Tuesday, August 2, 2011

#Radiation in Japan: Now It's Radioactive Manure

Now that the Ministry of Agriculture has set the provisional safety standard for compost at 400 becquerels/kg, this is the first manure to exceed that limit. It was made in Ibaraki Prefecture, and was being sold in Kyoto.

Low-level contamination spreads to the western half of Japan. Already, radioactive leaf compost have been found in Tottori Prefecture (Chugoku region) and Kagawa Prefecture (Shikoku region).

From Mainichi Shinbun Japanese (12:35AM JST 8/3/2011):


The Kyoto prefectural government announced on August 2 that 4,990 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium was detected from the manure labeled "made in Ibaraki Prefecture"; the level of radiation is more than 10 times the provisional safety limit of 400 becquerels/kg. The manure was sold at "Royal Home Center Mozume Branch" in Muko City in Kyoto. It is the first time radioactive cesium has been detected from the manure made in Ibaraki. According to the Kyoto prefectural government, the manure is sold by a dealer in Tokyo and labeled "Horse Manure" (5 liters), made from horse manure and rice hay. The prefectural government instructed the store to remove the manure from the store premise and to recall the product voluntarily. There's no information as to how many bags of this manure have already been sold.


Also, the prefectural government announced that 26,600 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium was detected from the leaf compost made in Tochigi Prefecture and sold at "Cainz Home Kizugawa Branch" in Kizugawa City, Kyoto. Radioactive cesium has been detected in the Tochigi-made leaf compost in home/garden centers in Akita and Tottori Prefectures, but Kyoto's number is the largest so far.

The dealer who manufactured and sold the radioactive horse manure is Sowa Recycle Corporation, headquartered in Tokyo. (The name of the dealer was in the press release by the Kyoto government.) On the company's website there is no mention of the manure found radioactive in Kyoto.

One bright spot in this case of radioactive compost and manure that came to light in late July: It all started with a citizen in Saitama Prefecture who went in to the garden center nearby in June to measure the radiation on the surface of a bag of leaf compost. Power of an individual.

She (I think it is she) had heard rumors that the radiation was high near the pile of leaf compost bags in the center, so she went there with a personal survey meter and a camera, and uploaded the video on Youtube. That was in late June. Then, more citizens went to garden centers in other prefectures to measure the radiation, and alerted the municipal governments. And the governments had to act.


  1. The Government raises the limit of exposure but, the human body doesn't follow the numbers...how stupid can politicians be?

    Death, a painful death is what people in Japan will soon face. Radiation poisoning is very real. Chernobyl proved it beyond any doubts!

    TEPCO is stalling. TEPCO is finished.
    TEPCO's employees are the walking dead.
    You can't be absorbing all this radiation and not feel nothing is happening.

    To think, Japan was such a beautiful country. Thousands of years of history now, all destroyed because of the greed of TEPCO. I hope all of you involved with this disaster are proud of yourself!

  2. So Nuclear boys mother and father,aunts and unles,brothers and sisters,neices and nephews can breath a sigh of relief as their whole lineague knows they need only act to clear up their own mess if other families embarrass them into cleaning up after themselves.

    The problem for other families is that the nuclear boy family don't believe that being seen to be cleaning saves their face,it's like cleaning is the job of the other familes.

    It's like when a cat craps in your yard and makes a half heated attempt to bury it,you can plainly see it and you don't want your children playing with it and you know the cat won't take it away or stop doing it.

    So your'e left shovelling shit from one place to another.
