Saturday, August 13, 2011

"The World's Safest Cookies" Baked by Fukushima School Kids

From Mainichi Shinbun Japanese (8/13/2011):

世界一安全なクッキー 福島の小学生が県産食材で

World's safest cookies made by Fukushima elementary school children from Fukushima-grown food items


Elementary school children who have evacuated from Okuma-machi to Aizu Wakamatsu City tried cookie making on August 13. Okuma-machi is where Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant is located. The children used dried peaches and persimmons that are made in Fukushima.


Kunio Tokuoka (age 51), the executive chef at "Kyoto Kitcho", 3-star restaurant in the Michelin Guide, advised the children on the recipe. [Kyoto Kitcho?] plans to commercialize the cookies and will ask other 3-star restaurant chefs in the world for help in selling the cookies.


[Tokuoka says he] wants to portray the true image of Fukushima to the world as a rich agricultural land, and not as Fukushima of the nuclear power plant accident. The sales pitch is "the world's safest cookies" made from food items that have passed the test for radioactive materials.

If passing the test means testing for less than the provisional safety limit, that doesn't seem very safe to me, but it's just me.

By the way, radioactive cesium exceeding the provisional safety limit (500 becquerels/kg) has already been found in the wheat grown in Hirono-machi in Fukushima.


  1. You have such a witty writing style, Ultraman, that as the news article titles get more insane, I think you made them up and I start to smile. Then I read the translated document and realize it isn't joke - then my smile fades. Well, thank you for helping me with the difficult task of reading the horror to which Japanese officials are subjecting their own citizens. Nothing can make it acceptable to think about but your compassion and strength on behalf of your people help me get through reading the articles - I DO want to know the truth no matter how awful it is.
    Looking at the picture - I found myself wishing that the radiation sensitive technology used when photographing 'hot spots' inside a reactor (where portions of the photos glow red in highly radioactive areas)had been used for the photos of the chef and cute kids - that way, once developed, the film would show the cookies were glowing red.

  2. Thank you for reading an awful story after another... I think I've reached the limit for insanity for the day and signing off earlier than normal (normal would go on for another hour or so).

  3. This is sick! Unreal.
    Sure everyone wants to help the kids of Fukushima.
    Let's help by finding them safe places to live as far away from Fukushima as possible.
    Let's support the people of Fukushima by giving them unbiased information thru the govt and media.

    This kind of story is simply emotional blackmail.

  4. Even Ultraman needs rest...may your dreams be completely free of radiation.

  5. Wow. That's slick PR, but tragic for the poor people who eat that stuff. Of course the poor kids will believe that "safety" lie as well. Its heart breaking stuff. There is absolutely no regard for safety at all. Its like they hate safety and will do everything they can to make things worse than they have to be.

    There is a proverb "The wicked hate safety." There are some truly wicked men behind the cover up of the Fukushima disaster.

  6. @ Kyotoresident. I agree. I'd love to help families willing to leave, in search for a better quality life. Does anyone know much about this group? They're supposedly providing free housing for Fukushima families with kids of Fukushima:

    I found the site on Fukushima Diary. Is there a way I can donate to this cause?

  7. I'll pay for 3 dozen boxes and have them sent to the shareholders in TEPCO. Banri Kaeda can have a special package and eat them live on TV. Dr. Yamashita can have a whole tub full and eat them with a smile. All the residents of Tokyo can have one sent with their next electric bills. A 'sweetener' and reminder that they owe their livelihoods to the kids in Fukushima.

    What a shambles! Suffer little children.
    BTW when was the NHK documenary aired on TV? Thanks for all your hard work Ultraman

  8. germany is on your side!

    english translation is here:

  9. Just what a radiation-weakened immune system needs: sweets. Are they putting zeolite in the cookies?
    FigNewton-I know several US families with relatives still in Japan. One recently brought their children to Japan for a visit. These are well-off people who could afford to bring their family members to the USA if they wanted - but they don't. When I feel like helping, I am told that Japan is not a third world country, but a wealthy one, and that I am over-reacting. BTW, I couldn't access the site you listed, but will keep trying. Thanks.

  10. To: Anonymous at 8:29
    Thank you for the link, this is a terrific document! (
    Translating documents like this one knocks down the wall politicians rely upon to control information so there is no need for translators to ever apologize for errors.
    For those haven’t seen it yet - I will put an excerpt from the linked document below:
    "We (Green Peace) still see very high amount of cesium in sea fish. More than half of the animals we tested showed readings above the officially allowed 500Bq/kg, this means that contamination has outstretched, and very serious."

    Potentially the same is true for rice, the staple of Japan. Mr. Osawa leads us to his paddy. Two times the civil service have had measured here, the first time it was allegedly lower than critical value, the second time he never was informed of.

    "But I wanted to know if I can grow rice here any more. For that I took a sample and paid for analysis at an independent labor. It was contaminated by 35.000Bq/kg 137Cs. that's 7 times the alarm level. So I disused this field."

  11. Right when we thought this nightmare couldn't get more macabre.....

  12. World's safest cookies baked next to the world's safest Nuclear reactor. Baked in a crock of...

  13. "The minister in charge just for handling this catastrophy looks largly stranded when asked about the measurements of farmer Osawa. Several minutes representatives of NISA, TEPCO, and all the others of the national task force skim through their papers, in the end the supreme crisis-manager admits failures."

    "We still see very high amount of cesium in sea fish. More than half of the animals we tested showed readings above the officialy allowed 500Bq/kg, this means that contamination has outstretched, and very serious.

    Potentially the same is true for rice, the staple of japan. Mr. Osawa leads us to his paddy. [80 kilometers from Fukushima] two times the civil service have had measured here, the first time it was allegedly lower than critical value, the second time he never was informed of.

    But i wanted to know if I can grow rice here any more. For that I took a sample and paid for analysis at an independent labor[atory]. It was contaminated by 35,000Bq/kg Cs-137. That's 7 times the alarm [level] so I disused this field."

    "I wanted let have test my whole body for nuclear risks, but the University of Fukushima refused, .."

    "(sorry for my bad english!)"
    Your English is OK, it's your capitalization that needs work! lol

  14. Everyone reading here, please do what I just did--Go to the Michelin Guide and request that the chef's Michelin Stars be removed and his restaurant be de-listed from the Guide due to his reprehensible actions.

  15. I think the real Nazis rule Japan by telephone.

  16. Excellllllennnt.....AMUSING....... ... ... For a cookie..... ... ... MONSTER TERRORIST ... ... .. ..Those treats are the perfect ingredient for a TASTY Pastry... Dirty BOMB...[or not]....word for word...........A fortiori.......322

  17. Of course, this PR stunt is sick. But concerning the contamination of the cookies, it strongly depends on whether the dried peaches and persimmons are from last year or already from this season. My feeling is, they are from the 2010 harvest. So they are a product from Fukushima, but still save. The eggs are probably contaminated, but the flour could still be OK (also 2010 harvest or imported). So overall, these cookies might be last relatively 'save' cookies from Fukushima. Once they start using the 2011 harvest, things will change drastically...

    It is still hard to believe what these monsters are doing to the poor kids of Fukushima!

  18. you rumormonger -PM Kan

  19. The cookie that bakes itself!

  20. World Safest Cookies baked by a three-star idiot chef! Actually he is a 5-star idiot!

    When people "over sell" how safe radiation is, you can believe these cookies can kill you dead!

    As the children start dying from disease and cancer along with their parents, people will finally realize that TEPCO and the Government can't put a positive spin on why ALL these people who supported them, died!

  21. I'm not sure we can blame the chef here. He is a victim of the hype put out by the media and govt.

  22. At a certain point, (willful) ignorance may become a crime, and that point is approaching fast. Or so I hope.
