Saturday, January 4, 2014

TEPCO Demands Its Own Employees to Return the Nuclear Accident Compensation Money, Mainichi Shinbun Says

This has got to be a new low for TEPCO, though TEPCO continues to surprise.

From Mainichi Shinbun (1/4/2014; part):

福島原発事故避難:東電 社員に賠償金返還を要求

TEPCO demands employees who were displaced by Fukushima I NPP accident to return [part of] the compensation money


It has been revealed by people concerned that since last spring TEPCO has been demanding its employees who have been displaced by the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident to practically return the compensation money of several million yen [tens of thousands of US dollars] to over 10 million yen [over US$100,000] that they each received. ... Because of this demand to return money, young TEPCO employees in their 20s are quitting the job in droves, which could jeopardize the work to restore the plant.

... しかし、ある男性社員は、2012年秋に賠償を打ち切られた。「立ち入り制限のない区域の賃貸住宅に転居した11年夏の時点で避難は終了したとみなす」というのが理由だ。転居前も賃貸住宅に住んでいたのだから、別の賃貸住宅に引っ越した段階で避難は終了した、という。しかし、社員以外なら引っ越しを伴う以上、賠償は打ち切られない。

One male employee had his compensation cut off in fall of 2012. The reason was that "he moved to a rental house in the area with no entry restriction in summer of 2011, at which time the evacuation due to the accident is considered by TEPCO to have been over." [In TEPCO's logic,] since he had lived in a rental house before the move, the evacuation was over when he moved to another rental house. However, compensations for people who are not TEPCO employees are not cut off when they relocate.


What surprised him was a document he received last spring from TEPCO's "Fukushima Nuclear Compensation Counseling Office" which is in charge of compensation. The title of the document said "Adjustment that we would humbly deduct [from future payment]", and the body text said "It has been confirmed that the amount that we have already paid you and the amount that has been correctly computed differ," and the difference amounts to several million yen. It looks TEPCO has decided that several million yen that he received after he moved (summer of 2011) was "in excess".


The employee called the Counseling Office and asked what it meant by "deduct". The answer was that the amount he received in excess would be offset by the future payment. Since he has no future payment coming, as the compensation was cut off, this is practically a demand for the return of money. He further asked, "Are you telling me to return right now?" The answer was "We haven't decided how to have the money returned."


The man asked the Nuclear Damage Compensation Dispute Resolution Center for mediation of settlement in 2013. The Center rejected TEPCO's claim and considered the evacuation was still ongoing for the man and threw out the obligation to return the compensation money. The Center's settlement offer would have TEPCO to pay additional several million yen to the man, but TEPCO refused the offer.


From testimony from multiple sources, there are at least 15 employees who are asked to return the money, and the total exceeds 100 million yen [US$1 million]. One employee told Mainichi that "there are about 100 employees whose compensations have been cut off. Most of them have been asked to return the money."


In Fukushima Prefecture in October [last year], TEPCO held an informational meeting between the top management and the employees. Mainichi Shinbun obtained the audio data of the meeting. The employees angrily told the management, "Everyone is pissed that they are required to pay back the money that was transferred [to their bank accounts]." The management said they would investigate, but there has been no change.

100 million yen. A pittance for TEPCO. Just claw back the retirement money from the then-chairman Katsumata and then-president Shimizu. But instead, they want to collect from its own employees who have been working in the irradiated, wrecked nuclear power plant.

Also from Mainichi (1/4/2014; part):


Demand to return the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident compensation money: "We worked in the high radiation[, and we get this]"


One of the male employees who have been asked by TEPCO to return the compensation money worked under the then-plant manager Masao Yoshida right after the start of the Fukushima I Nuclear Plant accident to restore the plant. He worked in the high radiation environment, shaking [with fear of high radiation]. But the company's treatment is cold. Losing hope, young employees quit, one after another. Morale has degraded significantly, and dark clouds are hanging over the decommission work.


The employee is from outside Fukushima Prefecture. After he joined TEPCO, he has spent long years in Fukushima I and II, and continued his work with pride. He has been active in the local community, and says "This is my home."


"I can't ruin my home any further." On March 12, 2011 when the Reactor 1 building exploded, he and his colleagues forced their shaking legs to move and worked. After work, they returned to the anti-seismic building located about 300 meters from Reactor 1, and found the plant manager Yoshida shouting with anger in the teleconference with the TEPCO headquarter [in Tokyo]. But Yoshida was kind to the local employees. He says he was cheered by Yoshida a number of times. "You are all doing great," Yoshida would say.


He was doing the hard work which he felt worthwhile. Then a letter arrived last spring. It said [TEPCO] wanted the return of part of the compensation money, and instructed that he sign the enclosed agreement and send back. "I can't believe it." No matter how many times he read the letter, it was an "invoice" the company sent to him. He was so mortified he cried. He couldn't sleep for days. His colleagues also received the same letter. They feel dark and gloomy at the site, and morale has taken the nosedive.


The monthly salary of the employees was cut by 20% after the start of the accident to begin with. On top of it, the cut off of compensation money (2012) and request for the return of the compensation money (2013 spring) followed. Already, a dozen people, mostly young people in their 20s, left the company. They include people who worked with him to restore the plant. "We all felt responsible, that 'We have caused trouble because of the nuclear power plant we've been operating'. We've worked, clenching our teeth." But they were discouraged by TEPCO's treatment. The worker couldn't say "Don't give up yet" to his colleague who told him he was leaving.


"You did all you could in the high radiation. We will take good care of you." That's what Yoshida told him. "If Mr. Yoshida were still alive, it may not have been this way," he sometimes wonders. "I don't feel like I can go on, but I'll do my best for my home." He hangs on, and goes to work in his TEPCO uniform.

The work uniform of this employee. He said to Mainichi, "After the accident, I can't dry it outside after the wash, for the fear of how the neighbors may think."

Here we go again, sadly. Instead of directing anger to the powerful (whether it is the national government or a large corporation like TEPCO), we pick a far easier target - like a TEPCO employee who has been working at the wrecked plant with the sense of responsibility to his adopted "home".

From my 2/29/2012 post, Dr. Jun Shigemura, psychiatrist at National Defence Medical College who treated the workers at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant in an interview with Germany's Der Spiegel:

Many come from the area around the plant, the tsunami washed away their homes, their families had to evacuate. The workers have lost their homes, their loved ones are far away and the public blames them, because they work for TEPCO. Many think that TEPCO is responsible for the catastrophe. The workers weren't seen as heroes as they were in Europe. One time, somebody donated fresh vegetables for the workers, because TEPCO at that point wasn't able to provide fresh food inside the evacuation zone. But the donation was made anonymously, because those who gave it didn't want to be caught helping TEPCO workers.

I am currently treating a man in his early forties. He had a house on the coast close to Daiichi that was destroyed by the tsunami. That's when he lost his 7-year-old son. The man had to flee and he tried to rent an apartment somewhere else. But the landlord rejected him because he works for TEPCO. When he finally found a flat the neighbors posted a paper on his door: TEPCO workers get out.


  1. Tepco demonstrates the culturally entrenched ethics of a morally bankrupt Japan.

  2. And ... Japan demonstrates the culturally entrenched ethics of a morally bankrupt taxpayer-funded TEPCO

    Warring upon TEPCO employees who knew of high radiation levels and warring upon "profiteering" disaster relief personnel who did not know of high radiation levels.

  3. Nothing new here,folks!Worked 20 years as a lectuer (full-time) at Todai (Tokyo University) and the university along with government faile/refusedto place over 100 foreigners in the REQUIRED social insurance pension scheme.Happens all the time to Japanese as well.Morally bankrupt is an apt word.

  4. Japan is a naked looting scheme in praesentia.

    Looting your health is their next big project.

  5. @Ultraman: both things you tell of (TEPCO trying to reclaim compensation and the way people treat employees who risked their lives for society) make it seem Japanese society is very sick. Are these isolated instances, or are things in Japan often handled like this?

  6. " .. or are things in Japan often handled like this?"

    You make it sound as if it's ok for things in Japan to be handled like this, in this situation. Why is that?

    Do you know something that makes it ok?

    Shouldn't both Marcus and Longone be facing clawbacks for unjust enrichment via fraud & bailouts, instead of complaining about due regard?,0,7204384.story


    Should Japan be allowing the Olympics to be associated with fraud, with unjust enrichment?

  7. Anon at 11:59AM, each society in different countries may be "sick" in certain ways. Though I don't like a blanket statement that Japan is this way or that, as an aggregate I do feel a certain idiosyncracy emerges. It has become more obvious in Japan after the Fukushima nuclear accident.

    Unfortunately what's in the post about ordinary people treating other people badly just because they work for a company many hates is all too common. But I was surprised by TEPCO's demanding the money back from the employees.

  8. Anon at 5:13PM, Olympics has always been associated with fraud, bribe, unjust enrichment for the commissioners. What's new?

  9. While I am disgusted by how TEPCO treats its employees and am disappointed in how some or even many Japanese react toward TEPCO workers, I am also thrilled to read that a person donated vegetables to the workers, albeit anonymously out of fear.

    I wish the donation had not been anonymous, i.e., the person who was doing a good thing would have had the courage to stand to his actions and maybe thereby lead by example.

    Be that as it may, it may be advisable to all of us, regardless of country or culture of origin, to not always automatically focus on and emphasize only the negative, but to also recognize, reward, and encourage the positive in individuals and society as a whole.

  10. Ahh mscharisma, the glass is always half full huh?

    Look on the bright side, if you go work at FD, you'll get a nice suntan for free.

    The bottom line is, however much one tries, it is not possible to polish a turd.

  11. @ anon at 1:02:
    Apparently my point wasn't quite clear: it's not as simple as to view the glass as either half full or half empty, one has to see both in order to get a picture of the glass as a whole. In reference to the preceding discussion about sick societies, I only wanted to to point out that the positive has been overlooked.

  12. The positive hasn't been overlooked. It's just that when compared to the tsunami of negative empirical evidence, it is kinda hard to keep telling oneself it is only raining, when all the signs are that one is being pissed upon from a great height. Nevertheless, if you are enjoying your warm shower, then by all means keep standing underneath it. But don't be surprised by the stink.

  13. "Olympics has always been associated with fraud, bribe[s], unjust enrichment for the commissioners. What's new?"

    Literally, radiation?

    We can flowchart this exchange. Radiation: will demands to verify that radiation be next in the flow? After Gunderson said every soil sample he tested in Tokyo was contaminated?

    Strange attractors of catastrophe denial & the Tokyo Olympics.

    Maybe Prince Bandar feels the Japanese are "godless" in buying oil from the Iranians?

    Slow motion catastrophes like collectivisation and adopting nuclear as a favor to paymasters.

    Catastrophe denial: what's new?

  14. @ anon at 4:47:
    As indicated by "... I am disgusted by ..." in my initial comment, I have no intention to stand in a warm shower in order to ignore being pissed upon from above. However, I also have no intention to ignore good things people do or to condemn an entire society as "sick" or "turds" based on what a ruling power- and money-hungry elite does. It's a much more complex issue.

  15. Mscharisma, It's as complex as you wish to make it.

    A person jumps off a skyscraper roof... You can measure the height of the building, the microgravity variation at that location, the effects of area wether and local updrafts/downdrafts, the surface area of the jumper and wind resistance of clothing etc etc. in short you can measure and hypothesize all manner of things.

    BUT the net result is that this person jumped from a great height and hit the ground with deadly force.

    It's easy to lose sight of the big picture in the detail.

  16. "As indicated by .. in my initial comment, I have no intention to stand in a warm shower in order to ignore being pissed upon from above."

    Good, good, mscharisma. For in this consideration of Japan and its affluence how can we not note that the relationship with America post-WW2 has been essentially curious, essentially Odd in that the promotion of nuclear energy in Japan was effected by effectively ripping off the rest of the world as the purchase price of that affluence. Japan agreed to endanger its citizeny's lives with these nuclear time bombs for expanded importation of its job destroying wares into the U.S., and the U.S. agreed to endanger the future economic wellbeing of its citizenry for the enrichment of a very few. Both countries' leaders relieved their bladders to the fullest.

    A similar awareness is likely to be found in the Chinese's relationship to Taiwanese industry. Did the mainland Chinese approve of Taiwan's industrial waste being dumped in the ocean for so many decades?

    The purchase of pollution rights in east Asia?

  17. *mscharisma*, you know you are replying to the Finnish/Linky troll, right?
    He has reading comprehension problems and ends up imagining commentors are writing something they are not, then arrogantly accuses them of some vague barbarism(s) only he is aware of. Lastly, he will flail his arms and use all caps to wish we all "DIE DIE DIE." Somewhat like Don Quoite battling windmills except for the arm flailing and the "DIE DIE DIE" part, which is just his fundamental christian way of saying "love thy neighbour."

  18. "After Gunderson said every soil sample he tested in Tokyo was contaminated?"

    Oh, so now what Gunderson has to say is okay? Make up your mind(I use the term lightly), you stupid idoit Linky troll.

  19. Oh! Oh! My name is 4:05 and my mind works in "hallucinogenic spurts". I'm now imagining some anti-Gunderson consensus had been established here.
    Oh! Visions! Pixels! DIE DIE DIE!


  20. Oh, and, the FUNGUS AMONGUS dies 100% when u heat the oven in +300C!



  21. Alright, ALRIGHT! 4:05, you demand "spy piffle" and your wish is here ..

    Man in the Modem

  22. This is what happens when you major in English and can't get a job so you have to take up translation, which leads you to troll comment sections of various blogs using multiple aliases and writing styles(so u think) when you can't get enough translation jobs. Pathetic. Go back to brushing up on your ancient Greek and Latin. Your French stinks.

  23. Your 6reactor genocide machine, finely tuned for maximum death has eliminated japan FACT< and possibly canada and usa. Try to tell somebody that perceives themselves smarter than you something, they will wish death upon you. Bon appetite’ as every1 is smarter than me and ev1 wishes me death they fuk themselves en masse.

  24. To me this situation with Tepco seems unimaginable. If a company screwed up that bad in my country, the board of directors would be tied to a fence in -30 C without clothes. How are you guy's still tolerating this?

  25. Believe it or not, there are many in Japan who think these employees are "guilty by association with TEPCO" of causing the nuclear accident, and thus should be treated like they are being treated.

  26. So, arevamirpal, if time hasn't healed the normal - but should be short time - wrath for Tepco & T. workers after Fuku disaster, it's really one of the sadest posts of your blog.
    Of course people shouldn't turn berserk about Tepco, or about Japan.
    Thank you anon at 1:02 I didn't know that "polish a turd" one, it's always a pleasure to polish my English while keeping informed of Fuku / Japan information.

  27. Americans have little to pontificate about with regard to corporate politicians. Look at the sad story of science deniers and administrations appointing supreme court judges that made Citizens United possible.

    Stacking the courts and waving of arms while denying that's Quixote at work: how clever is that?

  28. 6:19,

    Save us all the effort of decipherment and post a short clip of yourself formulating your 6:19 response, the look of self-congratulation coupled with your Down's Syndrome mongoloidism would be PRICELESS.

    I guarantee you a FULL analysis of Your Many Challenges could be effected in 5 seconds or less.


  29. A "spy piffle" OT here,

    Paging Jacob Applebaum,

    Jacob, you were quoted saying this at the 30c3 conference,
    " .. my dear friend Laura Poitras, who is totally fantastic by the way, and you are great."

    In light of the questions posed here,

    .. and your call to unite here,
    "30c3 Panel: Sysadmins of the World, Unite! with Julian Assange, Jacob Appelbaum, and Sarah Harrison (29 Dec 2013): "

    .. was wondering what is the balance of accounts, and accounts?

    Does the balance of accounts have something to do with this quote,
    "NSA statement does not deny ‘spying’ on members of Congress Spencer Ackermanm, Guardian. Sure, but have they bugged every motel and hotel room in the Beltway? I’m guessing yes."

    Links & "linkys": same guy?

  30. 9:13 AM, why do you keep spamming Areva's blog with off topic rants? There are other blogs out there that would better suit you and you should shove off to discover them and leave "us" alone. The sooner the better, in my opinion.

  31. 10:27,

    Because the answer to your question is you are a part of this ..

    "So the markets go south and soon margin calls go out, or scared traders start unloading some of their stocks before they get margin calls in order to maintain a modicum of control, and selling begets more selling, and forced selling kicks in, and all hell breaks loose. Few people are able to get out of the way of a self-reinforcing downward spiral."

    Confidence has been lost in your ability to respond.

  32. The troll's brain not only works in spurts but also goes off on tangents. Spy piffle and now financial tripe.

  33. 10:29,

    You can be induced to self-negate, evidently. With those links on the spies they are telling the world that they can steal anything from anyone at anytime with no consequence to themselves. And you're good with that? WONDROUS.

    Any and all investments are at their mercy, and your investment is anti-spam .. for areva? = hallucinogenic, "deflationary" spiral

    Hoover's FBI on steroids promoted by Booz Allen social personas.

    Tailored Access "Outs" and calls to unite for SysAdmins with systems thoroughly compromised, ok.

    Or, the current absurd spectacle of expecting these corporations to replace ALL of their systems, or any self-respecting corporation anywhere in the world to do business with such spy activity in the background.

    Which for you is .. troll, dank basements, mothers, french/latin/greek, hallucinogens. Purging the Hoover daemon.

    The Spectacle of "Out".

  34. "With those links on the spies they are telling the world that they can steal anything from anyone at anytime with no consequence to themselves."

    As opposed to, say, your trolling multiple blogs/ websites under multiple aliases, many of them completely asinine characters, using different but transparent writing styles? As opposed to donation scamming? Now that is not disingenuous and delinquent at all.

    You win the pathological trolling award.

  35. What the hell happened to the comment section here?

  36. Vice Legendary,

    A lesbian waitress liar from New Jersey came, expressed "reading comprehension" problems, and left with netudiant's money, see here ..

  37. @9:29 am, you have no problem with the blatant moronic troll shit in the Fukushima Diary comment sections but you are surprised with the same here?

  38. Logographer/Lawyer

  39. If you convince 10% of the populace of something, even something completely stupid, the rest will follow. Any less of a percentage and you can at least get some donations.

  40. 10:30,

    see Sibel Edmonds',

    "And with that I have to ask my God one more time: Why do you make so many suckers [and social media personas]?"

    She did say that, didn't she?
