Saturday, August 13, 2011

Just Burn Radioactive Materials Then They're Harmless, said One Japanese Economist

If that's true, the entire Fukushima I Nuke Plant can blow up in a huge bonfire and we'll be all set.

Nobuo Ikeda is a Japanese economist and commentator and a former NHK director. He has a sizeable following in Japan and is considered influential. I am just parroting what I've found about him, as all I know of him is the tweet he wrote and disseminated to his 120,000-plus followers from his Twitter account on August 13 (which has been taken down since), in which he, commenting on the decision by Kyoto City not to use the radioactive firewood from Rikuzen Takata City, apparently said:


Doesn't the Kyoto City government know that radioactive materials will be dissolved and rendered harmless once they get burned?

I sure didn't.

Mr. Ikeda also says it's a superstition that low-level radiation exposure causes cancer, according to his tweet on August 12 (in Japanese), and that the "anti-nuke" movement is nothing but a powerless conspiracy among the left and the ultra-left, former radical left from the 1960s.


  1. How can they be so shamelessly criminal and not end up in jail?

    Radioactivity is forever (for human time-frames) and burning radioactive materials will only scatter them through the smoke and ashes? What do they want? To kill all Japanese People?

    Low level radiation may be not too harmful (there's no such thing as "harmless radiation") but it's not the same at all an X-ray plate, which exposes you for seconds, than a carrying an X-ray plate equivalent emitter inside your body 24/7. You have to multiply the exposure by 10 every minute, by 600 every hour, by 14,400 every day, by five million every year - at least! Low level exposure X five million is very high level exposure and you're a dead man walking.

    I really can't believe what I'm reading every day: I remember Chernobyl (I was 17 then) and the reaction was much more rational, even if it is difficult to be rational in front of this.

    They should be lynched by angry mobs, they only thing in hiding the disaster.

  2. "Nobuo Ikeda is a Japanese economist and commentator and a former NHK director" who needs to STAY IN JAPAN. Preferably he should move to Fukushima with his family and live there permanently because its so safe.

  3. The Fukushima Daiichi Reactors Were in Meltdown After the Earthquake, But Before the Tsunami Hit

    TEPCO's Darkest Secret:

  4. Did he delete that message? Did anybody ask him why?

  5. fucking idiot!!!!! nobu ikeda.... if it is safe ...go move to fukushima!!!! getting pissed off .... how come a lot of like you lost your common sense trying to make believe a rubbish lie...

  6. OK...let me get this straight...

    An economist knows more about radiation than a chemist or physicist?

    You're joking, aren't you?

  7. Burning only converts radioactive combustibles into radioactive smoke and ash. Wood and straw are a great absorbers of radiation, but when you burn them you simply produce radioactive smoke and ash. There was a lot of heat and fire at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but that didn't eliminate the radioactivity from the ash from those burned cities. That's why the famous "Black Rain" killed so many people -- because it was black with radioactive ash. If you burn the trees that grow near Chernobyl, you will generate a lot of radioactive smoke and ash. "Nobuo Ikeda is a Japanese economist and commentator and a former NHK director." Why do idiots like Nubuo Ikeda get paid the big bucks, while intelligent and educated bloggers like me get paid nothing? Who does our economic, political, and academic system actually serve?

  8. Nobuo, show us you burn radioactive wood in your home stove from Fukushima and why not do your commentating outside near the nuclear plant with a radiation detector so we all can see how the safe levels of radiation "your" body can absorb so harmlessly...ok? Banzai!

  9. What bullshit! Most economists don't even know anything about economics much less nuclear physics/biology. This is almost as stupid as than transexual bitch Ann Coulter saying radiation is good for you.

  10. "This is almost as stupid as than transexual bitch Ann Coulter saying radiation is good for you."

    Annie's a tranny?!

    That would explain a lot. LOL

  11. People of Japan, it's your ball. Your government is burying you. Get up out of the grave before they bury you alive. It was proven long ago by the U.S. government after Dr. Linus Pauling that low-level radiation kills people and gives them cancer. Turn off your TV set and react. Be like a Honda or a Toyota or a Nikon camera or a Canon camera or another top-quality Japanese product and make sense work for you.

  12. Ikeda's found a way to get rid of all the spent fuel from the nuke industry, just burn it! problem solved

  13. Obviously this bonehead got his science degree from Japan's stupid school of comprehension!

    The Japanese people should get mad (for once) and drown this idiot in Saki...

  14. we in my place, a lot of people here are almost ready to explode,,,some seniors are saying that these are all done to get rid of them,,,,almost 40% are pensioners and they are mostly very weak to radiation and if they gone no more pension to pay and that would be a great help to the gov`t and besides japan have to save the face, imagine one of the superpowers then who will buy foods, cars, elec.devices etc.etc. etc. bye bye export industry!!!! citizen should live for the country....fuk why i am paying taxes if the gov`t can`t take care of me!!!!!!! let me see after a year of how would hospitals filled with cancers and unknown sickness...get your feet off ...japone, wake up...!!!! novu ikebakero ok burn radioactive materials in your own house together with your family....

  15. I live in Japan and I talk to people here all the time. These people are traumatized zombies who by default switch into trust authority mode. Most people I try to talk to about Fukushima just switch off and go into a mental state of denial. It is as though they are under a spell or strong mind control. It's beyond comprehension. Their gut tells them something sinister is going on with the gov. cover-up but they are not able to muster a proper response. It's really scary.

  16. "Most people I try to talk to about Fukushima just switch off and go into a mental state of denial. It is as though they are under a spell or strong mind control. It's beyond comprehension. Their gut tells them something sinister is going on with the gov. cover-up but they are not able to muster a proper response. It's really scary."

    And after they've succeeded in "scaring" you, your skull becomes 'the slot'? You see, a more complete description is needed.

    To not offer the complete description is to buy into the delusion that Japan is somehow a 'more special' place, where even the IAEA asserts that the effects of ionizing radiation do not take hold.
