Monday, August 8, 2011

#Radioactive Rice to Come? Rice Growing in a Rice Paddy with 35,000 Becquerels/kg of Radioactive Cesium?

No wonder the first trading of rice futures in Osaka fetched 40% premium over the exchange-suggested contract price.

If this number is correct, the harvest season in Japan will be indeed "chaos".

From the tweet of Ryuichi Kino, who has attended and reported on almost all TEPCO/government press conferences regarding the Fukushima accident since March, reporting on the TEPCO/government joint press conference on August 8:


Germany's ZDF Television is here. Said 35,000 becquerels/kg [of radioactive cesium, most likely] has been found in the soil of a rice paddy planted with rice, and asked if the government does any thorough check. Hosono [minister in charge of the nuclear accident] consulted with his staff for a very long time, and said they will confirm the number. He said the government will check the rice as they grow in the rice paddies.

The transfer factor from the soil to rice is considered to be about 0.1. 35,000 becquerels/kg in soil may result in 3,500 becquerels/kg of harvested rice, 7 times the provisional safety limit which is already far too loose for the staple like rice.

I've found the video clip for this part. It's the rice paddy in Fukushima City. Fukushima City was OUTSIDE the evacuation zone of any kind, so the soil was apparently never tested by the prefectural government. The reporter asks the question in English, with a Japanese interpreter.

Japanese people who watched the video or knew about it from Kino's tweets are thanking ZDF for having shown up and asked questions at the press conference. It's been a very long time any foreign media showed any interest in these conferences given by TEPCO/government on Fukushima I Nuke Plant and radiation contamination.

I hope more foreign media (not their Japanese bureaus) will come and ask hard questions.

35,000 becquerels/kg of cesium in soil would translate into 2,275,000 becquerels/square meter (35,000 x 65), which is way above the forced evacuation criterion in the Chernobyl accident (1,480,000 becquerels/square meter).


  1. Thank you for keeping us informed! My friends and I are reposting your articles on our Facebook pages, everyday! We hope anyone who reads this will do the same and continue this chain of raising awareness! We support your hard work! Love to both, you and Japan, from the U.S.!!! <3!

  2. Sadly I could see this coming, and stocked up on rice in early April. But Japan being Japan, I can see every grain of contaminated rice being absorbed into the food industry.

    Sigh ...

  3. Get the passports ready...

  4. Where do you get that conversion factor for kgs to square meters? I've been looking for something like that.

  5. It seems to be sipping into the world wide media, and the scale and and how the Japan Gov. handled the situation, regading Fukoshima.
    We where spott on from the wery begining, downplayed as Screamongerers and so on.

    Its going to be a Masacre on economics regarding seafod and agricoultural areas, when the scale of the fallout reatches the world.
    The sole reason for this mess is the Goverment og Japan and no one else, they know it, and so do we.
    Its not the people of Japan that has lost its Face, its the chriminals in charge and the MSM for its complisity to the atrosetys comitted.
    The MSM has absolutly no credibilety left, and thats the main reason for the meaningless and utterly unnecessey sufering of the people of Japan. They denied to take this case with the seriousness is was and still is, its the singlemoust biggest ind. axident ever on the planet Earth.
    And its not even managed in any way to this wery day.

    "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
    — Martin Luther King Jr.

  6. .

    "I hope more foreign media (not their Japanese bureaus) will come and ask hard questions."

    ---> vain hope. All media is controlled by the worlds largest shareholder. Now what could that be? Dont except this fact to be spread on the street...



  7. Minor Epiphany:

    Most likely all of these blobs of fuel have escaped and are in the basement or now in the ground below the basement. Sheesh, even in Chernobyl, they had pictures of the blob.

    Seriously, why have they not presented evidence showing where the blobs are. Simple, because answer is too damn bad, and impossible to deal with, and they want to kick the can down the road until they have to “admit more”, and people get past the anger and fall into acceptance and despair.

    Nice game plan boyz, there will be a special place in hell for you since you couldn’t stand up and be men.

  8. i agree. There will be a chauffeur standing at the gates of hell holding a card with each of their names on them, ready to whisk them off to an especially hot spot of hell where TEPCO and affiliates will roast over green fires of corium and watch videos of the children they killed.

    And that would just be their arrival party.

  9. Time to rise and resist TEPCO-like corporations throughout the world. Their crap has become to stinky and we can either shut our eyes to their crimes and do nothing or open our eyes and start to fight...

  10. Where are the mass demonstrations? Workers on strike? Parents boycotting radioactive schools? Is anyone going to do anything? Has anyone in Japan even thrown a rock at a Tepco Executive? Broke a window? Torched some corporate or government property? You are being exterminated by your own countrymen and do NOTHING about it.
    My father was a Navel officer in WW2 and told me the Japanese were very fierce fighters. When going into battle against them he would pray and write letters home because he might not get another chance. What happened to Japan? Where are the men?

  11. B--You might ask that question of the people of most countries in the world. Especially the US. It seems only the Arab countries are willing to stand up to the globalist warmongering corporations and banksters. The rest of the world only knows how to type.

    I believe that the TEPCO executives and the top level figures in the Japanese government should be hung from the nearest light pole.
    At the very least the superpowers should have FORCED Japan to let the Russians and the European heavyweights take over from the Japanese ass-draggers. The whole world ecosystem and it's people are being adversely effected. In the beginning I thought that maybe the Japanese hierarchy was simply incompetent. That was not a satisfactory explanation though as we all know the Japanese to be one of the most intelligent of races.

    So, since the ass-draggers are still doing what they do best and the problem has disappeared in much of the western media we are forced to look for other answers as to why this is. I have my own theories and none of them look pretty for any of us. Especially Japan.

  12. Bruce Hayden, I do much more than type. I have donated money I cant afford to give to Japanese relief efforts. I have also offered to open my home to a Japanese family with children from Fukushima. My thought is to try and save just one or two Japanese children, no reply.
    I have done what I can to help including type. Its up to the Japanese to save themselves and by extension the rest of the planet. This will require the Japanese to rise up and put the ruling class in its place. This is long overdue...

  13. there are some people doing th work of government - the police is letting them (for now)

    (occasionally, how's the space key, ultraman? did you manage to avoid apple?)

  14. One thing I do not understand. These "experts"; these government spokesmen; these TEPCO/nuclear industry apologists: Don't they fear for themselves and their families? Are they not as at risk as others in Japan? Won't the radiation, the food and water shortages affect them, too? How can they look away??

  15. if this is what the japanese can do to themselfs, imagine what they are still capable to do if they would control another country or other population.

  16. what a racist comment! i think the japanese people are doing the best to move on and deal with this crisis. what good does anger, hate, violence do in times like this. of course in most countries, there would have been riots, looting, raping and burning buildings the moment there was an earthquake. have some respect people.

  17. You above this comment, there's IS looting on a massive scale, probably mafia and not so much the average Joe though. And I'm living in Japan now and can say that most people either do not care, don't believe it's as bad, or simply don't have that "warrior spirit" within them anymore. It was only until the late sixties that we'd see mass riots and protests against many things, as the seventies go through we see a few, and now especially we just get a few peaceful demonstrations against nuclear power in general. A lot guys I know don't want to think about the problem, and those that do have their senses are worried and don't want to trust the gov't, but still don't know what to do so they began to stop thinking about it as well...

  18. "there's IS looting on a massive scale"

    got any references for that? seen it yourself?

  19. Yes well 'looting' of rice from Kyushu for Tokyo by the merchants for one. Since the end of WWll, Japan has seen the light in winning the any war by attacking peacefully. Thus went the west's manufacturing. This is the same as looting in another word.
    Next to be 'looted' will be peoples saving accounts to pay for inflation in necessities.
    Sophistocated means of looting is what Japan is good at. And divide and rule.
    They run a good show these clowns.
    Japanese men are now simply wage slaves, innured to their house loans-those that have jobs that is. Others are part time workers/gamers more interested in their hairdo's and cell phones than the children of Fukushima.
    Inspire the next!

  20. Everyone do what you can! Repost these articles on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Raise awareness! This shit could happen in ANY country that has a nuclear plant! Tell your friends...Tell the world...that we won't stand for it! Bye-bye nuclear industry...
