Thursday, August 18, 2011

#Radiation in Japan: A Hokkaido Town Measures Radiation As "Temporary" Disaster Debris Depot May Be Coming Near Them

A neighborhood association in a district in Tomakomai City in Hokkaido has started to measure the radiation levels throughout the district to obtain the baseline data. Why? Because a "temporary" depot to store the disaster debris from Tohoku may be coming near them.

Now that it's a law of their land that the national government will be doing the debris collection and disposal, many cities and towns who have mostly escaped the radioactive plume from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant may receive their "share" of radiation via radioactive debris - either as is, or in the form of radioactive ashes after the debris gets burned.

From Hokkaido Shinbun (8/18/2011):


The Numanohata Central Neighborhood Association in Tomakomai City [in Hokkaido] with 815 households has started the radiation survey on its own. Nearby Komato [Tomakomai East - an ill-fated national industrial development project from 1960s] is one of the candidate sites in Hokkaido for storage of the disaster debris. The Association says, "If the debris come here, we would like to have the baseline data on radiation so that we could compare before and after".


According to the Hokkaido prefectural government (nuclear safety measures section), they've never heard of a systematic radiation measurement on the neighborhood association level.


The Numanohata Central Neighborhood Association covers the area south of Numanohata train station, and the area is within 10 kilometers of Tomato.

I don't think these townspeople want the debris, neither do the residents in cities and towns throughout Japan (from Hokkaido to Kagoshima in Kyushu) where the disaster debris may go for "temporary" storage or final disposal. But there seems to be some sort of campaign is starting, whereby notable "celebrities" appear in the MSM to either praise Fukushima (prefecture) for perseverance in the face of adversity or denounce those Japanese who do not want radiation in their neighborhood or in their food as "selfish".



  1. Why don't they just store them in the exclusion zone at Fukushima? oh wait they would make too much sense...

  2. @Anon 11.21

    That is a very good question.
    Depending on what will happen to the exclusion zone, the radioactive debris from around Japan could be shipped there and buried.
    Its not like its going to be inhabitable anywhere near Fukushima Daiichi for quite some time.
    Best place for it in fact.

  3. To spread the contamination is criminal. And to burn radioactive materials also "makes no sense"--unless the goal is to eliminate a significant number of people.....Wonder where the government officials live? Near the proposed disposal districts? If not, they should move themselves and families there. Nothing like sharing!

  4. @anon 11:21 AM

    You can't declare a zone to be the disposal zone of Japan on one hand and on the other hand anounce you gonna lift exclusion zones and think about lifting shipment ban on products

  5. Sarcasm toggle swtiched on *

    Japan is renowned as a global leader in the precision engineering and high-quality material production

    Japan hopes to turn sci-fi into reality with elevator to the stars

    A space elevator could carry people, huge solar-powered generators or even casks of radioactive waste.

    What are those people in Hokkaido whing about? Tell them to SHUT UP AND EAT!

    Sarcasm dial switched off*

    Oh, and now that the contamination is going to be uniformly spread all over the country, there will be no safe place to buy food from anymore. Neat.

  6. "I know about people who talk about suffering for the common good. It's never bloody them! When you hear a man shouting "Forward, brave comrades!" you'll see he's the one behind the bloody big rock and the wearing the only really arrow-proof helmet!"
    — Terry Pratchett Quote

  7. Is there a list of towns that have agreed to accept the waste?

  8. @anon at 5:04PM 8/20, yes there is. In Japanese though. See my Japanese blog here:
