Thursday, August 11, 2011

#Fukushima "Special District for Medical Research" Planned by Japanese Government

From Nikkei Shinbun (full article is for subscribers only; 8/12/2011):


Creation of the "Special District" system for medical research has been in discussion between the national government and the Fukushima prefectural government, and the outline of the system has been revealed. It includes: loosening the regulations of the Japanese Pharmaceutical Affairs Law only in Fukushima Prefecture and thus encouraging new entrants to the medical equipment manufacturing and sales; setting up data centers for medical cases and research centers for recurrent cancer at hospitals in Fukushima, which will attract pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment companies and medical researchers to Fukushima. The government is expected to allocate 10 billion yen (US$130 million) in the 3rd supplementary budget for the fiscal 2011.

10 billion yen to set up pharmaceutical research and data collection centers so that pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries flock to Fukushima. The government is clearly looking forward to a thriving medical industry in Fukushima with abundant (slightly over 2 million) research subjects of all ages.

From the above short description, it doesn't seem to be about treating people who will come down with radiation sickness. It is about collecting data and experimentation.

Since the national government is fiscally broke, the money will eventually come from the Japanese taxpayers, who will be made accomplice to this human experiment in Fukushima. Dr. Shunichi "Damashita (who conned, lied, tricked, duped, take your pick)" Yamashita must be so thrilled.


  1. "it doesn't seem to be about treating people [...] It is about collecting data and experimentation."

    Japan is well known for "medical" experiments on people...

    at this point the people of Japan seem to be a rather hopeless lot.

  2. Note the "District" is more for commercial business, making money using "human guinea pigs" or the victims of Fukushima Nuclear Accident. A for-profit business without medical care for the victims. Makes one wonder if the Japanese government PLANNED to use the people in fallout areas for experiments from the beginning! Good luck in finding "volunteers" who want their names pasted all over Japan, making themselves outcasts like the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

  3. Wait..Isnt Fukushima SAFE from radiation?

  4. See, the people who caused this disaster by putting the plants on fault lines, are STILL going to turn this into a profitable venture!


    You are witnessing the Satanic nature of wealth, power, and greed firsthand! Death, pain, disease, hate, fear, lies, deception, and all the worst things that can happen to a person, are pursued for "data & profit".

    Mankind in general is a disappointment to himself and the Universe. Mainly because, he is willing to kill his own kind for some shinny pieces of metal and worthless paper...F- score for this life!

  5. Dr Ishii is alive and well.

  6. Will medical researchers, equipment company staff and other people really want to go to work in a city contaminated with radiation to study the diseases caused by radiation?

  7. A little off the subject...but...

    How can one private company take 87,000 people's land, overnight? TEPCO should be forced to pay for it. Literally. Appraisers should value land and homes and be forced to pay fair market value (pre-Fukushima accident) for these destroyed properties, if people want to sell. Lawsuits for possessions, job loss and health consequences could be sorted, later. Right now, people deserve to be compensated for their land.

  8. Linus Pauling won the Nobel prize for his research and proof radiation from nuclear blasts causes cancers. This was after he was fired from Stanford for being 'radical'. Then the U.S. government duplicated his efforts and confirmed his findings and Dr. Pauling got his job back.

    This 'testing is just B.S. to keep citizens from giving this moron government the thrashing it deserves. Most of America also is too stupid to arrange their own monitoring and personal adjustment.

  9. STeVe the JeW;

    Yeah, and the US government agreed to let the Japanese military keep American POWs for use as their guinea pigs so long as they agreed to share the results of their research with them. US government is also complicit (well documented) in experimenting on its own population. The United States is far from being innocent in this regard.

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