Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just In: Professor Tatsuhiko Kodama on Live Interview on the Net, 3PM on August 5 on USTREAM

That's Japan Standard Time.

3PM on August 5 in Japan is:

11PM on August 4 in the US (Pacific)
2AM on August 5 in the US (East)
7AM on August 5 in the UK
8AM on August 5 in Germany
4PM on August 5 in Australia

Shukan Gendai, a Japanese weekly magazine with excellent original reporting on the Fukushima disaster, is hosting an interview of Professor Tatsuhiko Kodama of Tokyo University with journalist Daisuke Tsuda, who has been visiting and reporting on the disaster affected areas in Tohoku.

The talk, according to Shukan Gendai, will focus on what Professor Kodama couldn't cover in the testimony in the Diet committee, radiation contamination, and what needs to be done now.

It will be broadcast live on USTREAM:


You can send your questions and opinions via Twitter to Gendai:



  1. Somebody needs to record this and translate it again in English. This guy is a hero of mine and I want to hear him.

  2. Can you post a link to the recorded version (if there is one) for those of us who can't be on then?

  3. I'll try to watch. I will post the link when Shukan Gendai post the link to the recorded archive.

  4. Though the on-going problems at the plant are important, it seems that in general terms the plant is stable and improving day by day. The clear up of this type of localised problem will take years.

    What is probably worrying many of your readers now is the food safety. Though you are rightly concentrating on the nuclear power plant, do you know of any site that is showing which foods are safe to eat? Which brands have been tested? Showing pictures of the tested item, where it was purchased and the result? I am sure you would get a lot of reaction from the producers and retailers who need to give confidence in their products. You can see what happened to beef consumption after the recent scare.

    Consumers don't want to eat / drink any additional radiation - never mind what the government claims is safe. If they could see which brand is safe, it is a big bonus to that brand. This would force the rest to invest in food safety testing and open reporting. They know now that once they have lost the confidence of the consumer it is very hard to recover. They cannot be allowed to hide behind government officials, they need to also act responsibly and clearly state the levels by brand. Brand value is hard to build but easy to destroy - they don't want this damaged.

  5. I wouldn't call the plant stable until they figure out where the hell the melted cores have gone. Stable will be when they stop permitting the radioactivity from escaping into the atmosphere like it still is. If your really interested in what food you can eat I would spend the money on buying a detector so you can check yourself. The fact that they need to sell their products to make money means they have a reason to lie to you and the government isn't going to do anything about it cause by the time you get cancer it will be 20 years later. They don't care about protecting their consumers just selling their product so the less they say and the less people know the better. Only you can protect yourself don't depend on others to tell you whats safe and whats not. The entire food chain has been contaminated so every manufacturer probably has contamination. Stock up on Modifilan which the Russians developed to help absorb radioactive elements.

  6. Modifilan is harvested near the Kurile Islands north of Japan, is it not? I wonder if all the radiation released into the ocean will effect the harvest? As you say, companies care about sales not safety so how can we judge the safety of Modifilan since March 11, 2011?

  7. Testing food is expensive and time consuming. It also takes expertise. Not a DIY job. The best we can hope for is that manufacturers will do the testing, but even then it will be only to say whether it is within or above government limits. What's the point if those limits aren't acceptable to you?

    Secondly, food in the supermarket is one thing, but guess where hard to sell (read: low priced) produce will go: schools, kindergartens etc., i.e. governmental institutions. There are already reports of 0.4 Bq/l of Cs in urine of kids in Chiba (Funabashi) and Saitama (Kawaguchi). That's quite high, given the distance and that Fukushima kids had 1Bq/l. So it is out there one way or the other.

  8. @ Anonymous @ 5:18 p.m.

    Both the above cooperative supermarkets (COOPs) above do extensive radiation testing (both in-house and through sub-contracted testing facilities) that they publish online. They cost 10-20% more than the standard food in a retail supermarket. Please repost to other websites.

    It is possible to source zero-contamination food, but one has to hunt for it now through COOPs.

  9. From what I understand its seaweed harvested in the fall of 2010 that they are currently using to produce modifilan and its 1400 miles away from fukushima. I know they are monitoring the situation and can move their harvesting location to somewhere else. They harvest in the spring and fall. It would be interesting to see how Hokkaido is doing with regards to the radiation it is exposed to as that might be an indication as to what might have floated north. It doesn't take any expertise to have a meter and run it by the food to detect if there is any radiation coming from it. You could train a monkey to do it. That is how they figured out the leaf compost was emitting radioactivity. I don't know of any other substances aside from Modifilan that can aid in the removal of radioactivity does anybody else? If I were Japanese I would try to get as far away from those reactors as possible or even leave the country.

  10. It sounds like a great idea though I have not seen anything on the net yet. I believe in Germany after Chernobyl, people set up their own test centers and sent the data by fax (no Internet then). Once one product is destroyed by this type of independent testing, the other companies want to ensure their products are ok and pay for the tests. It's great marketing for them, everyone buys the good stuff! With today's net, putting pictures of the brands on the site that are radioactive will be a massive message about the real cost of nuclear power, all the companies will claim damages from Tepco - then maybe people will realise once and for all that nuclear is not cheap!!

  11. You're right - hit them where it hurts - in their pockets. All they care about is money!!!

  12. "It doesn't take any expertise to have a meter and run it by the food to detect if there is any radiation coming from it. You could train a monkey to do it. "

    That's not how it works…

    "Accurate measurement of radiation in food requires a multi-channel analyzer and a special oven for ashing the food to concentrate the radioactivity. Our instruments have been used for experimental, educational, and screening purposes in checking food.

    Measuring radiation in food is tricky. Naturally occurring radiation in potassium-rich food (such as bananas, when dried into banana chips, and salt substitutes) from Potassium 40 can easily be detected with the PalmRAD 907 and (with less sensitivity) the PalmRAD 904 . In the case of fallout from nuclear testing or accidents (such as Chernobyl), you would be looking mostly for Strontium 90, Cesium 137, and possibly Plutonium 239. Of our instruments, the PalmRAD 907 is the best for this application because of its higher sensitivity. The PalmRAD's efficiency for Sr90 and Cs137 beta is good, and it does detect the Cs137 gamma. It does detect Pu239, but Pu239 can have health effects at very low concentrations, which can be difficult to detect with any instrument."

  13. URL: doesn't work in France at this time

  14. So it sounds like the PalmRAD 907 won't actually read the level correctly. Most likely it will be the same problem as the beef, seem ok from a simple screening but in reality the food is full of radiation.....?


    These COOPs deliver food and post their tests online regularly -- it is possible to source contamination free food, but it will cost 10-20% more than a retail store.
