Thursday, September 1, 2011

Yet Another Government Survey of Fukushima Evacuation Zones

Now it's METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)'s turn to announce its radiation survey of air radiation (at 1 meter and 1 centimeter) of Fukushima evacuation zones, showing the highest air radiation of 139 microsieverts/hour at 1 meter off the ground (in a location in Okuma-machi, 1.5 kilometer southwest of the plant), and 368 microsieverts/hour at 1 centimeter (in a location in Futaba-machi, 4 kilometers west of the plant).

The radiation level at the location in Okuma-machi with 138 microsieverts/hour radiation at 1 meter off the ground is 201 microsieverts/hour at 1 centimeter.

The radiation level at the location in Futaba-machi with 368 microsieverts/hr radiation at 1 centimeter off the ground is only 63.8 microsieverts/hour at 1 meter.

The Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries have already announced their own surveys of soil contamination levels in Fukushima Prefecture, just as the national government is allowing the temporary return of residents whose homes are within the 3-kilometer radius from the plant.

Now, is somebody going to combine all three and create a map that shows air radiation and soil contamination of each location? (Just saying.)

METI's survey was done in July in the no-entry evacuation zone within the 20-kilometer radius and the planned evacuation zone outside the 20-kilometer radius.

From the METI press release on 9/1/2011 (Japanese only):

1. Air radiation levels at 1 meter off the ground:

2. Air radiation level at 1 centimeter off the ground:

The press release doesn't contain all the detailed data for each municipalities.


  1. government propagenda map. It gives the impression that the contamination is a Fukushima problem and other prefectures are safe.
    The french map was better, but was also wrong because it did not include all the on-going continuing contamination, in this sense, it gave the wrong impression that the contamination is over, while it is still on-going.

  2. Indeed, this map suggests the accidents' consequences are minor. And yes, it is only preliminary, just think of another serious emission when other unfavorable things happen in the plant.

    But, contamination does not stop at borders.
    I think if such a map for complete japan would be published, it would be shocking and sad to see how dirty beautiful japan got :(
