Monday, January 14, 2013

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Accident: Contamination in Ojika Peninsula in NE Miyagi May Be Specifically from Reactor 1, Tokyo University Researcher Says

Ojika Peninsula is located in the northeast part of Miyagi Prefecture, where towns like Ishinomaki City and Onagawa-machi are located (see the map at the bottom of the post). Tokyo Municipal government has been importing the disaster debris from Onagawa and burning it in the regular garbage incinerators (many of which are located in the middle of residential areas) all over the central Tokyo since March 2012.

The Tokyo University researcher who was the first to measure Neptunium-239 in Iitate-mura in early April 2011 says he thinks he has been able to identify the radiation contamination in Ojika Peninsula to have happened on March 12, 2011, from Reactor 1.

Radioactive materials such as iodine-131, cesium-137 and tellurium-132 started to leak hours before the Reactor 1 venting operation in the early afternoon and the hydrogen explosion in late afternoon on March 12, 2011.

From Dr. Shouzugawa's tweets to other researchers who were discussing the Fukushima nuclear accident and the resultant contamination in various locations in Kanto and Tohoku:


I have obtained the result that proves the contamination in Ojika Peninsula is from Reactor 1 on [March] 12. The paper is currently in review process. I have also been trying to attribute contamination in various parts in Fukushima to Reactor 2 and Reactor 3, but this is not yet complete.


The activity ratio of nuclides in the contaminated water taken from the Reactor 1 building matched that in the soil sample taken in Ojika Peninsula, and this activity ratio is distinctively different from the activity ratios for the other reactors.

22 months after the start of the accident, painstakingly slowly, the picture may emerge of the radiation contamination mechanism. About time, but it is exciting nonetheless.

I'm searching for the available data at TEPCO's site, but if you want to beat me to it, feel free and post the links in the comment section. (It is possible though that the Reactor 1 data is only available in detail to researchers.)

(Let's see, who was that university professor who claimed there was no radiation contamination in the disaster debris from Ojika Peninsula...?)

From Professor Yukio Hayakawa's Radiation Contour Map Version 7, location of Ojika Peninsula:

Professor Hayakawa puts contamination of Ojika Peninsula just past the midnight, at 1:50AM on March 13, 2011 (according to the backside of the Version 7 map).

That's when the radiation measured at Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant jumped to 21 microsieverts/hour.


  1. Does it matter which reactor it all came out of? The fact of the matter is that Fukushima blew all its contamination and radiation, nuclides and god know what else, upon the people who were taking refuge form the tsunami.One only needed to look at the wind maps at the time like ZAMG. Those people-and many more from Tohoku- should have been relocated/airlifted out of harms way. Instead they were sacrificed, doomed to be guinea pigs.
    All for what?
    To save face for Nuclear Industry and and the larger economy. To steer the world from losing the nuclear industry complex. To avoid televising the HORROR and EXPENSE and ANXIETY of nuclear power.

    And we havent even got around to talking about the storage of waste products...and probably never will.

  2. It matters to people who want to know the technical, mechanical aspect of the accident, myself included. It will also be interesting to see if the contamination from Reactor 3 explosion (or vent) was distinctively different from others - whether it was just a hydrogen explosion or it was ex-vessel. So far, official story is the former.

  3. Remember reactor 3 was MOX... So yes i would like to know...

  4. Good work, arevamipal. But, am I the only one who read this and thought, "Oh, f*ck ME!" So lost.

  5. As I was saying, oh, a year ago I think... "Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."

  6. This is a little off topic but it may have implications for Fukushima contamination deposition. It seems static electricity can accumulate contaminates on charged surfaces. This probably means static cling isn't your friend.

  7. Knowing the mechanics, in this case, tells you that adding filters to the smokestacks of other npps (in Japan and elsewhere) is not going to prevent a radioactive plume if the reactor pressure vessel goes out of control.
    You may not need this information to convince yourself that you do not want npps, but you might need it to inform other people.
    (As to ourselves, individually, of course we only need to know how to minimize our exposure.)
