Saturday, August 6, 2011

#Radiation in Japan: Chernobyl-Affected Trees from Europe Sold in Japan?

Ignorance can be deadly. Literally.

From the blog of Dr. Satoshi Mori, Professor Emeritus at Tokyo University Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences; Professor Mori cites a message from one of his readers who is a charcoal producer (8/2/2011):


"I want to tell you how some European countries have been disposing the trees that were contaminated by the fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear accident 25 years ago. Japanese timber trading companies started to buy Norway Spruce [Picea abies, also commonly called European Spruce]- "whitewood" - from Germany, Finland, and Sweden in great quantities, and the import continues to this day.


"Compared to Japanese Cedar, Norway Spruce has less knots, whiter color-tone, and best of all it is cheaper than Japanese Ceder. It has been very popular with the Japanese homebuilders and sold in large quantities at home centers. We don't see the timber from Germany any more these days, maybe they finished cutting down all the affected trees. Red Pine from Russia is still used as rafters for the apartment buildings.


"In other words, [these countries] have successfully disposed the trees contaminated with radiation by sending them to a far away country [Japan]. And we didn't know it in Japan. Our ignorance is the problem."


This is the email I just received from a charcoal producer. Isn't it amazing?

Amazing is an understatement. I don't know whether Japan has been their exclusive export market for the affected trees or not. Probably not. I also don't know whether the level of radioactive materials in the wood is anything significant. But from the charcoal producer's email, the heavy import of the timber from these countries started at a particular point in time, 1991.

The Japanese government was quite anxious to suppress any negative attitude toward nuclear energy among the populace after the Chernobyl accident, and embarked on the PR campaign selling the safety of nuclear energy. It was very successful in doing so. Many people in Japan may have heard about Chernobyl when the accident happened, but were totally unaware of the radiation contamination that spread far and wide. The accident was in some remote area in the Soviet Union and didn't affect Japan in any significant way, they thought.

For example, in 1991 (what a coincidence), the government, through the Science and Technology Agency (now part of Ministry of Education and Science), created an instruction manual on how to counter the Chernobyl accident and further promote nuclear power among Japanese (the link is in Japanese), who may have become skeptical of nuclear energy after the accident. The manual details the specific approaches for specific target groups - housewives, fathers, school children, media, etc.

If this timber import to Japan from the affected areas in Europe is true, it could well be under the "guidance" from the Japanese government. "Let's help out these countries, and we get the cheap lumber. Radiation? It's so minute it won't affect health. Just don't tell people." Something like that, maybe. Just substitute "countries" with "prefectures", "lumber" with "vegetables, meat, fish", then you may see that's more or less what the Japanese government has been doing since March 11.

Dr. Mori was one of the very first researchers to raise the danger of radioactive strontium in the soil, early on in the Fukushima nuke accident.


  1. Well that's all part of the global plan then, right? Because nuclear prostitutes are always saying x amount of radioactive contamination released by one of their 'accidents' isn't significantly higher than natural 'background radiation' but over the years, the nuclear prostitutes have personally seen to it that 'natural' background radiation increases every year as the nuclear industry continues to pour radioactive waste into our environment. How high will the nuclear industry make 'natural background radiation' for the rest of us?
    I read that when radioactive waste is known to be released into the environment by a publicized accident, other nuclear plants release their radioactive waste into the air/water too because it can be claimed that it was due to the accident, not an intentional release of radioactive gases or liquids (water) that the nuclear plants have been struggling to cope with for months or longer.
    These are sociopathic tendencies that I keep seeing among the nuclear industry and government - a lack of remorse, compulsive lying, a sense of superiority that contradicts reality, and tireless exploitation of others.

  2. Thank you for raising this issue.

    In truth, our ignorance in Europe is equivalent to Japan during that period. Fukushima has lifted the lid on the complicit relations between the Japanese government, nuclear industry (the 'nuclear village') and press.

    In Europe, in the aftermath of Chernobyl, those relations remained intact and information was kept from the public through strict media control. Only the USSR was effected politically - Chernobyl precipitated the fall of the the USSR by crippling the economy - as is likely to happen to Japan tragically.

    Neighbouring European economies weathered the economic consequences by largely denying the severity and knock-on effects of the fallout, although large numbers of cattle were culled in the immediate aftermath and animals from the region remain unsafe to eat 25 year on. In many ways Chernobyl should have been the baseline for subsequent research but much that was conducted by Russia and the Baltic states into radiation exposure and increased cancer rates has been suppressed through a policy of rejection by European nuclear agencies, the French and British in particular.

    Perversely the Russians, despite the fall of their political and economic system following Chernobyl, continued to market their deadly reactors worldwide. Perversely,the Japan government appears to be doing the same.

    The difference this time round is the existence of the internet. The Japanese have access to news that bypasses mainstream media control, such as your site, and the means to network, communicate, share data (and radiation readings) online, to mobilise.

    From the outside looking in (from the UK) tremendous change is occurring in Japan.

  3. If 25 years the Japan Wood contaminated by nuclear fallout from Chernobyl of the forests of Ukraine, to make the lumber! or furniture! or restaurants rods! (also they export to various countries around the world and then stamped ' Made in Japan'), it not surprising that they ask the children to go to the heap of sand!
    They are much worse than the nazis or those who kill all the days in Iraq or Libya!

    "Keep smiling, you'll be saved!"

  4. granite counter tops can release radioactivity and you can pick it up from them when they are the cheaper kind.

  5. .

    I can say I am a native specialist in this issue: Yes Finland has been exporting its timber before and after 1986 and in as large quantites as any is willing to buy. In 1986 our brave gvmt caused all je§uitbrother G0rba's radioactivity to jump over us into sweden. Take care, dont buy swedish...

    Of course half of that is balooney, u just figure out which half: whatever, we still live amongst those chernobylized trees, yet to be cut and sent over to your warehouse. And our je§uits gladly will sell you also the radiatin reindeer u are ready to swallow... pls see

    Plank Dangerous? times Less than the continuing japanese export = fukuair particles you just now inhaled...

    WHEN WILL THAT STOP!? WHEN WILL THE JETSTREAM RADIATOR PIPE-STACKS BE TAKEN DOWN; ALL RAD REACTOR KILLERS BURIED!? ... Stalinistic russian je§umafia is lovely with its 60 million mrdered - compared to theses whole globe yakuza rad-mass murderers.

    (Check out the G0rbachov Duga3 je§uitplan


    But wait. You will die. Like me. With of without the Finnwood or Fuku... Sad but true, so be prepared and seek the Truth =whattodoaboutit.


  6. .

    This story is 100% balooney!

    Finland was one of world's biggest timber exporters already in 1900. Check out history - how in 1860's Britain wanted to invade russian occupied Finland - because its strategic importance of selling tar - pretty crucial to keep British timber-war-machine-armada afloat...

    ""I want to tell you how some European countries have been disposing ..."
    - LOL! Disposing? Biggest economical facor in Finland last 200 YEARS! Hey fellas, u fall a tree to get timber, make paper.

    "...the trees that were contaminated ..."
    - SADLY TRUE. BUT. Justabout EVERYTHING WAS contaminated in EU, middle east, Russia ... and sorry but just 1/1000 of ON GOING, CONTINUING Fukushima...

    " the fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear accident 25 years ago. Japanese timber trading companies started to buy ..."
    - eh? ...'STARTED'? TO BUY before 1812!

    Are ALL your professors as illiterate as this fool?


    However, thks for this blog, skf! But keep focused...

  7. "I don't remember reading the news that the radioactive debris at the plant were ever actually buried."

    I believe they're referring to the highly radioactive rubble near Reactor 3, they bulldozed it early on to form one of their 'safe' pathways between buildings.

    ".. over the years, the nuclear prostitutes have personally seen to it that 'natural' background radiation increases every year as the nuclear industry continues to pour radioactive waste into our environment."
    Yes. Take home lesson? They know you know they're doing it. See below.

    "These are sociopathic tendencies that I keep seeing among the nuclear industry and government - a lack of remorse, compulsive lying, a sense of superiority that contradicts reality, and tireless exploitation of others."
    The psychopathic corporation with near-perfect tools to use against any who would oppose. They have ISSUES. They DON'T like you. Give them your money. (!)

    "However, thks for this blog, skf! But keep focused..."
    However ?!
    keep focused ?!
    Uh, the focus is on inadequate responses, "however" is one of those responses. Thnx.

  8. .

    However, englitzh is my 3rd language. Forgive me...

    Focused: The timber-tale is a targeted MSM distraction - may or may not have radiation; cant believe it ever rises over japanese rice. Checking should always be done on any imports in any country.

    The 1991 claim in Japansese imports should be verified, I cant believe even that. As said, as a finn I am ashamed the finns will sell yall ppl whatever you are willing to buy - like our stupido mushrooms will be buying the super but 'radiating toyotas' -and- die prematurely of cancer (or from hitting the cancerous? trees)...

    However, finding a conspiracy, calling centuries old timber industry "disposing" - is hillaryous spin at best (from the 'spin-professor').

    Globally the timber industry had no change whatsoever from Chernobyl - while radiation fallout reached also USA... Of course I just thank you of reporting this, it uncovers one way to spin from the real problem - as you let my comment hang on here.

    Note on Chernobyl: the fallout from chernobyl is just 1/10 of the approx 3000 aboveground nuke tests conducted 1960-1965: REAL GLOBAL FALLOUT!

    This 10x radiation is global - Sitting still next 100.000 yrs ... ALSO IN JAPAN TIMBER - why the professor is not alarmed about that?

    Facts, linkys here:

    Sooo... Thank You! Keep up the superb work. (Me translating em to the timbermushrooms.)


  9. Map of Nuclear Explosions on the Earth from 1945-1998

  10. .

    Good video - except 2/3 missing of ctbto indicated blasts. Wassup?

    Total is about 2700 up to 1963 by the ctbto map, video shows 'somewhat' less.


  11. .

    NEW: The Just Leaked Top Secret Finnish NukEnvironmental Study

    Scientific Study: The Forest Status around 0lkiluoto Nuclear Station, Finland. University of Turku, Satakunta Environmental Center, Pori 1993. Declared as state secret, leaked 08.08.2011... The study is from 12 year period after Nuke plant startup, 1978-1991. One can only imagine the situation today. Our superman also photographed the mutated plants around this nuke station.

    See the linky... (NOTE: Finland has invested in its forestry last 200 years - having most stringend laws how the owners must keep their forests. If owner does not comply, the state will come and grow the forest and will charge the owner: thus the scientific studies must fill mountains... no wonder this is state secret)

    SEE MORE/copy/spread:

    Excerpts concerning the olkiluoto Nuke plant Island 26 test areas:
    Page 11: 1978-1991, 4km radius around the nuke plant, NATURAL background radiation increase, tritium etc, only 9800%. Mind u, no meltdown - yet. (Howabout today!?)
    Page 12. In central Europe, fir needle loss has been detected around many Nuclear Stations. Measured by injured fir twig, damage has been detected as far as 20km radius (12mile). Reichelt ja Kollert (1985) defined these to be result of Nuclear Station discharge pollution... (non visible, scentless neutron-radiated tritium etc air radiation via the nuke plume stacks ... currently open to the heavens through Fukushima Daichii meltdown depopulation scheme).
    Page 19: Spruce has 21-40% needle loss, pine 11-20%
    Page 22: Various kinds of damage is up approx 25%
    Page 30: Lichen has visible or total loss in over 90% areas ... the areas worsen visibly towards the (radiation source) Reactors.
    Page 37: the element substance content varied remarkably from the reference grouep in mid Finland: needle wight loss up to 81%, zinc, calsium, magnesium loss 50-80% (Please note that there exista also an official [TOP SECRET] english version of this study - demand it!) Special Thks to A L auri.

    Now compare our four nuke plants to Japans 50 beach bombs. Which Timber is more affetced?

    Timber is EVERYTHING! Never mind about the human cancer rate err papa depopulation plans.

    ...or maybe not?


  12. Re sociopathic tendencies in nuclear industry head honchos, government, big business, big banking, etc.:

    From a lot of reading about the power elites and the NWO etc., I have learned that many of them are drug users, probably also heavy drinkers. I also learned from reading books by Doug Thorburn that a high percentage of alcoholics test on the MMPI as being sociopathic/ narcissistic (personality disorders - these people are egotistical, manipulative, no conscience). BUT - this is really interesting - when they re-test ex-alcoholics who have kicked the habit, they find that the percentage who test as narcissistic/sociopathic goes way down, closer to the percentage found in the non-drinking non-addict population.

    So - having drug-using heavy drinking men running government is a big aspect of the problem. If they weren't already egotistical, manipulative, no-conscience narcissists/
    sociopaths, using these substances can make them that way.

    I am assuming that most reading this realize that the govt./CIA up to the White House and many big businesses, etc. - big business/banking/government, basically are big players in the illegal drug trade; that is the reason that drug use is kept illegal and viewed as a criminal rather than a mental health problem - keeping the drugs illegal keeps the ROI (profit, return on investment) about 20 times higher than it otherwise would be. Keeping marijuana, which is not harmful and grows like a weed, illegal is for the same reason - to protect/maintain the market for the higher profit harder drugs.

  13. Link to a great recent video interview with Dr. Chris Busby on Japan situation, dangers, what needs to be done to protect children, mis/mal-feasance of government in its failure to protect children and others.

  14. I took notes from Busby interview, here are some of them -

    Radiation is not uniformly distributed, more like a leaf shape, tends to go along river valleys.
    People should leave high concentration areas – especially children who are 10 times more affected. Should get out asap.
    Also – Govt. must urgently overfly the area and produce accurate radiation density maps which it could do. Old technology. People need to have the info. Info is just not there. Should be made publicly available so people can decide where to go. Along lines of Chernobyl exclusion zones – people should be evacuated. People who have to remain in lower concentration areas should be compensated. They have been assaulted by deadly substances. Nuclear industry should pay. Japanese and international nuclear industry.
    We need to ‘throw as much money as the world has’ to sequester these reactors. All of No. Japan will be unliveable forever if this is not done. It is a global problem, radiation is getting all over, hugh amounts of radionuclides coming out every minute!
    Should be a ring of monitors. Monitoring for all the radionuclides. They are not not doing that.
    Was horrible – deformation results in Faluja, from uranium. It is very dangerous. Should be monitoring for it.

    Science-based threats – suddenly this unimaginably serious consequences accident has been big wake-up call. We cannot trust these ‘experts,’ these so-called ‘scientists’ who are today bought and sold by big business/govt. and have no integrity or dedication to truth[which is the first guiding principle of scientific inquiry.] It is a kind of jungle.
    Nuclear power is a perfect icon of where we have gone wrong, gone astray.
    We are now all living in some sort of madhouse in which we are told what to do by these compromised scientists (and our fate is literally in their and their “corporate masters’” hands).
    This is not new situation. Has been developing slowly for a long time. Now is almost like an ‘explosive mass.’
    He hopes this [biggest nuclear/environmantal/ industrial disaster in the history of the planet] will catalyze a reappraisal of this whole area, and not just nuclear – cell phones, GMO foods, toxic pesticides, etc.
    His message is that these scientists are telling lies. Science needs to be value free. Now is not. We are on the deck of the titanic and being steered by false, flawed information.

  15. The rest of my NOTES from XLNT recent Dr. Chris Busby interview:

    Japanese govt. is criminally wrong not to evacuate kids & possibly adults from high contam. areas.
    War crimes – people responsible for decisions (in govt.) can be so charged. Like Nazi govt.
    Trial and long jail time could result. (Should in his opinion.)
    ICRP constraints – Jap. govt. has permitted higher exposure, and is ‘completely out of order in making the decisions that have been made.’ If it continues in this, it is criminal and should be brought to justice.
    ICRP doesn’t work. Was set up in ’52. DNA not discoverd untli ’53. Hazardous new substances were being developed right and left and standards had to be set up. Physcists did it. Treated humans as a bag of water. injected radioactive materials, set levels based on temperature increase in human-sized bag of water. (the point: totally outdated ‘shot in the dark’ ‘safety’(sic)standards still being used.)
    ICRP’s function, originally, was as apologist for and defender of industry. IAEA – responsible for radiation related health issues. Blatantly obvious big conflict of interest.
    ICRP is there to control the definitions of risk of internal radiation.
    Busby has been in several court cases brought by people harmed by internal radiation. People living near nuclear sites, etc. In US and UK., veterans exposed to radioactive testing etc. and developed leukemia. Busby says,”In all of those cases, we succeeded. Findings in favor of ECRR, not ICRP. ICRP could find no expert witnesses to support its standards. In fact its standards are wrong.”
    Coriama case, he would testify but only by video, won’t go near it – is frightened to go closer than 100 km to Fuk. and even nervous about being that close, says has been quite shocked by the high levels of radiation.
    People acting business as usual in Tokyo, and close to the Fuk. site, but actually there are levels there than can kill you. Invisible but can kill you. Get inside you and kill you. “A lot of my colleagues are dead. They went to Chernobyl.”

  16. This is the first half of Dr. Busby's interview. Notes are accurate to best of my understanding/ability. Responsibility for any errors is mine.
    Japanese govt. is criminally wrong not to evacuate kids & possibly adults from high contam. areas.
    War crimes – people responsible for decisions (in govt.) can be so charged. Like Nazi govt.
    Trial and long jail time could result. (Should in his opinion.)
    ICRP constraints – Jap. govt. has permitted higher exposure, and is ‘completely out of order in making the decisions that have been made.’ If it continues in this, it is criminal and should be brought to justice.
    ICRP doesn’t work. Was set up in ’52. DNA not discoverd untli ’53. Hazardous new substances were being developed right and left and standards had to be set up. Physcists did it. Treated humans as a bag of water. injected radioactive materials, set levels based on temperature increase in human-sized bag of water. (the point: totally outdated ‘shot in the dark’ ‘safety’(sic)standards still being used.)
    ICRP’s function, originally, was as apologist for and defender of industry. IAEA – responsible for radiation related health issues. Blatantly obvious big conflict of interest.
    ICRP is there to control the definitions of risk of internal radiation.
    Busby has been in several court cases brought by people harmed by internal radiation. People living near nuclear sites, etc. In US and UK., veterans exposed to radioactive testing etc. and developed leukemia. Busby says,”In all of those cases, we succeeded. Findings in favor of ECRR, not ICRP. ICRP could find no expert witnesses to support its standards. In fact its standards are wrong.”
    Coriama case, he would testify but only by video, won’t go near it – is frightened to go closer than 100 km to Fuk. and even nervous about being that close, says has been quite shocked by the high levels of radiation.
    People acting business as usual in Tokyo, and close to the Fuk. site, but actually there are levels there than can kill you. Invisible but can kill you. Get inside you and kill you. “A lot of my colleagues are dead. They went to Chernobyl.”

  17. The sale of radioactive consumer goods is actually fairly common orphaned commercial radioactive sources have ended up in the recycling stream a lot more than once. In 2000 a French nuclear worker kept setting off radiation alarms at work eventually they located the source it was a wristwatch recently bought at a big national chain store known as Carrefour.

    French Authorities Recall Radioactive Watches
    December 22, 2000 (ENS) - Watches sold in
    France under the brand name "Trophy" are contaminated with radioactivity, according to a French government agency. The contaminating radionuclide is cobalt-60 and it is
    located in the hinges of the adjustment links on the watch bracelet. The watches, which are made in Hong Kong, bear the serial number T65007.3. The chain store Carrefour is the biggest distribution group in Europe.

    see more

    This doesn't include all the radioactive watches and clock painted with radium that ended up in landfills. I remember reading a story on this most excellent blog about vials of radium being found buried in a store parking lot.These vials probably belonged to a watch dial painter who had no further use for the material and thought they safely disposed of it. Nobody knew it was there until the Fukushima disaster started people looking.

    Soil density meters and nuclear well loggers among other nuclear based tools are lost and stolen all the time. Most of these devices are discarded without a thought to the potential danger they pose.,0,5287415.story
