Monday, August 15, 2011

#Radiation in Japan: Pile of Radioactive Garbage Ashes Next to an Apartment in Fukushima City

From Twitpic of Massahisa Sato, member of the Upper House of the Japan's Diet. Bags of radioactive ashes from the garbage incinerating plant are piled up high right near an apartment building in Fukushima City. He says some of the residents in the apartment building have evacuated for the fear of radiation coming off that pile. (Click the photo to enlarge to see the details.)

On a separate, culturally-correct "rumor", the Japan Buddhist Federation may be planning to organize a nationwide ceremony whereby the debris in the disaster-affected areas in Tohoku will be burned to pray for the spirit of the dead at its member temples throughout Japan.


  1. Can't believe anybody in Fukushima is burning radioactive trash.

  2. image is not showing

  3. The image is not showing for me too.

  4. Is anyone in other countries who will be in the fallout paths..CONCERNED about the possibility of Japan burning radioactive materials? Not only has the ocean been contaminated to a significant distance from Japan, but now other countries will face dangers. Frankly, we do not need more damage from radiation. Is anyone in government concerned..or is this the new Global goal of sharing? If Japan has a problem, others should also have the same.....

  5. Japan is a simple people. Simple in intellect and simple in understanding radiation danger, as is the majority of the World.

    Simple minds that comprehend the same... absolutely nothing.

    Governments that raise safety limits are demonstrating hate and disdain for the Public and massive support for business.

    You are expendable, not worthy of environmental or product protection.

    Are you feeling good about that?

  6. "...demonstrating hate and disdain for the Public and massive support for business." Sounds a lot like another country we all know of. You really disparage the Japanese by calling them a simple people. I assume you don't know any.

    You can bet your ass that the US government is taking plenty of measurements of the radiation here and we are told nothing. The few individuals who have done their own testing say the news is not good. You are expendable also no matter where you live. The omnipotent State must thrive and individuality must be sacrificed. It's called the New World Order...
    which is really the Old World Odor.

  7. I blew up the picture & what you are not explaining to readers is not only is the debris contained in plastic bags but also is tied down by rope for extra safety.

  8. plastic bags dont stop radiation you idiot

  9. If anyone is to blame for this and for all evil on earth-go to the source of all evil-the bankers=satan on earth=David Rockefeller.

  10. They are also piling up radioactive soil in areas that haven't been affected by radioactive fallout at all. Very close to the residents and only 5m away from the next rice field. check my blog if you want to learn more...

  11. I think that Anonymous@7:07 was being sarcastic/humorous.
    If they were truly serious about safety, they would have used duct tape along with those plastic bags & rope.

    When are the Japanese going to start handing out Walmart smiley face t-shirts & McDonald's Happy Meals to protect people from radiation?

    (The situation there is so bad that I have to make a few jokes to keep from crying about it).

  12. they are using the duct tape for the plastic bag they are putting over Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Reactor 1, they do know what they are doing!

  13. Gundersen also said: "I know someone who is very highly placed in the State Department, and US Government has come up with a decision. And i don't know whether it's influenced by fear of panic or commercial interests or whatever. But i do know that the US government has at the highest level of the State Department as well as other departments as FDA and on and on have made a decision to downplay Fukushima. And i can't speak for the Canadian counterpart but i will say that back in April Hillary Clinton signed a pact with her counterpart in Japan saying that she agreed that there are no problems with japanese food supplies and we will continue to buy them. So we are not sampling this material that comes into the country because our government has made the decision, a strategic decision, to downplay it. And i don't know if that's because they want to support the japanese government or whether they want to support the nuclear industry, but i do know that the decision was made at the highest level of government."

  14. Even if those "highly placed" people in the State Department have no problem with watching millions of people around the world die once the radiation ruins food/water supplies, don't these "highly placed" people have family and friends that are also being affected? Do they live in a bubble? Do they plan on moving to So. America? I don't get it.

  15. hello
    perhaps compared to the 300 plus tons of hot nuclear corium that is spewing radiation into the atmosphere a little wood and packaging material hardly seems like a big deal.
    The core is still reacting Japenese people.
    Thefe is no one at the wheel of this.
    Do you understand?
    It can not be " shut off"
    300 + tons
    i must humbly disagree with Mr Gundersen
    I don't think the core became like a pancake and puddled on the floor
    it c ongealed into a bulbous mass that have melted thru containment and are continuing to react(burn)
    It appears the japanese fascist leaders are hoping it goes out by itself.
    Meanwhile a radioative plume will encircle the globe.
    I sure hope the fascist leaders are right
    whod a thunk
    is that irony?

  16. I've been an anti-nuclear activist for around 35 years. This is my worst nightmare. Not only are there four smashed reactors spewing deadly isotopes into the atmosphere the Japanese business and political leaders seem to think that if they ignore it the danger will go away. This is beyond insane, it is stupid. I have a message to the Japanese people- The leaders of my country are behaving as if they do not have good walking around sense, please get your leaders to behave as if they do.

  17. Didn't it rain heavily in Fukushima just two or three weeks ago?
    Wonder where the run-off from that pile went???
