Monday, March 10, 2014

3rd Anniversary of the Triple Disaster in Japan: If Only It Had Been Just Earthquake and Tsunami...

Reuters has photographs that show towns (or what used to be towns) and people in Tohoku region in Japan right after the March 11, 2011 earthquake/tsunami/nuclear accident.

Some of the photos I remember seeing, but others I see now for the first time. What impressed me was this photograph of Kesennuma City in Miyagi Prefecture, which was devastated by the tsunami and the ensuing fire. It was taken on March 22, 2011, eleven days after the tsunami. The roads, as you see in the photo, were already cleared of debris, and a man was walking his dog, as if it were just another ordinary day:

Here's Rikuzentakata City in Iwate Prefecture. It was a total wipeout for the town. The photo was taken on March 17, 2011. Rescue workers, probably either policemen or firefighters, salute to pay respect to the dead:

I have little doubt that Japan would have quickly recovered and rebuilt itself after the March 11, 2011 disaster, if it had been just the earthquake and tsunami.


  1. Thank you for being the guiding light in the darkness of lies and coverups over the last 3 years. ありがとうございました。

  2. "I am all-powerful Time which destroys all things, and I have come here to slay these men. Even if thou doest not fight, all the warriors facing thee shall die."

  3. Deepest appreciation to you for all your hard work and endless uncovering of the truth!

  4. My feeling is that it has been a sombre day here in Japan, certainly Tokyo. My entire sports club climbed off their weights and machines at 2:41 to bow our heads in mokuso (respect for those deceased in huge misfortunes). One trainer thanked me personally for joining the ceremony. How could I not? There is a long road ahead of us.............and I thank you, Ultraman-sama.

  5. LMAO

    "I have little doubt that Japan would have ... , for I, I ! am Areva, and I hold Japan's "recovery" above, in one hand Secrecy and the other, Censorship."

  6. thank you for writing your blog!

  7. Still remember that day as if it was yesterday...It changed so much the way I live and I see Japan (not in a bad way really, just in a more human and less superhero-country I guess...)
    And as said above, thank you for your great work with the blog!

  8. If only...

    Fukushima Daichi was an accident waiting to happen.

    Now we will have to wait for the next inevitable accidents waiting to happen once Abe gets his wish and restarts nuclear power plants in Japan.

  9. The tsunami videos were something I don't ever expect to be equaled again.

    When the reactors began exploding it was "here we go!".

    Then, the children being fed the Dirty Bomb Farm's produce.

    Then, the State Depts. suppressing info.

    Then, Abe-ill going jingo.

  10. Thank you, Ultra, for putting aside your original blog and working to spread the truth about Fukushima for 3 years.

  11. I tend to agree with 9:14, Fukushima nuclear accident was waiting to happen.

    Japan and Tepco did not learn the lesson of the Niigata-Chuetsu earthquake that crippled the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant for two years.

    Japan and Tepco are not learning the lesson now either as the government the Japanese people elected is seeking to restart the nuclear pressure cookers.

    In a worst case scenario the Fukushima npp accident could have made inhabitable all of Tohoku, including Tokyo. Such scenario has been avoided by sheer luck (wind direction, for starters) many Japanese seem to have forgotten.

    According to some about half of the municipalities hosting npps are available to ok a restart, happy play Russian roulette for the sake of the nuclear money. They think it will not happen to them.

    "...the town assembly passed a resolution in favor of building more reactors... The result was that 3.92 billion yen in subsidies was paid to Futaba over a four-year period as an initial measure for constructing the No. 7 and No. 8 reactors in the town". Subsidy money was reportedly used to build roads, sewage and public facilities (i.e. mainly spent on concrete).


  12. They will enjoy their senescence, Beppe, huddled together like snow macaques puzzled at the cameraman's attention.

    Evolution has called to them the way it calls to many primates.
    They will minimize its call, and Forget.

    "Nukelubed", as the Finn said, and forming their days with some quirky climate change denial which is really plate tectonics denial.
