Tuesday, August 23, 2011

#Radiation in Japan: List of Prefectures in Japan That Have Said They Will Accept Disaster Debris

35 Prefectures from Hokkaido to Kagoshima; in other words, all over Japan.

Good news for the residents of 4 cities in Ishikawa Prefecture who do not want radioactive debris burned in their neighborhood: the cities have suspended the decision to accept disaster debris because of the opposition from the residents, even though city officials are quite willing to accept debris to "help" Tohoku.

Why these officials want to "help" Tohoku by soiling their beautiful, historical cities with radioactive materials, however small, remains a mystery to me. The only answer that I can think of is what Haruki "Detarame" Madarame of the Nuclear Safety Commission said - "It's all about money, isn't it?"

For all the other cities and prefectures, residents beware. Beware of the mass media too, who is very quick to mislead by branding the residents as "selfish" and "uncaring" for refusing to burn the radioactive debris. Or firewood. Like a heap of abuse dished out to Kyoto City residents.

Glancing through the tweets of people in Japan knowledgeable about waste management, I'm beginning to realize that there is a figurative "waste management village" whose residents are made up of experts, industry people, government officials with vested, common interest in promoting waste processing facilities - just like the "nuclear power plant village" that may or may not be unraveling.

List of Prefectures and cities that will accept disaster debris:

Hokiaido 【北海道】
札幌市、函館市、根室市、標茶町、幌加内町、大空町、清里町、登別市、北十勝2町環境衛生処理組合、根室北部廃棄物処理広域連合、釧路広域連合、 愛別町外 3町塵芥処理組合、大雪清掃組合、北斗市、苫小牧市、石狩市、千歳市、十勝環境複合事務組合、平取町外2町衛生施設組合、日高中部衛生施設組合、室蘭市日鐵セメント株式会社

Akita 【秋田】

Yamagata 【山形】

Gunma 【群馬】

Saitama 【埼玉】

Tokyo 【東京】

Kanagawa 【神奈川】
横浜市、川崎市、 横須賀市、藤沢市、茅ヶ崎市、逗子市、大和市、南足柄市、箱根町、厚木市、相模原市、小田原市、泰野市伊勢原市環境衛生組合、高座清掃施設組合、足柄東部清掃組合、足柄西部清掃組合

Toyama 【富山】

Ishikawa 【石川】
金沢市、輪島市、加賀市、能登市、七尾鹿島広域圏事務組合、羽咋郡市広域圏事務組合、白山石川広域事務組合、 奥能登クリーン

Yamanashi 【山梨】

Gifu 【岐阜】

Shizuoka 【静岡】

Aichi 【愛知】

Mie 【三重】

Shiga 【滋賀】

Kyoto 【京都】

Osaka 【大阪】
岸和田市貝塚市清掃施設組合、吹田市、高槻市、枚方市、茨木市、岬町、柏羽藤環境事業組合、泉南清掃事務組合、泉佐野市田尻町清掃施設組合、東大 阪都市清 掃施設組合、箕面市、摂津市、寝屋川市、豊中市、熊取町、堺市、四條畷市交野市清掃施設組合、泉北環境整備施設組合、池田市、門真市、大阪市

Hyogo 【兵庫】
神戸市、姫路市、尼崎市、明石市、西宮市、洲本市、芦屋市、相生市、豊岡市、加古川市、宝塚市、三木市、高砂市、三田市、加西市、篠山市、養父 市、丹波 市、南あわじ市、朝来市、淡路市、播磨町、佐用町、香美町、新温泉町、揖龍保健衛生施設事務組合、中播北部行政事務組合、洲本市・南あわじ市衛生事務組 合、小野加東環境施設事務組合、くれさか環境事務組合、猪名川上流広域ごみ処理施設組合

Nara 【奈良】

Wakayama 【和歌山】

Tottori 【鳥取】

Shimane 【島根】

Okayama 【岡山】

Hiroshima 【広島】

Yamaguchi 【山口】

Tokushima 【徳島】

Kagawa 【香川】

Ehime 【愛媛】

Kochi 【高知】

Fukuoka 【福岡】

Nagasaki 【長崎】

Kumamoto 【熊本】

Oita 【大分】

Miyazaki 【宮崎】

Kagoshima 【鹿児島】


  1. The ignorance is unbelievable in Japan !... nothing more to say, Its just sick

  2. This is a perfect way of potentially contaminating the few japanese regions that were untouched before the Fukushima accident.

  3. It has to be about kickbacks and money. I said it before, why don't they just dump everything into the uninhabitable zone in Fukushima?

  4. My town is on that list. They try to burn anything anywhere near me and I'm chaining myself across the road to block the trucks coming in.

  5. This must be stopped!!! The people must stop the contaminated wasted from being spread further throughout Japan. They are destroying the small country!!

    Keep it all in Fukushima and quarantine the areas affected. Do NOT SPREAD IT! Even a child could understand this. I cannot believe this. Unbelievable stupidity that will be seen by the entire world for history. What a disgrace.

  6. Absolute disgrace, Why are the Japanese so stupid?

  7. Check this video out, its been going on since April !


  8. They should also include the cities in the disaster area prefectures that are taking debris... like 大崎市 in Miyagi. It's far away from Fukushima but also taking radioactive soil.

  9. In Arnie Gunderson's latest video he pleads with the Japanese authorities to rethink their policy, but dear old Arnie is a decent rational person and the people running Japan are criminally insane. He also notes that the tent they are building over reactor no. 1 at the Daiichi site is good in some ways because it will help workers by reducing the on site radiation. However, he notes significantly that there will be a chimney that will send the radiation way up in the air and this way Japan can share their misery with other parts of the world when the radiation joins the wind and jet stream. The US is complicit in this nightmare by not complaining about these crazy policies, but then the US is the most corrupt nation in the history of the world.

  10. Thanks for this info.
    Now everyone in or near those cities get on the phone to city office and complain.

    I also agree with the idea of storing this debris in the no-go zone.
    I also have a little optimism. We must remember the govt this week has only just conceded that the area around Fukushima plant will become a no-go zone. Now they have accepted this reality, it will be easier for cities around the country to make the argument that the debris should be stored in the that zone.

    To make that happen we need to protest as much as possible.
    My wife has just called Kyoto city hall. They claim not to have had an official request from the govt yet.

  11. @doitujiin, http://blog.goo.ne.jp/banbiblog/e/e7527be51f716e1ecc11deeb55f0dd1e

    She is citing the article that appeared in AERA magazine August 8 issue that lists cities and towns and waste processing facilities.

  12. What a disgrace. If this goes through, there needs to be a global boycott of Japanese products. I would hope nations that import Japanese products test for radiation then publicize the findings..

    Japan depends on it's exports; is it time to hit them where it hurts? I hope they realize they can't depend on Japanese 'quality' carrying them anymore. Other Asian nations are quickly catching up in that category. I've already started boycotting regions of Japan. Will it soon be the whole nation?

  13. thank you very much!!

  14. No! No! No!


    Japanese scientists attempt to breed radiation resistant rice


  15. Ultraman,

    How is the debris burned, just out in the open or in incinerators? I assume the latter? I agree with you it is a big money deal, the incineration business in Japan is big business and they rely on a regular amount of waste otherwise they lose business, thus there is no incentive to stop chopping down rainforests etc.

    At any rate, do you or anyone know, just technically speaking, how much radiation would be filtered out, does anyone even attempt to explain this from the government point of view? Will they filter out 99 percent of the radiation (but then where will this fly ash be stored, Mongolia?), 50 percent, 0 percent?


  16. The filters in the Incinerators are not designed to filter out radiation.
    In any case, they themselves will become irradiated if they DO filter out any radiation, and will have to be changed by someone, at some point (Probably not).
    Some radiation will escape, as some smoke does escape from incinerators.

  17. I asked to Kumamoto City in Kyushu island. They said, "We will not accept Debris. This list was made on April. AND we didn't know about radiactive problem then."

    Even now Four PrefectureS are willing to get them.
    Tokyo, Yamagata, Aichi and Osaka.

    All of Japanese except goverment are angry at this decision.

  18. The physics are easy, and fundamental.
    What ever has contaminated the brach or garbage, and that is burned to aches, the fallout is stil there or if burned up totaly it have gone up in to the air, with the smoke.

    Thats the problem. This will only spread the radiation, and in no way reduce it.
    Solves nothing.
    I fimly hope that when and finaly the grim relitys arive inside the minds of the people of Japan. The end result of this disaster may be hugh ares forbidden for any living creature to walk on, for almosut a eternety.
    All this radiation must be colected or awoided to enter, Like Tjenobyl, Fukushima is doomed and in that moment it will be the gravyard for Nuklear waits. The last solution, at the present time and tecnology.

    This continous radiation fallout must be stopped, or time and the amount of radiation will eventualy, conquer it all.

  19. Hi EXSKF, is this article in Japanese? I want to pass it around here in Japan and tweet it like crazy....this shit must be stopped... thanks

  20. Ono, you're saying this list was made in April?? Can you give us any more information? Where did it come from? Is there a script or a document that people can use to talk to their city/prefecture government? Any information would be very appreciated.

  21. Watch this one:

    "M" for Meltdown


  22. Anonymous wrote:

    "Japanese scientists attempt to breed radiation resistant rice".

    I wonder what water source they will use to grow this rice. And will they next attempt to breed radiation resistant cows, pigs, poultry and fish?

  23. this nation is really an ignorant. greedy gov`t never think the future, this is a complete depopulation kill the people then nobody pay taxes kokumin kenko hoken will fuck up for the hundreds of thousands people will be sick and dead... can`t believe this will going to happen,,, spread the poison ohhhhhh so the whole nation will be contaminated!!!!

  24. the voice in your headAugust 24, 2011 at 11:37 AM

    "Japanese scientists attempt to breed radiation resistant rice".

    Good God, forget the "disgrace" category because now, for me, it has ventured into the "surreal" category and I can hear the music from the Twilight Zone playing in my head with every forthcoming news article. WTF Japanese people???!!!???!!! Never mind the forced "compassion for your neighbour" anymore because that will include the criminals. Instead, have compassion for yourselves! Think about it!

  25. I am really shocked and speechless.

    Sorry, I am just a stupid kraut.
    But, I really do not understand why there is not a "Truemmerberg" (big pile of garbage high as a mountain and then being greened) in Fukushima prefecture made.
    It is soooo sad that these ignorant politicians decided to spoil all of this wonderful country that Japan is (or was?).

    Why doesn't the Emperor intervene?

    I just do not understand.

  26. *Sigh* Is anyone even surprised by this? The typical passivity and ignorance of the Japanese people will eventually doom Japan. If this burning of debris does spread more radiation on those listed cities, it is OVER for Japan. Period. She will never recover from this.

  27. Hmmm, still did not get a good answer about how they will incinerate the radioactive waste. I agree with one person who said the filters will not really filter it out, and if they do will have to be replaced. It is simiiar to the water decontamination problem, it just shifts the problem but does not solve it. Still, if Ultraman can find out more would like to know what the Incineration Industry says about this. I agree though, it is an insane policy, any way you look at it.

    And now this!

    Auschwitz The Comedy

    http://www.nazigassings.com/ ;


  28. Edgar Cayce, the greater portion of Japan must go into the ocean.

  29. There are a lot of silly comments here, yes, the policy is bloody stupid, but exactly how much of the radiation contained in the debris will be released when it is burned? Ex SKF wrote about this here:


    It talks about burial of the ashes but not how much radioactivity will be released by burning, and how the filters would be dealt with.

    Yes, bloody stupid but people are not really looking at the technical aspects carefully. I agree though, everyone should complain to their local ward office as if they will listen.

  30. "Anonymous said...

    There are a lot of silly comments here,..."

    Really? Like what for instance makes your comment of such an uncommon genius in comparison? Pffffah. Filters? They are going to outfit all the involved incinerators with expensive RADfilters? They are going to spend money on RADfilters and their proper disposal as radwaste, and further strict monitoring and proper disposal of ash as radwaste?? Are you nuts? These are people cut from the same cloth as the ones that bought cheap caesium filled "reduced on sale" Fuku beef to feed schoolchildren. Best put a filter on what you've personally been smoking, dude.

  31. ah yes let us trust that the "technical aspects are looked at carefully". a euphemistic phrase for "how can we do this without spending a dime(consequences be damned) and still make money" if we are talking about japan.

  32. This is about the last straw for me. I live in Yokohama and it's on the list. I asked my wife to check it out and the mayor of Yokohama says that they won't receive any radioactive rubble. This is the same bitch who bought the cheap contaminated beef to feed the kids at school. I would be delighted for the kickback slut to explain how Yokohama is making sure they only receive non-contaminated debris.
    Again, this is all about money. Those who run the incineration business are gagging to get their hands on this stuff to make a load of cash and finish the country off by contaminating everywhere. And of course the local politicians will help as long as they get their backhander.
    No take aways or eating at restaurants, buying food from the south etc. my family and I have managed well enough. But dumping this shit on my doorstep is the end of it.
    The Japanese people have show themselves to be pathetically subservient, apathetic and ignorant. They say the people get the government they deserve.

  33. "The Japanese people have show themselves to be pathetically subservient, apathetic and ignorant. They say the people get the government they deserve." I couldnt agree more... Fuck Japan, if they don't stand up for themselves then they are complicit..they love to bash the Chinese but the Japanese are worse man !

  34. When city office say they won't receive radioactive materials, they may mean they won't receive anything radioactive according to the government safety levels. Anything within these levels is considered non-radioactive. That was the impression we got from Kyoto city hall.

  35. A friend of mine who works for a city on this list here went through his boss to get some information. Here's what he had to say:

    There was a survey sent out by the Ministry of the Environment about capacity for helping with the recovery. It included lots of questions including accepting people into temporary housing, etc. It also included questions about burning capacity. But the city has not offered to burn nuclear contaminated waste.

    To burn any garbage it is not a simple decision making process. The question must first go through Gikai and then some sort of public consultation, most likely with people living in the area around the burning site. The garbage disposal site cannot make this decision on their own.

    My boss said that during the BSE crisis there was also a similar request regarding burning waste. At that time they wanted to burn tainted beef. This was turned down at the Gikai level as well as the public level. So the idea of burning contaminated waste has a history of refusal here.

    He thinks that the issue is not to come in the near future as this was just a basic survey level. Even if the idea of burning garbage from Tokushima was brought up it would be very difficult to impossible to pass, he believes.

    Because all of these issues have to pass through the Gikai, it is best to talk to your Giin about the issue, as they will have a direct say the matter. Maybe you can talk to your Giin just to get more information and express your concerns. This may cause them to do some research and increase their own awareness. A well composed letter asking for more information and possible implications may be appropriate.

  36. The problem will be: what is considered "radioactive"? It is likely that most of the disaster debris in Fukushima and Miyagi, even Iwaki may be "radioactive" to a varying degree. Some may be only slightly radioactive, some may be radioactive a lot. The government will pick a number and declare anything below that number to be just regular industrial waste.

    Osaka and several other prefectures on Osaka Bay are eager to accept debris for their big landfill project. Tokyo already buried the radioactive ashes in its landfill on Tokyo Bay, without bothering to tell the citizens, until they were caught in early June.

    Japan is simply swapping one interest group (nuke power/plant) with another (waste management). Big projects, dango collusion, crushing the citizens' oppositions. Same old story. I hope the net and social media make the difference this time around, but hope is not a viable strategy.

  37. You are right areva, it will never even get close to where an expensive RADfilter needs to be bought and used.
