Wednesday, December 26, 2012

#Radioactive Japan: Futaba-machi Mayor Idogawa Fights No Confidence Vote, Dissolves Town Assembly and Calls for an Election

I reported about the mayor and his town assemblymen who unanimously passed the no-confidence resolution against Mayor Idogawa on December 20.

Mayor Idogawa has decided to fight for his townfolks, some of whom are still living in an abandoned high school building in Saitama Prefecture, 21 months after the start of the accident. They have to pay for their own boxed meals, and over the New Year's holidays the bento vendor will be closed for business.

From Nippon Television News (12/26/2012):


Futaba-machi, whose municipal government has been temporarily moved to Kazo City, Saitama Prefecture following the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident, has dissolved the town assembly at the order of Mayor Katsutaka Idogawa.


The no-confidence resolution against Mayor idogawa was submitted during the regular assembly meeting on December 20. The resolution was unanimously passed. The mayor will lose his position in 10 days after the vote, unless he dissolves the assembly. On December 26, Mayor Idogawa held a press conference, and announced that he has dissolved the assemly.


Mayor Idogawa said, "I have dissolved the assembly. I have been weighing things as best I can, and this is a gut-wrenching decision. It would have been a peaceful town if it hadn't been the nuclear accident. I am very disappointed."


The town election is to be held within 40 days.


  1. I'm glad Mr Idogawa fights back !

  2. Let's hope the citizens of Futaba have as strong a set of balls as their Mayor.

    I wish him every success.

  3. Idogawa - what a great leader! I hope the public in Futaba or from Futaba (I think a lot of them are refugees in Saitama) support him, and vote for him again.
