Thursday, July 28, 2011

#Radiation in Japan: How the Brainwashing Was Done in Fukushima

An article appeared in the local (Ishikawa Prefecture) version of Mainichi Shinbun on July 25. The article was about the anti-nuke demonstration in Kanazawa City in Ishikawa on July 24, and it contained this passage:

県内の参加者に交じって、国が計画的避難区域に指定した福島県飯舘村の村立草野小学校職員、愛澤卓見さんも発言。愛澤さんは「震災直後は情報がなく、国が 派遣した大学教授が『村で採れた野菜は、洗えば食べられる』と説明したことなどを機に、避難先から子どもらが村に戻り、被ばくした」と語った。

Among the participants was Mr. Takumi Aizawa, a school worker at Kusano Elementary School in Iitate-mura in Fukushima Prefecture, which has been designated as "planned evacuation zone" by the national government. Mr. Aizawa told the demonstrators, "After the earthquake there was no information. Then a university professor sent by the government came to the village and said, "You can eat vegetables harvested in the village if you wash them". Children, who had been evacuated, then started to come back [on that reassuring word] and they got irradiated."

What? And who was this professor? I suspected Dr. "100 millisieverts" Yamashita, but it turned out to be his younger sidekick, Dr. Noboru Takamura of Nagasaki University. The powerful duo was all over Fukushima Prefecture in March and early April, preaching "safety" of radiation and radioactive fallout to the worried residents of Fukushima as the official radiation advisors for the prefecture.

Dr. Takamura went to Iitate-mura on March 25, and told the concerned villagers these soothing words (from Iitate-mura flyer on March 30, in Japanese):

Thyroid cancer from radioactive iodine only affects children and young mothers. People over 40 do not need to worry. Wear a mask outside, and wash your hands when you come home, and you'll be OK. There will be no ill effect on health living in the village as long as you observe basic hygiene.

Then, he went back to Iitate-mura on April 6, and apparently told the villagers this (from a tweet by @rainbow3342):


Nagasaki University Graduate School Professor Noboru Takamura said during the April 6 meeting in Iitate-mura to explain the risk of radiation, "Rain and typhoon will quickly wash away the radioactive materials. If the radiation is below 10 microsieverts/hour, it's safe even for children."

So what else this good doctor and his boss Dr. Yamashita were saying back in March? The collection of tweets were found on this Japanese blog, and they paint a propaganda effort by the Japanese government that would make Goebbels and Edward Bernays proud.

震災後すぐに、福島市で行われた、県の発注で呼ばれたらしい大学教授は講演会で「100mSVまで安全」と言い、福島人は、皆安堵の表情を浮かべた。誰も それを疑わず、ラジオ、ビルの中、街中エンドレスでその録音が流されていた。情報の少ない田舎街では未だそれを信じている人間も、多数いるはず。

Right after the disaster, the professor who was probably asked by the Fukushima prefectural government said in the lecture in Fukushima City, "it's safe up to 100 millisieverts". People in Fukushima were relieved. No one doubted the professor. The recording of the lecture was played everywhere endlessly - radio, inside the buildings, on the street. There must be many in the countryside who still believe him. They don't have enough information.


I returned to Fukushima on March 21, the day of that lecture. I spoke with friends on the phone, and they had gone to that lecture, looking for any information. He spoke in a reassuring manner, and the lecture was dotted with loud applause. The recording was played every single day at the building where our recovery support group is located.


Outside Fukushima City, after Professor Yamashita's safety lecture, the content of the lecture was re-printed in the local PR pamphlet. There were also handouts distributed in the neighborhood, in schools..


The message was played by USTREAM 24 hours a day during March. Just like Professor Yamashita's lecture, it's safe and secure. Also, you can eat vegetables if you wash them. There are many people who still believe the message and eat vegetables after washing them. I worry about internal radiation for them.

昨夜NHKに出演した山下俊一長崎大大学院教授は『チェルノブイリでの教訓が活きようとしている』と飯舘村が自分の研究の実証の場であるかのような主張を した。村民はモルモットではない!

Professor Shunichi Yamashita of Nagasaki University appeared on an NHK program last night and said "Now the lessons from Chernobyl are about to be applied", as if Iitate-mura is his experiment. We're not his guinea pigs!


Iitate villagers are tired. Increasing number of them now only listen to the words of the scholars who insists it's safe and secure. The villagers are weak. They want to find comfort in the words of the national government and the prefectural government that pushes safety. The price to pay for the safety without fact [truth] will be high.

24/7 streaming message of the duo that it's safe, it's safe, it's safe, trust us, just wash your hands and vegetables. Repeat the same message over and over again, and never mind that the message is not based on reality. Tell them what they want to hear. The subjects will get tired anyway and won't remember the details, but they will remember the message.

Well, it has worked.

(h/t Tokyo Brown Tabby)


  1. very sad... lies that will kill countless # of japanese

  2. I think the most sad thing about this is that the future of many people are now in jeopardy. How many people below 30 believed those words and got irradiated?

    The effects of this folly from the government will be seen for generations to come. Sigh...

  3. the level of censorship and propaganda is awesome! i didnt think it possible in the internet age for so many to be manipulated by so few! what private PR companies are accomplishing it.. it seems like its everywhere, globaly and it has got a lot worse in the last week or two!
    the germans have just stopped or are stopping there forecasts of wind in japan, just as the winds turned and nilu projections stopped april 11th just as plumes reached china and europe!
    the noose is tightening it would seem....god bless all at skf, your doing an important job. trying to save lives! very honourable! peace

  4. "Now the lessons from Chernobyl are about to be applied"
    They learned evil lessons from Chernobyl. The Soviets left the nearby town fully populated while assuring everyone that there was no safety threat until they performed some mathematical calculations and discovered that everyone in the nearby town would be dead in two weeks at the level that radiation was being emitted from the plant. The gov made it illegal to report anyone as having died from radiation for the first three years after the disaster - the doctors were forced to provide other reasons and that's not hard to do sometimes when the radiation damages the immune system and person dies from a disease they would ordinarily recover from if not irradiated. They under reported radiation exposure by a factor of 10 and told people that the town nearest the reactors were safe to return to except people sickened and died so they were allowed to move out - into other heavily contaminated areas because they had about 1.6 million people that needed to be relocated but no place to put them. So what 'lesson' is this Japanese official REALLY referring to? Was the lesson that train the population from the beginning that there is no health thread and never ever admit (by busing out or moving the worst hit populations as the Soviets did) that radiation is bad for you? When the Soviet Union fell, the Soviet officials in charge of covering up and lying to people were dragged before the citizens and forced to admit to their lies which had been documented in official top secret files (e.g., for example that thousands of people reported to hospitals the first day seriously ill and yet days went by with the Soviets telling the rest of the public that there was absolutely no cause for alarm). Was that the lesson that the officials should have learned? That one day the people will have them dragged into the people's court and the truth forced out of them? Did avoiding contaminated regions not work well enough for the Soviets because they could not find a way to render contaminated areas safe again so now the Japanese officials plan to use 'biological filters' (people unwittingly eating contaminated foods) to transport the contaminants from the the fields (produce/beef/eggs)- then to the humans (consumption)- to the public sewer system (radioactive waste disposal?) Because humans are 'free' filters? Just what lesson from Chernobyl was he talking about????

  5. That's a very sad story. How are these Professors doing, I wonder...

  6. Really, sad story.....

  7. Ben Laden is a kid compared with these two nazis. Ben Laden is responsible for only a few thousands dead. These 2 nazi brainwashers are responsible for hundreds of thousands if not Million of people dead or severely ill of radiation related disease. Modern genocide, on going! with silence of our governments.

  8. Please share this link:
    This is the last dispersion model I know of for finding which way the wind blows from Fukushima; you must select from the drop down menu in the upper right hand corner, "Japan Emission Dispersion". You should also thank the creator: Jörg Kachelmann
    It is a pity that all the formal, national meteorological services have ceased to provide dispersion models. Imagine: with 1 billion Bq/hr released from Fukushima and with CTBTO still registering high readings of radio nucleotides - what?! The people *don't* want to know when to limit their outdoor exposure of radiation -- for themselves. . . for their children? Ludicrous.
    Clearly there is governmental pressure to silence the information highlighting the dangers posed by the ongoing leakage of radiation.

  9. "Tell them what they want to hear." = I'm 60 and my home is all I have in life. If I can't come back I'm fucked. = I don't give a shit about radiation at this point.

  10. I though Iitatemura had been evacuated for a while already, there are people still living there?

  11. It's obvious why Japan is not receiving international government help. Because those governments will now be thinking, "We didn't bomb them ENOUGH for them to come to their senses". They will let Japan collapse because Japan ISN'T WORTH SAVING!

  12. @anon 6:20 thank you very much!!! i had already completely forgotten about that homepage as it loaded so slowly with my internet connection...

  13. Suppose we on our part in our countries try the same way re truth? One lecture and repeat on recordings all over each town/village?

  14. Dear mates.

    Is there any upcoming election in Japan? Do you have a Green party or some other party that really intends to stop nuclear power once and for all like we just did in Germany?

    I would like to offer rooms in my home on the French-German border to save a person from Japan. There are work opportunities nearby for people speaking English.

  15. Thanks for the Jörg Kachelmann link re: radiation dispersion from Japan. Good job!

  16. Take it easy there, anon @ 7:38.

    Credible choices is a theme throughout the world.

    You could take your message .. to Japan, THAT may generate a response!

  17. in the United States the Tyranny & Criminality & complicitness starts at the top of governmentw/ the President & his State Dep't, DOJ, DOE AEC<NRC< all these Labs & Universities, the Pentagon, the DOD, the UN:IAEA: they all represent the Nuke Spooks instead of doing the job of governing they give us all a nuke nightmare; Japan is everywhere...this Agenda of theirs is Hidden Death & Destruction it is Insane it must stop.

  18. Ever since the psychosis began in 1945, Good Old Boys in the U.S. govt have tumbled us all down a global muddy hillside with the Atomic Age, never stopping to contemplate the devastation to this day, in denial for a nugget of gold and power to wield the nuclear sword. Now our three headed monsters, the three letter acronyms led on leashes by lobby groups, have grown so large and we are expected to live in their shadows, protected by their "interest" in, and "expert" opinions about our "safety." They add zeros when "needed" to increase max exposure levels or create obscure, multiple fictitious models for calculating, and take away zeros from numbers when reporting "accidents" just like the Japan govt. Anything to keep the status quo and their paychecks flowing. They have the tyrannical nature to constantly attempt to supercede constitutional law through their own authority, bestowed upon by themselves and funded by all of us. These are the folks who brought us horrors like jellyfish babies in the Marshall Islands, hid those people in closet hospitals, and pay them with tax dollars to keep quiet. There's always a few doctors, dentists, scientists and professors ready and waiting to whore themselves out to be expert witnesses in the fuzzy science of pseudofact politics laced with finance. Their names and faces have changed, but the game's the same.

  19. you can email via their website and ask them to continue with the fallout maps. you may need these when you have your day in court. don't forget to take hair samples of people who show signs of radiation sickness. you may also need these as evidence.

  20. .. here's some brainwashing for 'ya,

    no talk of developing thorium reactors to burn up waste,
    instead you can "Volunteer" your town for a waste site,

    Volunteer Towns Sought for Nuclear Waste Sites, Panel Says

    "The Obama administration is committed to “restarting the American nuclear industry,” he said. "

  21. ".. regardless what happens with Yucca Mountain, the U.S. inventory of spent nuclear fuel will soon exceed the amount that can be legally emplaced at this site until a second repository is in operation. So under current law, the United States will need to find a new disposal site even if Yucca Mountain goes forward."


    "Future evaluations of potential
    alternative fuel cycles must account for linkages among all elements of the fuel cycle (including waste transportation, interim storage, and disposal) and for broader safety, security, and non-proliferation concerns."
    ["We prefer uranium"]


    "An existing program to accept highly-enriched uranium fuel from research reactors abroad for storage in the United States has provided a demonstration—albeit a limited one—of the national security value of such arrangements."[??]


    "The overall record of the U.S. nuclear waste program has been one of broken promises and unmet commitments. [truly, !]


    "As we have listened to testimony and public comment, we have been constantly reminded of the lack of trust that exists today in the federal government’s ability to meet its waste cleanup and management obligations." [quite]


    "Consolidated Storage Would Provide Flexibility to Respond to Lessons Learned from Fukushima"


    ".. a transparent, consent-based approach built on a solid understanding of societal values has the best odds of achieving success in siting .."
    ["we'll pay you to store our waste"]

  22. Maybe we should store all our nuclear waste along the southern border of the US Any imagrating across the bouder would become sick

  23. If you have enough space for guests and you want to invite people from Japan to stay with you for awhile, then contact these People:
    Thank you!
