Thursday, August 11, 2011

(Updated with Captioned Video) The Role of Specialists: Dr. Kodama vs Dr. Yamashita

(Now Tokyo Brown Tabby has managed to put in the caption. Thank you readers for helping the cat in figuring out the downloader. 8/13/2011)

One is a scientist, the other like a politician. One has things to say, the other has things to un-say.

Tokyo Brown Tabby will put the caption as soon as Tabby figures out the captioning software glitch (anyone know of a good software compatible with the latest Youtube? Tabby's software (freeware) apparently cannot deal with the change). But in the meantime, you can view how these two specialists talk, how they look. That alone seems to speak volume on what they are.

First, Professor Tatsuhiko Kodama, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, in a recent TV appearance:

From the viewpoint of specialists in genome science, like I am, we should not modify our conclusions in the face of the reality. Specialists should tell the truth as it is, no matter how difficult it is.

You know, ordinary Japanese people are not stupid. From what I've seen, they take things seriously and think them through. So, specialists should tell them the truth and discuss things based on the truth. Only then, specialists will be trusted by the public and risks can be avoided. If the public know the risks, such as the removal of radioactive cesium, they will be determined to solve the problems no matter how much effort it may take. No matter how hard the food inspection may be, they will be determined to pull together and...

MC: "carry it through."

That's right. So, the primary responsibility of specialists, specialists in medicine like us, is to tell the public what health damages could potentially occur. It a specialist assumes from the beginning, "If I say this here, it will cause problems there", he/she is a politician, not a specialist.

Responsibility of specialists manifested itself when the tsunami hit the Tohoku region. In Ishinomaki-City, specialists in disaster prevention were devastated when their disaster prevention measures had failed in the tsunami. But at the same time, they were delighted that children, whom they had taught, as part of the disaster prevention program, "When tsunami comes, run. Look around, help each other, and run to the higher ground at all cost", survived. They felt they had fulfilled their obligation as true specialists.

This incident has reinforced my belief on the role of specialists: if there is a real danger, inform the public that it's really dangerous, and tell them we will pull through together.

What people want from specialists is not the word of compromise that politicians are good at. They want specialists to call danger a danger...

MC: " it is."

I think the fundamental reason why the Atomic Energy Society of Japan [nuclear specialists] and Japan's nuclear policy have failed is because specialists have abandoned their pride and dignity as specialists. Because they've become politicians, or businessmen, by not telling the truth to the public. Without the self-examination of this fact, I don't think the rebirth of the University of Tokyo, or of Japanese scientists, would happen.

Next, Dr. Shunichi Yamashita, whom some Japanese have started to call Dr. Shunichi "Damashita" Yamashita - Yamashita "who tricked", Vice President of Fukushima Medical University. Get ready for an outrageous remark after another... the lecture by Radiation Health Risk Advisor of Fukushima.

"Now that the national government has decided the safety exposure limit to be 20 millisieverts per year, we, as Japanese citizens, have an obligation to follow the government's decision."

Can the safety limit of 20mSv/yr really protect our children? After the lecture, we went to him to confirm that point.

"You should think of 20mSv/yr as a provisional level."

[In the lecture] You said you didn't know [about the health risk under 100mSv/yr]. Does it mean you cannot say it's safe, either?

"Of course I can't. That's why we are discussing where to draw the line in that gray zone."

You mean you're telling the people of Fukushima to put up with it?

"If they don't, they'll have to evacuate. Where would you evacuate them?... " [implying "Would you be willing to be responsible for evacuating the residents of Fukushima?" Clearly he wouldn't.]

After all, we couldn't hear the words of confirmation that he would guarantee the safety of children.


  1. so..all is okay based on what facts? Not sure "scientists" who are supported by TEPCO have a conflict of interest. A few of universities -where scientists learn--have "chairs" or graduate/professors funded by TEPCO with stated desire of manipulating facts to reflect TEPCOs interests. See the following report from UofBerkley, California:

    Japanese crops can be safe to eat despite radiation from nuclear plant, scientists say,0,7894278.story
    Nakanishi's research team has also been studying wheat crops near the nuclear plant. The scientists have discovered that for the most part, the radioactive particles have accumulated on the surface of wheat plants. Plants whose leaves were open at the time of the disaster collected up to 1 million becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram – far above the 500 Bq/kg that is considered safe for people to eat. However, plants whose leaves opened after the worst of the radioactive emissions were found to have just 300 to 500 Bq/kg."

    Ever-things fine nothing to fear move along and enjoy your safe artificial radiation in your food .statements like for the most part trouble me what's the other part indicate?

  2. Kodama is exactly right, ordinary Japanese are not stupid.
    Tell them the truth and relate to them with respect and it's evident.

    Yamashita's "Where would you evacuate them?... " is the very opposite of that understanding.
    [money is Yamashita's lord]
    [and apparently Nakanishi's]

  3. I only need an updated freeware video downloader. My captioning software if fine. Apparently YouTube has changed something and my downloader cannot download any video from YouTube now. My browser is IE. Thank you.

  4. @Tokyo Brown Tabby
    Do you still need help in downloading the video?
    I am using a Mac and I was able to download the video using MacTubes (latest version).

  5. i use the free aTube Catcher of DsNET Corp. v. 2.5.645 it works

  6. @Anonymous at 6:28pm
    I forgot to mention I'm using PC. But thank you anyway for the information.

    @Anonymous at 7:30pm
    It seems to work! Thank you so much.

  7. Right, but the Japanese, not being all that stupid at all, are also pretty quick to point the finger and blame. Thus people start to run for cover as soon as possible. Telling the people the truth is the RIGHT way to do it, everyone knows, but you'll have to change the culture here before you ever see that - I've seen too many people hide under layers of lies rather than have the truth come out and be attacked for it. (Well, not so different in the UK, maybe, but a little better in emergencies...)

  8. .

    "...anyone know of a good software compatible with the latest Youtube?..."

    'Full' video editor, txting tool: Multiquence, results here:


  9. Try finding freeware RenderSoft CamStudio, captures any video from your screen. Dunno if its 2.00 basic software is still available somewhere, Adobe bought it long ago...

  10. .

    "I think the fundamental reason why the Atomic Energy Society of Japan [nuclear specialists] and Japan's nuclear policy have failed..."

    Sadly this sentence is too idealistic and assumes human race is good and seeking flowerpower for all. Kinda marxist nevernever -land. (Mind u, Karl Marx, beloged to papal illuminati League of the Just)

    Please wake up: This cursed globe is filled with evilness beyond measure. If understood, one will not try to figure out this issue from that greenpee presumption, but ask bigger picture, beyond leftist/rightist programme.

    Surprise? For some, the Fukushima project was a dream come true. And continues ... as long as the sky belching radiation stacks continue to pump radiation into upper atmosphere while folks keep studying own navel. An they will, as no real demand exist (contrary to common sense) kick the stacks down, bury the rad sources...

    See more, click linky



  11. "Right, but the Japanese, not being all that stupid at all, are also pretty quick to point the finger and blame. Thus people start to run for cover as soon as possible. .. - I've seen too many people hide under layers of lies rather than have the truth .."

    It appears to be a game gone wrong, in all honesty.

    Blanket denigrations is another game.

  12. .
    "It appears to be a game gone wrong, in all honesty."

    LOL. If so, stacks gone, globe irradiating death factories covered forever. ... in all honesty - are they?

    Nope, and youre not now honest until you admit that Chrenobyl was covered in a month, this IS OPEN - will be kept open - for years...

    ...please, in all honesty, xplain where tarries the blanket? Whose game is it and why!?



  13. "... [ ] please, in all honesty, xplain .. Whose game is it and why!?"

    Don't tell me, website created .. yesterday? after months of compilation?


  14. .

    Balooney. Lefties = never answer:

    400 feet x 12feet Stacks continue pumping irradiated deadly stuff 24/7/365.

    Yes or No, you Liar?


  15. the voice in your headAugust 12, 2011 at 1:17 PM

    Um.....what's this about the stacks? ?? None of the rad filtering stacks work so how can they be pumping out anything? Radiation is/was/is/was/is emitted from the blob(s) and exposed rods because control, cooling and containment failed. Stacks have been defunct since early on.

  16. ".....what's this about the stacks? ??"

    Just another HAARP-devotee, with a little extra in the form of accusing someone of being a "leftie" .. and the funniest thing is the charater is really railing against .. himself, and doesn't even realize it.

    a list of tripwire concepts he's embarking on,

    tall radstacks
    energetic nucleii
    corporate disinfo
    pumping of ionosphere by HAARP
    Finland, to be associated w/Norway & Breivik's death camp

  17. Hello, I'm still in trouble. I tried aTube Catcher and downloaded the above video and downloading seemed successful at first. But somehow, the downloaded video was saved as "Untitled" though this video clearly has a title. And when I tried to upload that "Untitled" video into my account at YouTube, YouTube didn't recognize it as an appropriate video file and didn't show the uploaded result. Does anyone have an idea of what the cause of the problem might be?

    @anon at 6:18 AM
    I tried this one, too. But this software seems to capture all the screen. Software of simply entering URL of the video and downloading it may be easier for me to use. But thank you anyway for the information.

  18. Hello, I'm still in trouble. I tried aTube Catcher and downloaded the above video from YouTube. It seemed successful at first, but somehow the downloaded video is saved as "Untitled" though it clearly has a title. And When I tried to upload the video into my account at YouTube, YouTube didn't recognize it as an appropriate video file and failed to convert it.
    Does anyone have an idea what the cause of the problem might be?

    @anon at 6:18 AM
    I tried the software, but it seemed it captured the whole screen. (maybe I made some mistake?) Simply entering the URL of the video and downloading it may be easier for me to use. Thank you anyway for the information.

  19. @Tokyo Brown Tabby

    I use Firefox and the "Download Youtube" addon from the following link:

    It'll let you download videos in multiple file formats and resolutions from a new button it creates on YouTube pages.

  20. @zesh
    Is this only for Firefox? I'm using IE... But, thank you anyway for the information.

    A friend of mine just sent me an email and told me of one downloader. I'll try that one.

  21. The downloader my friend told me was slow but worked. I've finished uploading the English-subtitled version. The URL is

    Thanks to all of you who cared about my problem.

  22. the voice in your headAugust 23, 2011 at 10:48 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Just another HAARP-devotee, with a little extra in the form of accusing someone of being a "leftie" .. and the funniest thing is the charater is really railing against .. himself, and doesn't even realize it.

    Yup, railing against himself. Why any help from HAARP technology would even be needed as encouragement for seismic activity in one of the most seismically active regions in the world is quite head scratching--especially concerning the East coast of Japan. Now, profits made due to greed and criminal negligence where there was deliberate fudging of earthquake and tsunami risk assessment, that is predictable--especially concerning the East coast of Japan. Otherwise, no one in their right mind would have allowed nuke reactors to be built there.

    Occam's razor says it's a money making scheme gone bad. They were betting to get away with many more years of running the geezer reactors without incident. They lost to Mother Nature. Where are your profits now TEPCriminals?
