Saturday, September 22, 2012

(UPDATED) Just In: Steel Frame Dropped into #Fukushima Reactor 3 Spent Fuel Pool by Accident

(UPDATE 9/24/2012) TEPCO released the video from the crane. See my latest post.


(UPDATE) TEPCO has done the analysis of water in the Reactor 3 SFP, and the amount of cesium was pretty much the same as before the incident. From TEPCO Direct (9/22/2012):

Cesium 134: 2.2 x 10^3 Bq/cubic centimeter
Cesium 137: 3.6 x 10^3 Bq/cubic centimeter

Measurement done on September 21, 2012 (reference):

Cesium 134: 2.4 x 10^3 Bq/cubic centimeter
Cesium 137: 4.0 x 10^3 Bq/cubic centimeter


Removal of debris on the operation floor of Reactor 3 at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant is being done by remote-controlled heavy equipment on the platforms built outside the reactor building. The system was devised by one of TEPCO's main subcontractor Kajima.

From Jiji Tsushin (9/22/2012, 4:54PM):


Steel frame weighing 470 kilograms dropped into Reactor 3 Spent Fuel Pool at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, TEPCO says


TEPCO announced on September 22 that a steel frame weighing about 470 kilograms dropped into the Spent Fuel Pool of Reactor 3 during the debris removal operation of the Reactor 3 building of Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant which had a hydrogen explosion. So far, there is no major increase in radiation levels nearby, TEPCO says.


According to TEPCO, the accident happened at 11:05AM on September 22 when [the crane operator] tried to grab a piece of debris, an H steel lying next to the Spent Fuel Pool on the 5th floor of Reactor 3 building and failed. The H steel slid into the Spent Fuel Pool.

A steel beam weighing 470 kilograms shouldn't be very big. But according to this person who called TEPCO's Public Relations to ask about the incident, TEPCO is investigating, because the steel beam could damage the fuel assemblies.

Well, it's easy for TEPCO to say. The question is how they are going to do it. Debris removal of Reactor 3 is done by remote control for very good reasons. First, it's such a mess on the operating floor that the workers can't even go there. Second, radiation levels are just too high for the workers to go there. So, how is TEPCO going to investigate?

But since it is Saturday in Japan, TEPCO is not scheduling a press conference.


  1. TEPCO dont have a shred of credibility, if they say there is no problem it means there is a problem, if they say the steel frame was 470kg it was most likely 1000kg ....dont believe a word those fuckers say

  2. Lots of misinformation in that single paragraph.

    1. Conveniently, 470 Kg is almost 1000 lbs. A 1000 lb steel beam is not very big. There was probably 50,000 Kg of debris that fell into the pool during the explosion. Not sure why this is important - unless they want to have a convenient excuse for the fires and explosions coming from #3.

    2. Tepco mentions Kajima - setting them up for blame for any radiation releases from the facility - Kajima, have you contatcted your insurance company yet?

    3. They mention the "hydrogen explosion" again - That lie didn't fly 18 months ago, but they are determined not to let go of it.

    4. They

  3. Reallllly unbelievable! I am SO glad they didn't release 1 drop of radioactive water when that giant steel thing fell in! The SPF must be full of JELLO to achieve that!

  4. Hi, Ultraman,

    I was on holidays last week, but I succeeded to briefly translate what I missed.

    Incredible, as said above, so listen to what Arnie Gundersen said about TEPCO :

    (subtitled in french by my friend Kna60, but just english language recorded)

    A plus tard.

  5. Sadly the masses wont question it as they are so busy being distracted by Senkaku and all that crap..... wow George Orwell would be amazed at the scope of bullshit people buy into, from the 911 scam to Fukushima..

  6. To be clear, TEPCO didn't mention Kajima. I did.

  7. 2012-09-22 / 11:03-11:10 JST / TEPCO FUKUSHIMA LIVE-STREAM REALTIME
