Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ooi Nuke Plant Restart: Mayor Agrees, 130 Residents in Fukui and Shiga Sue the National Government, A Diet Representative Complains to the Fukui Governor

all in one day.

Mainichi Shinbun (6/13/2012) reports 130 residents in Fukui Prefecture (where Ooi Nuclear Power Plant is located) and the neighboring Shiga Prefecture have filed a lawsuit against the national government, demanding that the government order Kansai Electric to not restart the Reactors 3 and 4.

Kyodo News has just reported that the mayor of Ooi-cho has agreed to the restart.

As I write, Ms. Yukiko Miyake (DPJ Representative, Lower House), is at the Fukui prefectural government, demanding that the governor not agree to the restart. She is talking with the vice governor. Yasumi Iwakami's IWJ has a live netcast, here. She is acting as a representative of 122 DPJ politicians who signed a petition not to restart Ooi Nuclear Power Plant. (Ex-Prime Minister Naoto Kan didn't sign, by the way.)


Toru Hashimoto, the boy-wonder mayor of Osaka City who meekly turned pro-restart, dutifully praises the mayor of Ooi-cho, Jiji Tsushin reports (6/14/2012). "I appreciate it very much", the mayor said to the press. He also insisted that the restart be "provisional", that the plant operate only during the summer peak months.

No way that's going to happen. Besides, that would expose plant maintenance workers to unnecessary, added radiation exposure just to please Hashimoto.


Anonymous said...


Rule of Law: The rule of law is a legal maxim whereby governmental decisions are made by applying known legal principles. Such a government can be called a nomocracy, from the Greek nomos (law) and kratos (power or rule). The phrase can be traced back to 17th century and was popularized in the 19th century by British jurist A. V. Dicey. The concept was familiar to ancient philosophers such as Aristotle, who wrote "Law should govern". Rule of law implies that every citizen is subject to the law. It stands in contrast to the idea that the ruler is above the law, for example by divine right.

Let us see if Japan is indeed ruled by laws. And if it is not, what will the people do about it.

Anonymous said...

Only 130? Not many people care about their own lives, apparently.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting very sick of a snide comment like the above anon. What are your people doing in your own country?

Anonymous said...

Hey if they had asked me, I'd have joined the lawsuit. I'm sure there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands who would have joined if asked.

But moving ahead with the 130 signatures they had is the right thing to do. The situation is urgent as they plan to start the reactor soon. They shouldn't wait to collect more plaintiffs.

Casey said...

The sad truth is that the reactors were stoppped and everyone was happy... happy about what? Did the spent fuel miraculously turn into fertilizer we could spread on the fields? No. Did it vanish into thin air? No.

The reality is that stopping a reactor and taking pride in that is a joke. Even though turned off, they can still lose their power, they can still melt, they can still crumble, they can still be bombed, they can still have an airliner flown into them... the list goes on.

The fight isn't over till this stuff is off the planet, and we better not be happy with anything less.

Anonymous said...

Commenter above, please stay in your misery and don't venture out.

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