Wednesday, August 10, 2011

#Radiation in Japan: Practically Any Radioactive Debris Will Be Burned and Buried

when the Ministry of the Environment decides on the base plan after it runs the plan with the so-called experts that the ministry relies on (i.e. rubber-stamp).

Great leap forward in recovery and reconstruction.

From Yomiuri Shinbun (1:38AM JST 8/10/2011):


On August 10, the Ministry of the Environment made public the base plan for the ashes from burning the debris and sludge that contain radioactive materials from the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident. The plan would technically allow all the ashes to be buried.


The plan was given on the same day to the ministry's committee of experts to evaluate the safety of disaster debris disposal, and the ministry hopes to finalize the plan before the end of August.


In June, the ministry announced that the ashes that test up to 8,000 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium can be buried in the final disposal facilities. It called for the temporary storage of the ashes that exceed 8,000 becquerels/kg but didn't specify the final disposal procedure. In the base plan announced on August 10, to bury the ashes whose radioactive cesium exceeds 8,000 becquerels/kg, some measures need to be taken to prevent radioactive cesium from making contact with ground water, or to process the runoff appropriately. For the ashes that measure 8,000 to 100,000 becquerels/kg, the plan calls for: 1) processing facilities with roofs; 2) durable containers; 3) mixing the ashes with cement to solidify.

The whole plan is moot, because, on the side, the ministry has already told municipalities that they can "mix and match" - burn radioactive debris and sludge with non-radioactive debris and sludge to lower the radiation below whatever the limit the ministry sets, which has been 8,000 becquerels/kg and now 100,000 becquerels/kg if the plan gets an approval from the expert committee. The ministry set the limit for Fukushima Prefecture, then notified other prefectures to "refer to the Ministry's instruction to Fukushima Prefecture and notify the municipalities accordingly".

The Ministry of the Environment, which is likely to be selected as the new regulatory authority over the nuclear industry in Japan, is not very known for timely disclosure of information online. This base plan, if it is announced on their site, is buried so well that I can't find it. The latest information on the earthquake/tsunami disaster debris is dated July 28, which specified the "temporary" storage of the ashes that exceed 8,000 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium.

It looks like the ministry is simply making this "temporary" storage into permanent.

Expertise to deal with anything radioactive is non-existent at this ministry. Good luck Japan.


  1. And the nightmare continues. This will just spread the radiation further. On on earth can they do this legally? This is criminal.

    Thank you for reporting this. There is absolutely no information about Fukushima in the US press. It is as if it never happened and all is well.

  2. How can they do this legally? Easy. Change the law, so that whatever they do is legal, legit.

    Thank you for coming here and read about Fukushima. The very fact that people outside Japan come to the site like mine seems to encourage and give support to people in Japan.

  3. Burning of anything significantly above background levels just spreads the contamination. Mixing into concrete and then placing it into dry storage would be the ideal solution. Dry storage prevents leaching by water and for this very low level waste, natural decay will render eventually render it harmless, but will require a lot of storage space.

  4. Unfortunately the Japanese can and will dump their nuclear disaster everywhere they have access,to 'Save' Japan.

    Others may not be keen on the Japanese bombarding them with the product of their failed science project but that hardly matters to those tasked with dilution and disposal by fair or mostly foul means.

    The intent for this eventuality is the thing the Japanese of the time bought into,i'm sure there were people who rejected the very idea of sudjecting Japan to the potential of more atomic torment but these people would have been silenced quite quickly by the US occupation keen an instilling dependency in the once proud but now subjugated people.

    In essence for the Japanese it was the same as the British peddling Opium to the Chinese.

    All that is known and yet i'll wager the Japanese will be building more,and that combined with the rest of the horror is truly the epitome of evil.

  5. "The Solution to Pollution is Dilution."
    WRONG! You can't burn radiation because, it doesn't burn off...loser government officials!

    The clock is ticking for everyone near that disaster. Make sure you look in the mirror to see what a real fool looks like.

  6. I remember reading that they planned to use the tsunami waste (which is contaminated by all kinds of nasty substances including radiation) as landfill based on a VISUAL judgement by ëxperts" but that in 'the worst cases'the waste could be dumped at sea as a last resort..of course, we all know what will happen there. Fools the lot of them.

  7. Take a look at the trailer of the American adaption of 'Varan the unbelievable'.


  8. Here,

  9. Here's thing, if you got one fuel rod blown outta the MOX reactor it sits on the ground, you bury it deep down, fine. Cannot burn that one as it is an oxide already. Should not burn anything else really converting via high temp into smaller and hence more deadly particles...entombment of the entire site at Daiichi under a mountain of volcanic Japanese sand will do the trick buckaroos with a pretty lil concrete cap on top. No more releases and maybe then parts of Honshu can still be saved, otherwise every other "plan" is essentially depopulation over time due to the birth defects, economic costs, cancers, infertility, heart and thyroid problems, and chronic fatigue that you find in Belaruss and Ukraine. Good luck my friends and let's get er buried soon.

  10. Payback for Hiroshima ???????
    Just a slow kill for US all!!!
    My detectors have read consistently higher background since this whole thing happened.
    Its not much, 4 to 12 mr per hr higher but higher none the less. we used to have really low background here.
    When the rains came in March it really climbed and then fell off.

  11. The radioactive rainouts the last month in North America covered on by citizen radiation monitoring videos show the radiation released by Fukushima Daiichi continues to be massive. Fukushima continues to seriously terrain contaminate North America with rained out hot particles. Toronto had frightening levels of radiation in rainwater.
    As far as burning goes, the Japanese and North Americans have already been burned enough by GE and TEPCO. It is long overdue to bury the whole site under a mountain of sand. There will never be a better time to bury Fukushima Daiichi than right now. The longer Japan fails to cover this site completely stopping all radiation including gamma and neutrons, and stopping the criticalities sustained by the ill advised water sprinkling protocol, the worse the day of reckoning. That day and those days will be coming after December once the post 3/11 babies are born. I sincerely hope my fears are unfounded. You can see the effect of nuclear weapons testing in Nevada on downwind families like the H. W. Bushes. They had a number of mentally challenged children and even one that died, and I think Poppy and Babs had their thyroids pulled, but that could be a baseless rumor. Radiation does seem to cognitively impair the US GI's who breathe alot of uranium smoke in combat. They have terrible syndromes such as Dr. Doug Rokke's ailments from uranium, and a large part of the hot particles off Fukushima are UO from hot fuel rod fumes, not dissimilar to Fukushima releases in radioactive steam vapor.

  12. In the aim of helping everyone, I'd like to share the most crucial tip of a lifetime:

    As far as radiation protection, there is a new medical discovery, which increases glutathione activity 800%. Its the best most energizing anti-aging product I know.

    All antioxidants require it to even function. This discovery explains the purpose of sleep & why young heal faster.



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