find even higher radiation levels than this one. Remember, at the bottom of the nuclear reactor, the nuclear core has leaked out and is now lying like a pancake on the concrete floor, working it's way down, but probably not through the concrete. That is even much more radioactive than this.

  15. .

    The finn whistleblower interview has now english subtitles; please distribute:
    A THEORY OF FUKUSHIMA (English subtitles turn on CC) by AwakenFinland

    I cant say all he explains is exactly the way he explains, but please take note: he exposed the nuke lubed waste Tritium pumping into the Baltic sea from the finn OL1 -plant... and has been exposing how the working Nuke reactor radiation kills the population all around the plant sites. See his exposed items also at

    See also my vids
    + more...

    @Welcher Sender war das denn? Hab hier nichts finden können.
    Just a translated that Austria/Zwentendorf -bit from one A rto L auri meeting with anti-nuke activists from all over EU (see the man in the interview video). As said, I have no info, I am NOT nuclear scientist neither have any insider info: whatever the case is in this issue, I have lost all and total respect on any info issued by the nuke oligarchy. Nor do I believe in the 'polls' and democrazy make beliewe any more. You bet this man Arto is constantly being harrassed by nukemilitia, NS A etcetec: Finnish nuke/nwo bloggers are currently being thrown into asylum under heavy drugging. (I hope they translate THOSE youtube videos. So take care 'ex-skf' what they drop into yout drink, the nuke lobby 'blk army' is unbeliavale in scope, dirtyness and global...)

    I used to be a blue eyed baby before Fukushima, not any more: folks, your survival is at stake. Will you stand motionless while these criminals rot your tongue and eyes while u watch MSM soap operas?

    The least you can do, is to cry out!

    Thanks ex-skf! Here is your finn-mate Teemu Vehkala interviewed in asylum : I am sorry, finnish only. Hope subtext will follow. Please Type in your opinion and demand english, they will do it: "Mielipidevankina Suomessa: Blogikirjoittaja Teemu Vehkalan haastattelu [1/2] (NWO, sananvapaus)

