Sunday, May 18, 2014

Public Referendum in Bern, Switzerland Rejects Immediate Shut-Down of Mühleberg Nuclear Power Plant by Wide Margin

According to Jiji Tsushin (5/19/2014),


A public referendum was carried out in the canton of Bern on May 18 to decide whether to shut down Mühleberg Nuclear Power Plant near the Swiss capital Bern. The measure was defeated, with 36.7% in favor and 63.7% against. Muehleberg Nuclear Power Plant is slated to be shut down in 2019, but residents proposed the measure after the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident. The turnout was 51.6%.

Muehleberg NPP has been found to have multiple cracks in the core shroud. See my post in March 2012.

40% of Switzerland's electricity comes from nuclear power, and 60% comes from hydroelectricity.

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