Saturday, August 27, 2011

Japan's Ministry of Environment to Allow #Radioactive Ashes to Be Buried in Regular Waste Final Disposal Sites

Here we go. Radioactive Japan (or at least East Japan). Now all radioactive debris and garbage can and will be burned and buried.

The news headlines at various media outlets say "ashes that contain up to 100,000 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium", but if you read the news carefully, as long as there are "countermeasures" to prevent the leakage of radioactive cesium into the surrounding environment, the Ministry is prepared to allow the ashes with any amount of radioactive materials to be buried in regular waste final disposal facilities.

From NHK News (8/28/2011):


Regarding the ashes after burning the disaster debris and regular household garbage contaminated with radioactive materials, the Ministry of the Environment has decided on a policy that will allow the burial of ashes that exceed 8,000 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium, as long as there are countermeasures in place to prevent the leakage into the ground water.


The new policy was revealed during the meeting of experts affiliated with the Ministry of the Environment on August 27. So far, the Ministry's policy has been to allow the ashes with 8,000 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium and below to be buried, but require the ashes that exceed that level to be stored temporarily while the Ministry decides on the disposal method.


Under the new policy, if radioactive cesium in the ashes exceeds 8,000 becquerels/kg but does not exceed 100,000 becquerels/kg, the ashes are allowed to be buried after they are bound with cement or put in a concrete container. If radioactive cesium exceeds 100,000 becquerels, then the ashes should be buried in the disposal facilities with a roof and/or with the concrete shield.


Radioactive cesium exceeding 8,000 becquerels/kg has been detected from the ashes from burning the regular household garbage in Kanto and Tohoku regions. The Ministry of the Environment has decided to apply the same rule as the disaster debris and allow the ashes to be buried. The municipalities will be able to bury the ashes that they have stored temporarily, but it may be difficult to obtain consent from the residents living near the disposal facilities.

The number "100,000 becquerels/kg" is significant in a sense, as the highest level of radioactive cesium found from ashes after burning the household garbage is 95,300 becquerels/kg in Fukushima Prefecture (link in Japanese). The number is high enough to clear the Fukushima garbage ashes, and it is probably high enough to clear garbage ashes from anywhere else.

Besides, as the NHK article states, even if it exceeds 100,000 becquerels/kg, all they need to do is to bury it in a disposal site with a roof or the concrete shield.

This new policy is to be applied to ashes from disaster debris and regular garbage that are radioactive. It's not mentioned in the article but the ashes and slag from the radioactive sewage sludge will be likely to be disposed under the same policy - i.e. burn and bury. (And remember the "mix and match" scheme.)

In the meantime, some garbage incinerators and sludge incinerators at waste processing plants and sewage treatment plants in cities in Kanto have become so radioactive that they have to be shut down. (More later.)

The entire country is to become the nuclear waste disposal site, because of one wrecked nuclear power plant. Talk about socializing the cost.


  1. Once they bury the radioactive ashes are they going to erect a plaque at each site saying...


    Japan is ,,i,ed!

  2. it's so disgusting!

  3. Question: what are the fines for littering in
    japan? like a cigarette bud? urinating in public? anyone know? haven't been there .. not planning to go (anymore).

  4. There are going to be a lot of bad surprises for future generations of Japanese

  5. So it appears the real problem is not the actual burning of the debris at incinerators (although that very well may be a big problem as we have seen in Tokyo where the school grounds near an incinerator a few months ago was burning radioactive sludge and the levels in the area spiked; not to mention a lot of these incinerators may be very old, poor technology, not equipped to deal with nuclear waste and so on) but the stored radioactive waste in slipshod haphazard ad hoc storage "facilities".

    I doubt the new Pro Nuke PM whoever that ends up being is going to deal with this problem anytime soon.

    This country needs a total brain transplant (oops, you need to have a brain before transplanting it, but then maybe some endangered chimps could help out).

  6. Quasi-full translation in french :

  7. "This country needs a total brain transplant (oops, you need to have a brain before transplanting it, but then maybe some endangered chimps could help out). August 28, 2011 5:25 AM "

    Did the - Catholic - Adoplh have brains? I guess not, just a mentor, vaults full of gold teeth...

  8. Don't forget the soap made from the fat of all those poor jews!

  9. The Mainichi Daily has published the similar article, but the NHK English hasn't, so far.
    Will wait for the story about Kanto incinerators.==Elena==

  10. In most countries it takes years to site and build radioactive waste dumps and even with all the time and money they spend they still have unforeseen leaks and emissions. I think the chances are pretty low that a vast majority of the radioactive ash will be properly handled. Also Cesium isn't the only radionuclide that is being concentrated by incineration.

  11. I found this text on the internet (Evacuation and Food Safety)
    on the webpage "Radiation and Reason" by the physicist Wade Allison stating that there was nothing to worry about.

  12. How burning radioactive waste does anything except spread radioactivity far and wide is still a question that needs answering.

  13. Don't worry you are safe go back to sleep!

    This just out from the Japan Times

    Cesium in incinerator dust across East Japan
    High levels of cesium isotopes are cropping up in dust at 42 incineration plants in seven prefectures, including Chiba and Iwate, an Environment Ministry survey of the Kanto and Tohoku regions shows.

    According to the report, released late Saturday, the highest cesium levels in the dust ranged from 95,300 becquerels in Fukushima Prefecture and 70,800 becquerels in Chiba Prefecture to 30,000 becquerels in Iwate Prefecture.

    But even the lower levels in the dust exceeded 8,000 becquerels per kilogram in Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma and Tokyo.

    The 16-prefecture survey covered 469 incinerator operators in Tohoku and Kanto from late June, and was reported to a panel of experts at the ministry that is discussing how to safely bury incinerator ash an dust with cesium levels above 8,000 becquerels per kilogram.....

  14. What the Jap Government says as far as numbers go, who can prove they are right? I would triple whatever they state publicly.

    EVERYTHING they say is, understated, deleted, ignored, forgotten, lies, false assumptions and misdirections. Remember, they knew the cores had breached right after the earthquake...right at the same time they were lying to the Public that there was nothing to worry about!

    The only saving grace is that, we may all die but, they will be dying from cancer, too! What a bunch of shiit heads they are!

  15. Looks like they're planning on taking down the whole world with them. I thought was a chosenite only doctrine.

  16. Check out this link. It was at rense and then quickly taken down. I read it once and let it swirl. Read it a few days later and could find no fault with the theory either time. Read it through and you will feel a bit dumb for not noticing a few things. I would like to see someone disprove this.

  17. What is with all of this terrible hatred for the Japanese? Maybe it should be aimed at the Japanese government and the nuclear industry but taking solace in the fact that millions of people are going to suffer terrible deaths is evil. One should never wish pain on another- well, on someone innocent. I can think of a few (bankers) that I would definitely wish it on.

    This is a bit of the pot calling the kettle black. American "shit heads" have been lying and brainwashing us for years. We declare entire nations "terrorists" while we invade and commit genocide. Straight up genocide- and this is coming from someone who was an infantry Marine. admitting they were ordered to kill thousands of unarmed men women, children.

    We are much bigger "shit heads" for believing and supporting the "war on terror" without question while we turn on Jersey Shore and play Farmville.

  18. As I wade through the various reports of the supposedly safe nuclear fallout ( Safe..hahahahha !)
    I can only decide that since Japan seeks to pollute the entire planet with it's poison . ( Russia did the same to us via Kiev' Cernyobyl I recall. ) Then all I can do is say , this my last Toyota , since you are probably going to kill my grandchildren , you assholes !

  19. Excelllllennnt.....Amusing.. .... ... .. ... 1 part radioactive air born nano HEAVY METAL.. .. .. .. and 1 part CHEM TRAIL RAIN.. ...The perfect gift that keeps on giving. .. .. A deniable BINARY Weapon .......[or not] ..................word for word.....................A fortiori..............322

  20. It has two positive effect for the Japanese government 1) it reduces the volume of waste by a factor of 1000 and 2) it sends much of the radioactive material into the global atmosphere taking it out of Japan. Talk about globalization of the down side.

  21. @Anonymous said...

    It has two positive effect for the Japanese government 1) it reduces the volume of waste by a factor of 1000 and 2) it sends much of the radioactive material into the global atmosphere taking it out of Japan. Talk about globalization of the down side.

    Not if it rains and brings it all back down again. Really the inmates have taken over the asylum!!!

  22. Adolphs mates are in: Censorship Started

    Bye ex - oh how i hate you the je§uits

  23. As Chris Busby said elsewhere, Japan is a total disaster and they are going to contaminate the world with it. Many millions of cancers will ensue. This level of incompetence can only come from satanic forces. Turn to God and his instructions for living which he gave to us through his Son Jesus. Love your neighbour and shun evil, shun the filthy wicked and greedy ways of the satanic west - that includes a lot of the East too btw. We can change the world but only if we lead them by example. Many will suffer and die as Jesus did - he warned us about this - but we will deny these evil monsters of their "food" and they will die and God will raise us up as righteous in life everlasting.

  24. In the aim of helping everyone, I'd like to share the most crucial tip of a lifetime:

    As far as radiation protection, there is a new medical discovery, which increases glutathione activity 800%. Its the best most energizing anti-aging product I know.

    All antioxidants require it to even function. This discovery explains the purpose of sleep & why young heal faster.


    thank you

  25. Can you spell "Hiroshima" "Nagasaki"

    Payback is a bitch

    Can you spell "Depleted Uranium"

    Payback to follow.

    Something about "as ye sew, so shall ye reap"

  26. As I said before to family when this horrible incident happened, "All Of Japan" is gone. The radiation alone will kill if not deform future generations. But the U.S. and Japan just hid the facts. Besides that are the Japanese people the stupid to stay on that island? All of Japan should have been evacuated permanently!

  27. Just blast it into space and let the universe worry about the radiation.


  29. The majority of you people are a bunch of scared, fear mongering fools who think the world is going to end. All I see is negative bullshit from this swine..why bother worrying about something you can't control!? Think about the people who actually have to deal with all of that everyday. Have some humanity.

  30. the voice in your headAugust 31, 2011 at 5:28 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Just blast it into space and let the universe worry about the radiation."

    What if a company like TEPCO wins the contract to build a rocket carrying the said radioactive payload? What if risk is severely underestimated and corners are cut in the rocket's construction and/or it is undermaintananced to save money? What if it explodes on takeoff? What if it explodes a little higher up but not yet out of the earth's atmosphere. What if the trust engines malfunction and its escape velocity becomes kaput before it can get out of the earth's orbit? What if it becomes a satellite? What if it free falls back to earth? Meh, not such a good idea eh?

  31. Everyone's blaming the Japs, but it was the Yanks that forced them out of their atavistic Feudalism into the modern era. Since then, since their attitudes remained unchanged, the Japs have caused nothing but trouble around their end of the world.
    You can blame the Jap Govt., but as long as the people persist in cowering before their heirarchical 'superiors', the whole people are to blame.
    They are a modern society technologically, but socially, they remain abysmally Feudal in their outlook. They need to be forced to clean up their act by another armed imperative, but as the US is now broke, it's not going to happen, unless they get their Karma from the Chinese. Would serve them right...
