TEPCO released a video of almost tranquil-looking Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. You mostly see the facilities related to the contaminated water treatment system, as the video is an accompaniment to the presentation that TEPCO did on the overview of the water treatment system.
The site looks clean enough, though it does have a look of a ghost town. You get to see some buildings and facilities up-close, including reactor buildings. Quite a desolation, on a bright sunny day.
After watching the video and thinking about a "localized" re-criticality (or nuclear fission sustained over certain period of time, as some "experts" insist on calling) that even TEPCO has admitted may have happened, and reading tweets and news articles to notice how the government experts are doing their utmost best to downplay the re-criticality event in Reactor 2, I have a sense of quiet, almost resigned, crisis coming.
Anyway, here's the presentation of the water treatment system by TEPCO. It is actually a pretty good overview of the entire process, though it took TEPCO 4 months to explain the system to the general public. (Wow it even has a voice over.)
Nice Weather. A picturesque Reactor TEPCOsight seeing for one hour - no Reactor pics.
Alas, no flowers.
Great adsorbing while making more
3 simple rules of stopping a reaction
Absorb nuetrons
No short cuts allowed, its an open book test too. Open world.
This is finaly starting to look like a , new begining and whats hopefulle becomes a reality.
This is beyound meer politics and what ever berocraqcy atatched, its about survival as a Nation.
And from now on, the only right way to deal with it is to be Honest, the Gotsh is out of the bottle.
Deal with it.
And what ever out come, I am not worried about the future of the Japanes people, I am worried about the present. Its the present that is dangerous and if not dealt with properly, there will be No future left for the majorety of the Japanes people.
Thats the cold facts, and right now we all know it.
Deal with it.
And as a perspective and a warning of what we are stering down into:
The only way of dealing with the present Nuclear highjacking of our world is to compleatly berry ity far down into the grown.
For never to be used again.
This acsident alone, is the mother of all fu..ups. And will haunt us for millenias.
And thats the Facts.
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
After 6:00 in the video is a fast flash of the TEPCOTent no.1.
Sun shines through - and the MASSIVE EXHAUST stack plumes irradiating globe with whatever plutonium is left inside... of course, nicely hidden in plain sight. You can never see the ionized air neither the µ-particles to be carried into billions lungs around globe.
Check out:
"now is the time to panic massive amounts of boron like Chernobyl" -JP
" and the MASSIVE EXHAUST stack plumes irradiating globe with whatever plutonium is left inside... of course, nicely hidden in plain sight."
Again and again and again with the "stacks". As if the radiation off runaway corium is going to go nicely up a stack via a vent when the suppression chamber is busted. Fucking fruit loops for brains here.
"now is the time to panic massive amounts of boron like Chernobyl" -JP
That, & then give every one in Japan several of these;
The technology isn't a 'helluva way to boil water' though, & doesn't feed the patient pipeline to Oncology, Inc. (That the Japanese Gov & TEPCO are so secretly wedded to, or the wouldn't ever want nuclear power.)
great. you got them. starting to be honest.
the thing about "MASSIVE EXHAUST' stacks irradiating the globe is simply untrue. Reactors are open pits now and you can't herd radioactive emissions from corium into vents (which, btw, would have filters at least), like it was some kind of cattle. There is no way to direct the radioactive steam by pressure up a stack anymore. Corium blobs that melted through primary containment do not cooperate, that's what's so frightening.
Nice place for a vacation, picnics on the beach there. Lovely..... Radiation?...oh thats baseless rumour... Its all under control, move along now...
I shit you not but if this was a reactor in China that blew up the media and people in Japan would be going nuts, because it their own people they are confused how to react, just fucking denial all the way is the name of the game...
Anonymous said...
the thing about "MASSIVE EXHAUST' stacks irradiating the globe is simply untrue. Reactors are open pits now and you can't herd radioactive emissions from corium into vents .... November 3, 2011 6:53 AM
That text is purely your fabrication, not my txt.
Alas, trolls never got any - NO FACTS: observamt reader can easily just clic an see the enhanced color-picture how the truck drive through size stack is pumping full steam – the air from inside the buildings & TENT - for the irradiated global lungs...
No wonder in the video there is just a 2 second blip view of reactor1- having common exhaust stack with the reactor 2.
After saying this, the open pit is also true; nothin can keep the radiation inside. However, huge sucking stacks nicely help in this open pit 'project'.
"That text is purely your fabrication, not my txt."
N0 0ne gives a c-rap ab0ut y0ur "txt".
"However, huge sucking stacks nicely help in this open pit 'project'."
Corium MELTS all piping!! Put that obvious "facty" in your stack and suck on it.
"observamt reader can easily just clic an see the enhanced color-picture how the truck drive through size stack is pumping full steam – the air from inside the buildings & TENT - for the irradiated global lungs..."
In a BWR design radiation is carried by water somewhat directly to turbines. Turbine rooms are now flooded with radioactive water which they are attempting to filter and is the same water that has been poured into the reactors in an attempt to cool them. Stacks don't figure anything important anymore as the water is basically heating, and steaming mostly from open pits or cracks.
Plutonium Radiation Plumes -view from Reactor 1 Stack; one second extended, color VFXEextra -filter enhanced clip from that original TEPCOtheater performance; starting from 6:13. Fresh video, published 60 minutes ago.
See how the Plumes, now full with the meltdown corium effluents, shoot continously into the sky:
Nuclear Energy" by Raymond L. Murray now has a sixth edition available, and while I read and am reviewing the fifth edition, I encourage anyone who wants to read this generally fine book to obtain the latest edition.
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