Thursday, August 11, 2011

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Krypton-85 and Xenon-131m in Reactor 2 Containment Vessel Air Samples

Half life of xenon-131m is about 12 days.

The measurement of density of radioactive materials in the air inside the Reactor 2 Containment Vessel was delayed because there was water in the temporary sampling instrument that TEPCO installed outside the CV. It looks like they decided to measure the water anyway, as well as the air.

According to the measurement, the air is more radioactive than the water inside the Containment Vessel, but less radioactive than the air inside the Reactor 1 CV.

So the melted fuel is probably not even inside the Containment Vessel in Reactor 2 either.

But what's with krypton and xenon? I also read a tweet by one of the workers at the plant who said there is still radioactive iodine being released, even though TEPCO's monitoring says iodine-131 is not detected at the plant any more.

From TEPCO's handout for the press on August 10:


  1. most confusing post ever

  2. Please show us that tweet! And keep up the amazing work.

  3. Elena said...
    Does that mean TEPCO detects radionuclids as work proceeds, but does not necessarily inform the public? Wow...

  4. "The measurement of density of radioactive materials in the air inside the Reactor 2 Containment Vessel ..
    According to the measurement, the air is more radioactive than the water inside the Containment Vessel, ..
    So the melted fuel is probably not even inside the Containment Vessel in Reactor 2 either."

    If the air is more radioactive than the water, it may mean the fuel is not submerged.

  5. Oh bloody hell. Xe-131m is beta decay product of I-131.

  6. Go buy silver stock! Silver is used to filter out Iodine from radioactive accidents!

  7. TEPCO is still being listened to and believed as an information source! Liars have such a captive bunch of fools called the "General Public."

    They believe everything, learn nothing, never complain in mass, repeat proven failures, ignore the obvious, and is determined to stay confused!

    Yes, man is truly an embarrassment to God and Country!

  8. Fairewinds suggested U1 might still be critical back on April 3 ...

  9. This might explain something...

    In Florida, I noticed the exact same consistency to the air (powderiness), heavy feeling in lungs, and pain in leg that I noticed when confirmed radioactive releases from Japan were arriving here.

    The last few days, strong winds have blown in from the west, and the air-quality-index went into the hazardous area on 8/10 for a few hours.

    I'm wondering if radioactive releases from Japan are still arriving in Florida.

    EPA's beta CPM's have been "under review" for the entire state of Florida for awhile, which means that something is going on that needs further review.

    I would love to see you do an investigative story on all of the EPA's beta CPM's which are "under review."

    Thanks for all of your great work, EX.

  10. "Xe-131m is beta decay product of I-131."

  11. Krypton-85 decay chain

    very short half-life isotopes lead to krypton-85

  12. @anon 4:52 AM:,131

  13. So Superhero, the answer to the question;

    "Where are the blobs"


    Nobody knows?

    ( no offense to you my Superhero friend. My prayers are with you and all who may suffer from this catastrophe)

  14. A god atricle about water treatment and removing of Radioactiv isotops.
    and also, read the coments.

  15. Xe-131m is decay product of U-235, -238, Pu-239, -241.,131


  16. it is not "culturaly insensitive", it is gouvernment insane policy insensitive. Very different. They are creating language terms that makes their policies of murderer look good. In reality, people in Fukushima wish all their products would be bought by gouvernment to be dispose of safely. No one in Fukhshima wishes to harm anyone in Japan. But the gouvernment does. So it would be for the gouvernment that Kyoto would buy the wood, not for Fukushima. Refusing the wood is trempling on the gouvernment mass genocide policy, but is not affecting people in Fukushima. The gouvrment is lying loud and clear.

  17. Of course, there are subterranean nuclear explosions going on. My estimate is that the coriums are all at least 10K below the surface of FDI. Even without the occassional inefficient nuclear (not steam) explosions occurring, the release of radionuclides is perpetual, as the coriums from R1-R3 are never ending for the next 250,000 years unless the material somehow ramifies or is spread flat underground. The Chernobyl like emissions of Fukushima have been daily and perpetual for more than 400 days.
