Tuesday, September 18, 2012

New Energy Policy of "Unremitting Examination and Revision", Says Noda Administration, Not "Zero Nuke" (Sorry, Angela)

So, the policy about zero nuclear plants operating in Japan by 2030 first became the policy about zero nuclear plants operating in Japan by some time in 2030s, and then the wording was completely dropped from the official cabinet decision document. Now, what is in the cabinet decision?

This is:

The Japanese government is committed to the "unremitting (ceaseless) examination and revision" of the new energy policy.

Reading the Jiji Tsushin article (9/19/2012; part), it almost reads as if this "unremitting examination and revision" is indeed the new energy policy itself:


Zero nuke is not explicitly written in the cabinet decision document, the new energy strategy "unremitting revision"


The government [Noda administration] made the decision to "execute the future energy policy with unremitting examination and revision, based on the "revolutionary [innovative, if you so prefer] energy and environmental strategy"" during the cabinet meeting on September 19. The strategy is supposed to aim at zero nuclear power plant operating in 2030s, but "zero nuclear" was not mentioned in the official document of the cabinet decision.


Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said in the morning press conference, "We will plan for concrete actions for the energy and environmental policies based on the strategy." Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yukio Edano said in the press conference after the cabinet meeting, "(The strategy) is not mentioned in the document for the cabinet decision, but was authorized in the cabinet meeting." Minister in charge of national strategy Motohisa Furukawa said, "There is no hidden agenda behind the way we made our decision."


The body text of the Nuclear Energy Policy Guideline compiled in 2005, for example, was not the subject of the cabinet decision either.


The business circle and others were strongly against the strategy that was agreed on by the "Energy and Environmental Conference" of the Cabinet Office on September 14. In the National Strategy Conference held on September 18, civilian members expressed opposition, and the approval of the strategy didn't happen.

There is no hidden agenda behind the way they decided. Now that's unintentionally funny.

Jiji Tsushin is kind enough to make excuse for the minister by citing the precedent, as if that would make it OK to omit the "zero nuke" reference from the formal cabinet decision, after the unprecedented 90,000 public comments on the nuclear energy policy flooded the office of Mr. Furukawa.

The omission is called "plausible deniability". Twenty years from now when all these politicians have long gone to the politicians' heaven or into the cushy retirement, no one will care to know how the decision was made, except by looking at what was written down on paper. Since no mention of "zero nuclear plants in 2030 or 2030s" is found in the document, there will be no reason for the administration at that time (if Japan lasts that long as a nation, given the Chinese threat of dumping Japanese bonds) to make that happen.


  1. wow, they don't even wait like 20 years to announce that...

  2. Because most people are only concerned with the moment.

    Flip-flop Romney is another example. He often says one thing, then says the opposite... and nobody seems to notice.

  3. Maybe this will make it easier for the voters to understand that the DPJ is not serious about averting another Fukushima.

  4. Now is the time to save Japan. All the nukes must be shut or there will be more meltdowns. Do it for the forests, do it for the farms, do it for the families and the children of tomorrow.

    1. Do it for your own livelihood if you live within 50km of an npp, do it for you own kids if you live within 200km (not to end up like Kashiwa or Ichinoseki), do it for your own water if you drink from lake Biwa...
