Thursday, July 28, 2011

#Radioactive Leaf Compost: Kamakura City in Kanagawa Finally Stops Giving Out Compost to Residents

after more than 4 months of radioactive fallout, because the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has finally issued a notice that it would be better not to use leaf compost.

It has been in the news from early on that the level of radiation is higher under the rain gutters, in the shrubs and trees, on the dead leaves and twigs on the ground. (Ding ding ding ding......hello?)

Another lesson in importance of thinking on your own and not depending on the authorities in Japan and elsewhere.

From Tokyo Shinbun Kanagawa version (7/28/2011):


After radioactive cesium was detected from the leaf compost, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries issued a notice to withhold use and shipment of compost on a voluntary basis. Accordingly on July 27, City of Kamakura stopped the distribution of free compost to the residents.


The city collects yard waste - pruned twigs and branches from the residents and commercial gardeners - in order to reduce and recycle waste. The yard waste is shipped to Yamanashi Prefecture and is composted there.

 剪定枝は年間で約一万千トン。できた堆肥の一部を市役所や行政センター、ごみ処理施設など市内八カ所で、市民に無料配布している。配布は昨年度で 約二千百トンに上っている。市は、国が堆肥の扱い基準を出すまでの間、配布の中止を決めた。中止は市のホームページで知らせている。

Such pruned twigs and branches amount to 11,000 tonnes per year. The compost is distributed free of charge to the residents at 8 locations in the city. Last year, 2,100 tonnes of compost were distributed. The city decided to stop the distribution until the national government comes up with a standard for compost, and notified the residents on the city's homepage.


For the time being, the city still collects the yard waste from the residents, but will decide what to do with the composting. The city is also doing its own analysis of the compost to see if radioactive cesium is detected.


  1. Why do they test ONLY for cesium? To the best of your knowledge have any reporters questioned this?
    Thank you so much for your blog.... times like these I wish I could speak Japanese, or even read Kanji. It, for me, has been illuminating to see the response of gvt, Tepco and the public of Japan.
    It seems to me that the people are basically viewed as slaves for the corporate machine, and culture and "tradition" make it easier to acheive. It is a a bit sad, and also a bit scary..... and I thought Japanese were well educated... or perhaps just brainwashed and voiceless.

  2. They test iodine-131 and cesium (134, 137), mostly because those are what their equipmet can test. There are not many places that can test other nuclides like strontium, and I hear that there is only one place in Japan that can test plutonium.

    Japanese are well-educated. Maybe that's the problem. Very susceptible to strong suggestions from above..

  3. SOMETIMES we humans try to overdo our reactions to others,as well as not trying to learn from each other, myself as a garden person,i just enjoy working in my garden,a great pleasure,in the sun being mostly by my self (and my dog) and taking pride in giving ,most of what i grow away,and listening to people saying how big my tomatoes are the great taste, having the kids say wow i actually like your broc, cabb carrots , onions , but the greates gift for me and i dont say it enough is god giving me the chance to do all this, so people dont be to hasty to talk bad of others ,trying to do better , happy gardening a smile today brings a laugh TOMORROW
