Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Radioactive Strontium in Firefly Squid Off Fukushima Coast, Says China

plus cesium-134 (half-life of about 2 years) and silver-110m (half life about 250 days). Strontium-90's half life is about 30 years.

From Jiji Tsushin (8/24/2011):


China's State Oceanic Administration announced on August 24 that strontium-90 was detected in the firefly squid caught off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture in the amount that was 29 times as high as the marine organisms along the coast of China. Cesium-134, which is normally never detected in the marine organisms along the coast of China, and silver-110m, a gamma-ray emitter, were also detected.


The State Oceanic Administration considers that "the western Pacific Ocean to the east and southeast of Fukushima Prefecture has been clearly affected by the nuclear plant accident" and has ordered the related agencies to strengthen the inspection of the marine products off the coast of Fukushima for radioactive materials.

On August 15, China's State Oceanic Administration announced that the evidence their survey ship had collected off the coast of Fukushima indicated a much wider contamination of the Pacific Ocean than the Japanese government had admitted so far. If the firefly squid was caught in this survey, they are talking about the Pacific Ocean 800 kilometers east of the Fukushima coast.


  1. Arevamirpal, just want to make sure you had seen this article on dealing with radioactive rubble:

  2. .


    New CC-Measurement Standard Invented: ...29x China Coast... LOL. How many China Coast's theses folks find in Chernobyl Fallout Radiation levels; is it 4029,37x China Coast's ?

    This freshly Hillaryous new Shanghai Standard (SS) -abbreviation is - CC's - is it?


    When dirty China coastal waters are taken into account -with- the ex. Japan minister Haraguchi Kazuhiro 02.07.2011 statement (all rad. info given to public was actually 1000x more)...

    ... what WAS THE ACTUAL LEVEL!? And how is it in mid Pacific? California Coast?

    Check out


  3. Hi!

    Is there a version of English languages from that?


  4. @Anon 11:16

    The is utter bullshit the blog owner doesn't know the difference between a neutrinos and neutrons and yes there is a huge difference. Neutrinos very, very, very rarely interact with matter if neutrinos were a health problem then we would be done for the sun puts out 65 billion neutrinos per square centimeter that travel through the earth and back into space.

    The blog says, "psst: Chernobyl personnel all died in 2 minutes when air conditioning stopped – and the air became quickly fully radiated with neutrino radiation".

    To that I say absolute BS! You can't filter out neutrino emissions so you certainly can't channel or direct them by conditioning the air. Nor can you make them go up a chimney these particles don't interact with matter they pass through it.

  5. .

    LOL. Our rad-vitamin xpert poopoo blogger has got neutrino reinforcements: one hihipedia link zeroes hundreds of scientific reference-resouces? Now, plss, quick - go call your blogbomber helpdesk.

    Yea I know paid nukelubed inventors never like scientific studies neither their ugly results; folks do compare the Canadian NRC stack study to theses claims. Well the linky is there. But to help you from da ditch, here we go again:

    Yes the dirty stack-study linky sits right there:

    However, I am not responsible of its stacky content, neither I can warrant your access to it: typically linky's vanish when I point to them in my blog. Just tell me why is that.


  6. Do you know this?

    August 25, 2011
    TEPCO Reported Tsunami Threat 4 Days Before Fukushima Disaster

  7. .

    They say ... that
    - 1800's like 800 century there has been Tsunami 2miles inland at Fukushima. Well known beforehand. eh?
    - emergency generators in 4m deep pist, non sealed doors, on the beach.
    - 1000 tons of most toxic substances 20m high on most vulnerable spot of the reactor buildings
    - Plutonium. Never planned to be inside, now up to 20%. G.E. Beach bombs: designers resigned because they knew and didnt like the plans.
    - HAARP & JParc etc neutron beams shot through the earth - beams heated air measured by satellites above that quake area
    ++ plus more:

    ...Mind u, not my inventions although 'my collection' of related stories, my guess: mostly facts.

    Maniacs. Planned Depopulation.
    What kinda maniac was Adolph the cath0lic chorus boy; Himmler his chief je§uit? Mao the killer of 100million, also je§uit, like Stalin, killer of at least 60 million some claim 130million... but what do I know, I just represent the claims. Anyways Enromous Piles. By r0man Malthusian Maniacs. Fukusimating the Globe.

  8. @3:18,

    ".. utter bullshit the blog owner doesn't know the difference between a neutrinos and neutrons .."

    That sort of mistake is what convinces he's trolling. It is "Arto" and he must build his "STACKS"!

    @9:19, Too Funny!

    ".. neutron beams shot through the earth .."

    No, "Arto", neutrinos do that, and even they don't always fit predictions.

    Since we're educating "Arto" on neutrinos, check out this "facty linky", this ought to really fuel some theories!,

    Strange Case of Solar Flares and Radioactive Elements

    And since the IAEA now implicitly asserts ionizing radiation has no effect in Japan, here's an article on the 'specialness' Japan possesses,
    Neutrinos Change Flavors While Crossing Japan:

    So, apostle "Arto", was HAARP responsible for the Virginia quake?

  9. Ah fuck not the HAARP shit again.

  10. Sad that this blog is getting trolls.

    That said, China has it's own political agenda/barrel to push, and I don't trust it one iota.

    This article is sobering:

  11. .

    J-Parc website = Ice cream for our poopoo hihipedia instant xpert:
    "There are twenty three neutron beam extraction ports (guided) for the pulsed spallation neutron source and four myuon extraction channels for the muon target, repectively, at MLF".

    JParc was kept typically shooting through earth, (underground) passing Kamioka detector located 280km away across Japan. Other underground detector points for all theses particle accelerators, underground water radioactive polluters, incl Sudbury, Homesteake, WIPP, Soudan, Boulby, Canfanc, Frejus, Gran Sasso, Baksan, INO, Krasnojarsk, Kodel, Kamioka... all around the globe - just to mention few.

    This JParc steerable 50GeV beam was full power ON up to the quake. Where was the beam aligned, no info given. Where were ? all the other accelerators around the globe pointed, no info given ... then JPark power source, the adjacent Fukushima Daichii nukeplant went down...

    Neither has the accelerators working in concert - Fermilab, neither Cern proton beam to Gran Sasso, Italy, nothing to do with Arto or what he has said or what currently stands written on my blog. Hillryous: where you derive all your poo? Errors and typos are quaranteed when compiling massive sets of data - your hihipedia backed hicckups are sad. Get help, concentrate on one issue and try to attack it - if u want to to seem real, pls include my reference source...

    Maybe you drink too much as all your mysterious claims piled as poo, based on hihipedia?

    Oh well, reader may him/herself go and check the facts at JPark, Fermilab, Cern etc websites, all source links provided...

    ++ plus more:

  12. the voice in your headAugust 26, 2011 at 7:22 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Ah fuck not the HAARP shit again.


  13. @ Anon 11:14

    Your entire blog is "errors and typos" this is just Jim Stoned 2.0 he had the same lame excuses when people tore apart his moronic ravings.

    Your reference sources don't support your unscience rant so it is pointless to include them because their results don't mean what you think they do.

    "There are twenty three neutron beam extraction ports (guided) for the pulsed spallation neutron source"

    SO! NEUTRONS AREN'T NEUTRINOS Neutrons can be stopped and absorbed by a verity of materials. They are known as beam stops, beam dumps and target stop they are used in the accelerators that you obviously know nothing about. Neutrinos on the other hand can't be stopped by the entire planet nor can they be directed up smokestacks nor have they been show to be dangerous to life. The Sun blast the Earth with 65 billion neutrinos per sq/cm per second if they were a problem we'd have known long ago. Your lame glaring "errors" have been repeatedly pointed out to you yet you let them stand. At least that mental midget Jim Stone realized he was wrong and tried to rewrite his delusions into something more coherent. He totally failed but what can you expect when your entire premise is horribly flawed.

    "This JParc steerable 50GeV beam was full power ON up to the quake. Where was the beam aligned, no info given."

    It was aligned to a "Beam Stop" or "Beam Dump" all particle accelerators use them to control emissions even the LHC will use one.

    Radiation Protection For Particle Accelerators:

    BTW, Capt'n Einstein the wiki article on neutrinos has reference material that actually relates to the article unlike your hodgepodge of ignorance and "errors".

    @ Voice in your head

    Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner! PURE CRAAP!

  14. .

    LOL. Lets stay just in the facts.

    Instant xpert claims this NRC report is erroneus:


    any facts?


    eh? Yea, I know...


  15. @Anon 11:03

    What a feeble attempt at total failure. You wouldn't know a pertinent fact from a neutrino.

    Look Asshat don't just post vague links and claim they back your flawed position because they don't. You might as well post links to the comicbooks where you get your science knowledge. The link you posted only mentions neutron activation in coolant water one time Neutron activation is a very well known and controlled phenomena. NUREG 1437 doesn't even mention neutrinos at all.

    Beam dumps and beam stops are real pertinent facts regardless of how foolish they make you look.
