Wednesday, August 10, 2011

#Radioactive Beef Consumed in School Lunches in 296 Schools in 12 Prefectures in Japan

and 43% of the schools are located in Yokohama City alone.

From Asahi Shinbun (3:02AM JST 8/11/2011):

放射性セシウムに汚染された疑いのある牛肉を給食に使っていた学校や幼稚園が12都県の296施設に上ることが、文部科学省の調 査で分かった。うち2校では国の暫定基準値を超えるセシウムを検出。健康に影響はないとみられるが、文科省は食材の出荷制限などの情報に注意するよう学校 現場に呼びかけている。

The survey by the Ministry of Education and Science has revealed that 296 schools in 12 prefectures have used beef from cows suspected of radioactive cesium contamination. 2 schools used the beef whose cesium level exceeded the provisional safety limit. It is not considered the level of cesium in the meat will affect health, but the ministry is telling the schools to pay attention to information on shipping restriction on food items [due to radiation].

 文科省によると、9日現在で、汚染され た稲わらを食べた可能性のある牛の肉は、東北から中国、四国にかけての20市町の小中高・特別支援学校278校と幼稚園18園の給食で、カレーや牛丼、肉 じゃがなどに使われていたことが判明。横浜市で127校、岐阜市で53校・園、宮城県の4市町では30校・園に上る。東日本が主だが、三重、島根、香川の 計4市40校・園でも使われていた。

According to the ministry, as of August 9, the meat from the cows that may have eaten radioactive rice hay was used in school lunches in 278 elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and special education schools, and 18 kindergartens, in 20 cities and towns in Japan. 127 schools in Yokohama City used it, so did 53 schools and kindergartens in Gifu City [in Gifu Prefecture], and 30 schools and kindergartens in 4 cities in Miyagi Prefecture. The schools are mostly located in eastern Japan, but 40 schools in 4 cities in Mie, Shimane, Kagawa Prefectures also used the meat.

 在庫の肉を検査できた約30施設のうち、放射性物質が 検出されたのは8施設。うち宮城県の特別支援学校と千葉県の小学校の計2校では、国の暫定基準値(1キロあたり500ベクレル)を超える1293~649 ベクレルが検出された。ただしいずれの自治体も、1人あたりの肉の使用量は少なく、健康への影響はないとしている。

30 schools were able to test the remaining meat, and radioactive materials were detected at 8 schools. Of the 8 schools, two schools - a special education school for students with disabilities in Miyagi Prefecture and an elementary school in Chiba, had the meat that exceeded the provisional safety limit (500 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium), testing 1,293 to 649 becquerels/kg. The municipalities say the amount of contaminated beef per person is small, and it won't affect the health.

In the meantime, the Food Safety Commission under the Cabinet Office is soliciting public comments (in Japanese alone please, says the Commission) on their detailed justification for their decision to set 100 millisieverts for life-time allowable radiation exposure for the Japanese. If you read their conclusion, you would think there would be no problem with any of the nuclides that have been released from the broken nuclear power plant in Fukushima. (More later.)


  1. So "it won't affect the health" if you eat a tiny bit of beef, but if all your other foods are contaminated and you live in an area with increased radiation, surely that will affect your health.

    Sad how nobody (except Prof. Kodama and a few others) dares to look at cumulative effects of everything combined.

  2. If you can wade thru the content, here is the April 2011 report on Chernobyl, which shows the data has been deliberately manipulated. Its good reading and a good document for reference. Its the closest to describe what will happen to Japans children, and future children.

  3. To Anonymous at 7:15 PM

    Thank you for the link! (

    There is alot of important information in the document and plenty of quotes that would shame those who defend the lying and manipulation of national governments and their nuclear industry friends- if only those people were CAPABLE of shame. Here are two examples:
    "There are numerous accounts of attempts at ‘compensatory justice’: contaminated food was
    distributed in clean areas and clean food was transported to contaminated areas, or clean and
    contaminated food was mixed – further shrouding the differences between clean and
    contaminated areas, and no longer retraceable, but certainly having a considerable effect
    upon the health of the population.
    None of the governments in Russia, Belarus or Ukraine are interested in a comprehensive
    survey of the consequences of Chernobyl. They prefer to close the case, gradually re-cultivate
    and resettle lost territory and pay as little as possible to the victims. They are not interested in
    discussions about the mistakes that have been made. There is a tendency amongst the
    International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the United Nations Scientific Committee for
    the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) to support this position. Independent scientific
    studies in this area are not being financed and are being obstructed or prevented. "


    "We refuse to haggle over whether a liquidator (clean-up worker) who received a high radiation
    dose, who has been an invalid for years, whose wife has left him, whose daughter is unable to
    find a boyfriend because of her father’s history, who suffers from diverse illnesses, the
    treatment of which has been given up by doctors, and who commits suicide, counts as a
    Chernobyl death or not."

    Surely 'compensatory justice' (sharing the 'pain' or shipping radioactive beef and produce throughout Japan) is already occurring there.

  4. That's an awesome (terribly) link!

    Someone needs to translate it to Japanese and title it: Japan's Future.. Does anyone know if there's a Japanese version? I'd be willing to fork out some cash for someone to translate it.. I'll check around.

  5. @anon at 7:15PM, thanks for the link. At least I'll try to translate the executive summary of the document for my Japanese readers.

  6. Hello, people?! Ever heard of "Google Translate?"

    Translate away!!!


  7. Thanks Ultra. Looking forward to it. Again, send me an email (you know my number). Give me a quote for a full translation. :)

    Google translate is nice, but I'd want to this to be taken seriously by Japanese readers. If translated, I plan to send around to families I know living here. Somebody's got to stand up.

    BTW, I'm leaving Japan end of next month. I'm sad as this has become my home, but it's time to move on.

    Will be keeping updated here though. My kids are still Japanese, and we'll never leave permanently ... Unless.

  8. Actually, I'm not sure the whole document needs translation.. I'll trust you, Ultra, to make the right choices of sections; you've done a great job on everything else.

  9. "Essential data on the course of events of the Chernobyl catastrophe and the subsequent
    effects on health are not publicly available. They are classified in both East and West."


  10. I used to love the rain. The way it washes away the heat and dust. The revitalizing effect on the plants and trees. The smell of the grass and sage after the rain is one of the simple sublime pleasures of being alive.
    Now the rain brings radiation and contaminates the earth. The crops grown are unfit for consumption. Gone are the simple joys of life, hope for the future.
    I am stunned that the world allows Tepco and Japan Inc. to commit genocide on such a grand scale without a peep. I stand in awe of their murderous depravity.
    I used to love the rain.

  11. Children of liquidators

    An unusually high number of mutations have been found in the genetic material of the
    children of liquidators. Scientists from Haifa University have found changes in these children that were seven times greater than the number found in the genomes of siblings, who were
    conceived prior to service in Chernobyl.


  12. many countries have several decades worth of reliable data on infant mortality.

    "A paper, published in 1997 by Alfred Körblein61 and Helmut Küchenhoff, came to the
    conclusion that there was a significant increase in perinatal mortality in the whole of Germany
    following Chernobyl. Analysis of monthly death rates showed an increase in perinatal mortality
    seven months after the exposure of pregnant women to radioactive caesium was calculated to
    have been at its highest. (62)
    The author put this increase down to the fact that, during the winter of 1986/1987, agricultural products from animals that had been given contaminated feed came onto the market."

    Scherb and Weigelt also examined stillbirth rates in several countries and regions outside the Chernobyl region that had also been relatively heavily contaminated by Chernobyl fallout. (67)
    According to their analysis, the perinatal mortality rate in the combined countries/regions of Bavaria, East Germany, West-Berlin, Denmark, Iceland, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Hungary increased in 1986 by 4.6% (p=0.0022) and from 1987-1992 by a highly significant 8.8% (p=0.33E-6) compared to the trends based on the periods 1981-1985 and 1987-

    "The scientists criticized the fact that in1987, of all years, Finland changed their definition of stillbirth."
    [this ^^ is why the clown was embarking on "the stacks", to divert from the above]

    "After Chernobyl, infant mortality rates in Sweden, Finland and Norway increased by a
    significant 15.8 percent compared to the trend for the period 1976 to 2006."

    " in 1987 Trichopoulos reported on pregnancy terminations following Chernobyl. He came to the conclusion that in May 1986, 23 percent of early pregnancies in Greece were terminated. Altogether about 2,500 wanted pregnancies were terminated because of Chernobyl. (78)

    Ketchum’s information, that there were 100,000 to 200,000 additional terminations in Western Europe because of the Chernobyl catastrophe, refers to data from the IAEA. (79)

    " there have been numerous indications from doctors, and women in the Chernobyl region, that in the days and weeks following Chernobyl abortions were systematically carried out. No one wants to talk about this and we have no knowledge of accurate data on these abortions."

    p28 ..
