Thursday, January 9, 2014

#Fukushima I NPP: Data on Strontium in Water Hasn't Been Published for 6 Months, and Will Not Be Published Until TEPCO Figures Out What's Wrong

What's worse is (as usual) TEPCO didn't say anything until now.

What's even worse is that TEPCO is not going to release the data until it fully investigates why the new results differ from the old results.

Nuclear Regulation Authority was openly expressing doubt about the data that came from TEPCO on radioactive materials measurement, and that was about 6 months ago.

From Yomiuri Shinbun (1/9/2014):


TEPCO will not publish data on strontium density, measurement error?


TEPCO announced on January 8 that regarding the density of radioactive strontium in the sea water and groundwater whose samples are taken from the plant harbor and wells at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, there is a possibility of errors in the measurement results and the results cannot be published.


Water samples are regularly collected to monitor contamination, and the density of radioactive cesium are measured and published every week. Strontium is supposed to be measured every month, but the result of measurement hasn't been published for nearly a half year since the last one for the seawater samples taken in June last year.


According to TEPCO, the measurement results from an equipment used until the summer of 2013 were not consistent and not reliable. TEPCO switched to a new equipment in September and the reliability was enhanced. But TEPCO says, "We would like to investigate first why the new results differ from the old results, before we announce the new results from the new equipment."

Curious to know what kind of "inconsistencies"?

According to TEPCO's own words during the regular press conference on January 8 (well captured by this tweet from @jaikoman), the density of strontium - a beta nuclide - exceeded the density of all-beta, which is impossible.

No other entity is allowed to take measurements of radioactive materials inside the plant. It has been TEPCO's monopoly. It was less than two months ago that IAEA visited the plant and endorsed TEPCO's method of measurement.


  1. I for one volunteer the executives to perform the new experimental radiation 'taste-test' to determine the level of radioactive elements in the water. The measure of accuracy will be whether their tongue is still in their mouth by the time they finish swallowing.

  2. Perhaps this post by Atomfritz makes the point that TEPCO's only real task beyond SPF emptying is stopping the flow of groundwater, corium recovery is a delusion,

    "For example, the French Brennilis NPP was unloaded of its fuel almost 30 years ago and it is currently being dismantled.
    The empty core still radiates up to 70 Sv there.

    Or, take a PWR spent fuel assembly: after one year of cooldown, in open air the radiation in 1 meter (radial) distance of the side is ca. 500 Sv, and in 1 meter (axial) distance from the tip it's 50 Sv.

    On the other hand, probably the corium is less radioactive than an intact fuel assembly, as it has been boiled and washed out thoroughly for a year now.
    The famous Chernobyl Elephant Foot surface radiation is "only" around 100 Sv, for example."

  3. Hello Arevamirpal,
    Just saw your left hand side "Reactor 4 SFP Fuel Removal" link.
    Thanks a lot for this.
    Interesting to note the number of assemblies hasn't changed since 24th december, according to the image on your site on one side and to the actual counter on Tepco page.

    Any clue of what's going on there ? No more fuel (ah ah!) for the truck handling the cask transportation?
