Friday, January 4, 2013

#Radioactive Post-#Fukushima Japan: "Why Don't You Go to Fukushima I Nuke Plant? Lots of Jobs There...", Says City Official In Charge of Public Assistance for the Poor in Hokkaido

According to Hokkaido Shinbun, this is what a city bureaucrat said to a 27-year-old man who went to the counter at the City Hall to ask about public assistance after he lost his job and couldn't find a job for a year, being late on rent, subsisting on one piece of bread per day.

Public servants whose salary derives from taxpayers' money and/or money borrowed on the backs of taxpayers (municipal bonds for general expenses) told this young man that the assistance was not meant for people like him, and that he should go to Fukushima I Nuke Plant so that he didn't need to receive public money.

From Hokkaido Shinbun (1/3/2013; part) as copied by this blog:


Back then, in April last year. There was hardly any cash in the man's wallet. He used to be a seasonal worker at a construction company, but the company didn't hire him in the spring of 2011. He sent his resumes to dozens of local companies. He landed on three job interviews but he was not hired.


His savings were depleted, and his meal consisted of one piece of bread per day. He lost 10 kilograms in one year. He couldn't pay the rent for his apartment, and the landlord wanted to evict him. He thought he would die on the street. Without realizing it, he was walking toward the City Hall. The last resort.


But at the public assistance counter, an official, total stranger, shouted at him.


"This is not for young people like you."


He did not have friends or relatives he could rely on. With no other help available, he went back to the counter again the next day. A different official said to him,


"Why don't you go to Fukushima? There are lots of jobs as nuclear plant worker. You can make a living without public assistance."


Totally at a loss, the man asked a support group for the poor for help in filling out the application for public assistance. The application was finally accepted in May.


On the day of the first payment of assistance money, the official at the counter gave him a pen and a piece of paper. On the paper, he could see the words written in with a pencil. The official was silently telling him to trace the words.


- I thank you very much for kindly allowing me to receive public assistance. I will do my best to stop receiving the assistance as soon as possible. -


He felt humiliated.


He is looking for full-time employment at a public job agency, while he works as a day laborer.

In Japan, the public assistance involves a monthly monetary payment, paid medical, and rent subsidy.

The number of public assistance recipients peaked in 1951, and was declining steadily until mid 1990s. Since then, the number has been on the increase, and there are 2 million people (2% of population) receiving the assistance, costing 3 trillion yen per year.


  1. No wonder Japan has a declining population here's a perfectly good young person and they are going to waste him on reactor fodder. I guess the imported labor arevamirpal::laprimavera spoke of in another comment is cheaper and easier to bully around.

  2. IF society wants people to work, it must offer decent jobs. This applies to everywhere. I know it's not a simple problem but mostly unemployment is not to blame on the unemployed, as they often intend.

    IF there are not enough jobs, work must be divided by means of compulsory journey reduction and severe import taxes against countries who don't implement similar measures.

    To work in Fukushima... on the other hand, there should be compulsory draft among TEPCO and other Nuclear Industry top level managers and investors and among deceitful and criminal politicians. It's be a gulag... but a well deserved one for them.

  3. Let them eat cake. Yellow cake ...

  4. I'm under the impression that the same thing is happening in the US. Create unemployment, then offer them jobs in the military. Doesn't count as conscription that way.

  5. 3:58 Anon, that is how it is exactly in the US.

    From the article, it is hard to tell the tone of the official who recommended this poor guy go find work in Fukushima. Maybe he meant it kindly, or perhaps he was mean. It is a terrible alternative. Meanwhile, the LDP will run off with red herrings and Bluefin tuna but not start rebuilding the infrastructure away from npp that could provide sustainable, moral jobs in Japan. Not yet, anyway.

  6. "Since then, the number has been on the increase, and there are 2 million people (5% of population) receiving the assistance, costing 3 trillion yen per year."

    The & of people is very low. I think there must be a much larger # of unemployed people barely hanging on and embarrassed to seek help, or are sure they'd be rejected like this man.

    In the U.S. they publish fraudulent employment data while millions of highly educated professionals are out of a house, job, working multiple minimum wage jobs and couch surfing for a living.

  7. i'm against nuclear reactors as much as the next guy.
    but all the new natural particles from nuclear tests that have gone on for 50 years are starting to make me lazy.
    seriously, maybe my googleing skillz are not mad enough, but i cant seem to find all this horror pictures and stories about all this horror going on in japan. the "OH it's eerily quiet and no one is around"-documentary stories don't really count.

    maybe nuclear power (and waste) has one major side effect on humans: it makes them lazy?
    i dunno. maybe this guy should go to fukushima, find a job and eat more then just some slice of breed.

    of course, as the story goes, he would die a bit sooner then, but i mean in 50 years no one is gonna care if this 23 year old "experiment fodder" can 100$ err % proof that nuclear kills you sooner rather then later.

    side note: a big thank you for allowing anonymous to post and not requiring a NSA-CIA-FBI (short facebook) database signup to post : )

  8. "I thank you very much for kindly allowing me to receive public assistance. I will do my best to stop receiving the assistance as soon as possible."

    Oh, if only the top representatives of NPP-operating companies had to go through a similarly humiliating process and then sign such a statement before receiving government subsidies ...

  9. Thanks, laprimavera. Just made me think that once again all are equal, with some being more so than others.
