Thursday, February 13, 2014

(UPDATED) (Now They Tell Us) Highly Radioactive Pieces Found in Naraha-Machi in June/July 2013 Came from #Fukushima I NPP, TEPCO Now Says

(UPDATE-2) Of all news outlets, it was Yomiuri who reported the news (two days late) and mentioned the last remaining potential route for the debris pieces - Reactor 3 explosion. From Yomiuri Shinbun (2/24/2014):


The reason [why the debris pieces were there] is unknown; they could have been scattered by the hydrogen explosion in the reactor building, or they could have come from the ocean.

This news continues to be mostly ignored by both the mainstream media and the alternative net media. Very strange.


(UPDATE 2/13/2014) The only news I've found so far about these debris pieces in Naraha-machi is from FNN local Fukushima news. Even that news hides the fact that the radioactivity of maximum 2.92 million becquerels of radioactive cesium IS PER 0.4 GRAM SAMPLE.


Specifically, four small pieces of debris found at the river mouth in Naraha-machi 15 kilometers from the plant may have come from Reactor 3.

The first piece of debris were found in June 2013, but TEPCO didn't mention the discovery until July after three more such high-radiation pieces were found. Even then, they published a half-baked result of the analysis, which was nothing more than the measurement of gamma radiation and beta radiation in microsieverts per hour. (See my post on July 2, 2013 for the first discovery.)

TEPCO disclosed the result of the analysis of the debris done by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (of Monju fame) during the regular February 12, 2014 press conference, and no major news outlet has reported the news so far. Only bloggers took note. (I suppose the mainstream media is busy educating themselves on the intricacies of the State Secrecy Protection Law, even though it hasn't gone into effect yet.)

According to TEPCO, the pieces of debris were not only highly contaminated with radioactive materials released from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant but they actually, most likely came from the plant. The degree of contamination from radioactive materials found on the small pieces of debris is similar to that on the debris found around the Reactor 3 building.

From TEPCO's handout for the press, 2/12/2014 (in Japanese):

Very high contamination from cesium-134, cesium-137, and presence of cobalt-60 (in blue rectangle, added by me). Note the unit is Bq per sample, not kilogram. For example, Sample No.3 (0.4 gram) has 2.0 x 10^6 Bq, or 2 million becquerels of cesium-137:

Very high all-beta:

But the composition of radioactive materials (ratio) on the debris pieces shows almost all radioactivity comes from cesium-134 and cesium-137:

Radioactivity of the debris pieces, compared to those of the debris around the Reactor 3 building and of the soil in Naraha-machi and neighboring Hirono-machi. The debris pieces have about the same order of magnitude of contamination as the debris around Reactor 3 for cesium-137, and one to three orders of magnitude higher contamination for cobalt-60. Unit is Bq per gram:

What are the debris pieces made of? Polyethylene, polyolefine, wood:

TEPCO and JAEA's conclusion:

1. These small pieces of debris came from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, most likely from the Reactor 3 building.

2. The high-beta radiation found on the pieces are not from beta-nuclides but from beta radiation from cesium-134 and cesium-137, judging by the composition of the radioactivity.

3. How they got to the river mouth is unknown. It could be by the ocean, or by land. The analysis is inconclusive on that point.

As far as incurious TEPCO goes, this is the end of the analysis. There will be no further analysis whether there is any contribution from MOX fuel that was in the Reactor 3's Pressure Vessel.

During the press conference, TEPCO's PR people could barely answer the questions on this issue, other than to say this was done by JAEA.


  1. Not a surprise. FD3 underwent detonation, not deflagration. In all likelihood large amounts of hugely radioactive materiel was scattered over a very wide area. These fragments mentioned in the article are MONSTROUSLY RADIOACTIVE to the point of being immediate life threatening health hazards.

    There are MANY more fragments like these awaiting to be discovered, just like there are MANY more oncological disasters just waiting to be catalogued.

    The moral depravity of those who continue to downplay this disaster knows no bounds.

  2. Sample no. 3 has 5 BILLION Bq/kg.

    These fucking murderous scumbag lying bastards are constantly trying to dishonestly mislead those who HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW THE TRUTH.

  3. I am very surprised that there has been ZERO coverage of this news in the media, and even those people who have followed the accident are not aware of it.

    News outlets are busy reporting tens of thousands of Bq PER LITER of cesium, while completely ignoring millions of Bq PER GRAM.

    Town of Naraha is no longer in the exclusion (no entry) zone. People are free to return, and are encouraged to return.

  4. How this stuff came to be 15 km from its source would seem to be a matter of some urgency. If it was flotsam and jetsam that floated in from the sea then there should be many more such samples found given the extensive water sampling done in the area. However, the descriptions also mention being encrusted with dirt which might be analyzed to determine 'dirt' from where. Narahamachi or Fukushima. One would not expect dirt from Fukushima to still be clinging to debris after a year or so floating around off the coast. It its dirt from Fukushima then one may have to conclude highly radioactive material is hitching a ride on vehicles leaving the plant or some of the more unsavory contractors hired for the cleanup are just illegally dumping debris where it is most convenient.

  5. TEPCO said the plastic pieces looked to be packing materials used at the plant. Presence of cobalt-60 indicates contamination came from inside the reactor. The debris hitching the ride from the plant doesn't make much sense, as the pieces were found in the mud by the river mouth (i.e. no road). They do have exit control at the plant, checking radioactivity of the vehicles leaving the plant. If the highly radioactive debris were illegally dumped, you would expect much bigger pieces, instead of 0.4gram piece.

    That leaves one possibility.

  6. Typical Japanese attitude, it's so bad, we do not want to know, so it doesn't excist ( for me ). Where shall we eat ?

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  8. Perhaps some of this heavy plastic is floating off the Coast of California or Hawai'i

  9. The MOX fueled FDU-3 reactor explosion, produced: orange flame, supersonic detonation, black smoke, fuel vaporization and scattering as well as induced Gamma (Γ) radiation in structural metals and the concrete rubble. These signs and symptoms characterize neither hydrogen nor steam explosions.

    The FDU-3 March 14 detonation was therefore a prompt criticality, also known as an atomic explosion or nuclear blast.

    Sincerely, Bill Duff

  10. Yup, every time I see the media talking about hydrogen explosion in FD3 it makes me want to puke.

    It was a goddamn nuclear explosion goddamit. Same kind of nuclear explosion like in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

    What part of the phrase 'lying bastards' is difficult to understand?

  11. Low Cost Solar and Wind is killing Nuke!

    But Nuke swinging back to try to kill Solar and Wind....

    Exelon, not quite the slumlords that Entergy is, however, they also run a bunch of old plants. Now they are trying to kill Solar and Wind, and get consumers (aka in their view 'power slaves') to pay a premium for nuclear power? How sick is that? The Criminals That Be (TCTB), i.e. the large corporations, nutli-nationals, and the old money families, want to legislate so that you pay more for the thing that can kill you and your family, and bankrupt you through disease (not just cancer).

    Story and my Kill List is here

  12. Let's End ALL the Shakedowns

    Civilian Nuclear Power (AKA Atoms for Peace) has proven to be a dangerous and uneconomic experiment. Malthusians have been fear-mongering for decades about ‘peak-oil’, ‘global-warming’, ‘climate-change’, and the like, with no supporting objective evidence. Biomass gimmicks, windmills and solar voltaic are not now and NEVER WILL BE, viable technical or economic solutions to global energy and/or power challenges. The AC electrical grid is an inefficient, expensive, wasteful and disaster-susceptible 19th century RELIC. It is time to scale-down these wasteful, costly and fanciful: initiatives, subsidies, taxes, programs, industries and myths.

    Natural gas and LPG are plentiful, clean, efficient and economic. Distributed energy conversion, using natural gas and/or LPG, with heat-recovery systems, are INHERENTLY: efficient, safe, CLEAN, economic and disaster-resistant. LNG and LPG are also PERFECTLY suited to clean and efficient transportation applications.


    Bill Duff

  13. Don't want to burst your bubble too vigorously, Bill, but I believe global warming is lurking right behind your dismissal of it.

    "Faster-than-normal trade winds may have been the previously unknown mechanism for hiding heat in the ocean. England’s team incorporated these unusually intense winds into global climate models. In the model, as the winds sped up over the Pacific Ocean in the ’90s, they forced warmer surface water down. Cooler, deeper water then flowed to the surface. The results of the models closely matched the real world’s climate change plateau.

    “Unfortunately, however, when the hiatus ends, global warming looks set to be rapid,” said England. “We should be very clear: The current hiatus offers no comfort -- we are just seeing another pause in warming before the next inevitable rise in global temperatures.”

    Forget snowfall -- winter rain becoming new normal in Alaska and Arctic [also known as "pumping", and not in a "vacuum", either]

    Where's California's rain? Here 'tis ..

    Alaska swelters under climate system normally drifting over California

    To reiterate: that is Pumping, and it's not occurring in a Vacuum. Near Greenland, the northern Atlantic was similar to the northern Indian Ocean. Ocean currents are obviously pumping the melting. Is it because the currents are changing, as happens in the Indian Ocean?
    And those currents are pumped by wind.
    And are only perceived as "pausing" due to the artifact-laden nature of human conceptualization.

    Whatever is driving Greenland upwelling has no regard for "pausing".

    [sarc] Kind of like the new wearers of the duncecap, the Deniers of Glo-bull Warming, with evidence of that warming/transition literally everywhere they look. "Creationists" creating their new world of the duncecap. w/e [/sarc]

  14. Climate modeling is infinitely more complex than weather modeling (meteorology). Weather predictions are usually fairly accurate for about 6 days max. And yes, as a former pilot, I can read a weather map and studied meteorology.

    The rest of the 'new ice age', 'global warming', 'climate change discussion is fantasy, 'agenda-based-pseudo-science' and product salesmanship.

    Actual SCIENCE requires more than fraud by East Anglia University and the NASA Climate Unit. SCIENCE requires accurate data, and rigorous mathematics rather than 'diddled data'.


    Bill Duff

  15. Laughable,

    We have heard this joke before. We have heard this lie before. We have heard these liars before. One consequence of scientific FRAUD, is that scientists and engineers no longer take your subsequent pronouncements seriously.

    "The sky is falling, said Chicken Little."

    Ha Ha Ha

  16. Don't worry, Little Ones, the Abwehr wasn't working with "us" and isn't now. Shinzo says the reactors are under control, all else is a lie.

  17. Perhaps Bill has a point, that NASA, rather than "diddling" with methane levels on Mars, should be studying the methane release from Alaskan, Canadian, and Siberian permafrost, instead. Not to mention the upwelling and methane hydrates.
    You did say that, didn't you, Bill?

    But perhaps Bill feels a certain kinship with those "diddlers" in NASA, who for various career reasons, let themselves be diverted enough to not seek that data Bill says is necessary to explain the observations at hand.

    That is the kinship of, once again, the corporate Amazon ant-fungus that this guy typed about,
    The Koch-money fungus.

    Governments do not lie, do not defraud, says 11:28. Absurd much?

  18. The data for Earth (Blue Planet, 3rd Rock from the Sun) was diddled at the NASA Climate Unit and East Anglia University. That is kinda old news.

    Their continued protestations, just sound like Bernie Madoff asking for more time and money.

    There is no comprehensive, objective data source upon which to project climate change. And an honest, objective SCIENTIFIC endeavor will require a few decades to assemble; ONCE it begins.

    So far, we merely have the same SHRILL liars, doubling down on their unscientific drivel and counter-productive invective.


    Bill Duff

  19. "Their continued protestations [against climate change] just sound like Bernie Madoff [or Exxon/BP] asking for more time and money."
    Good point, fixed it for 'ya.

    "Climategate: Anthropogenic Global Warming, history's biggest scam" should read "Petroleum TaxGate: Why Exxon/Mobil's taxfiend appetite exceeds all other fiend appetites in History"

    "The Guardian's analysis of the emails suggests that the hacker had filtered them."
    My. And the hacker, to date, has yet to identify themselves. Perhaps the hacker is a controversy fiend.

    A poor sequel indeed to the lack of Eskimo historical narratives telling of similar warming events in their thousands year experience.

    Bill, I suggest you seek the help of U.S. Rep. Benjamin Sinclair (R-OH), via the Onion, for your mentation has been seriously "abused",,14161/
    Defend yourself, William, goddammit, Defend yourself!

  20. I visited Alaska recently and listened to Tribal Elders discuss a COOLING event. A glacier advanced toward their ancestral home, at the speed of a running dog. Their ancestors had a VERY short time to abandon their village.

    There is NO doubt that the Earth HAS BEEN much hotter and much cooler than today in geologic time.

    I FULLY expect that going forward in geologic time that the Earth WILL AGAIN be much hotter and much cooler than it is today.

    Climate Change is the geologic and historical NORM. However, we have NOTHING but demonstrated pseudo-scientific FRAUD to indicate ANTHROPOMORPHIC skewing of that ROUTINE climate variation, toward a hotter future or a colder future.

    The SKY may fall someday, but Chicken Little has proven to be a liar and a gullible fool.


    Bill Duff

  21. Bill, let's bring you up to date here. The warming comes and goes, as you said. It has never, however, occurred this quickly. You have acknowledged some validity to "their" past measurements, now surely you would not have us believe you've the inside track to the Overview that claims warming rate is NOT unprecedented?

    You strike me as the type that claims FDR's economic policies were the worst, yet adopt the very same secrecy-based obfuscation strategies that FDR used to obscure that Pearl Harbor warnings were being received from every quarter previous to the attack. Care to comment on your convergence in style?

    In other words, "Bill" will deny climate change is occurring at an accelerated pace until, voila, it is upon us & overwhelms. Then "Bill/FDR" will exit stage left and "the Navy" will obscure their roles, complicitous, permitting, and benefiting [from brain-embuggering all who attempted to correct the course].

    Nothing new under the sun, and "Bill/FDR" is by the seat of his pants.

  22. Sorry, I failed to catch your name; oh and your fallacy is showing. The 'straw man' argument, AKA in the UK as an Aunt Sally, is not a very good effort, even as deductive logic fallacies go.

    The paleontologists fern collections and flash frozen wooly mastodon exhibits speak to RAPID climate change. The Viking settlements in Greenland and the Mini Ice Age speak of rapid, relatively modern changes. Oh and 18 hundred and froze to death was a bad year for farming.

    You are hiding in the shadows, and hiding your identity. That is probably a good decision, since you are not a very skilled advocate, for anything.


    Bill Duff

  23. Dear ANON,

    Your fallacy is showing. One of your recent deductive logic fallacies, is the Red Herring - Introducing a topic not related to the subject at hand. It is not clear that FDR opined much upon anthropogenic climate change, though his yachting and mapping skills were adequate as a young explorer.

    By now, any interested reader has noticed, that you have no technical background, critical thinking skills or communication capabilities.


    Bill Duff

  24. The interested reader is advised that deductive logical flaws, in such forums, are generally INTENTIONAL. Deductive logic is a classical field and many of the most common logical fallacies have very old, Latin names. If an argument is logically flawed, then the author of that argument is often quite stupid, whether he got into that 3rd rate law school or not.

    Inductive Logic is more modern and correlates fairly well with the scientific method and cogent statistical models.

    But of course most engineers, mathematicians and scientists moved on to Boolean Logic, (computers & 0-1) decades ago. The point being, only a particularly STUPID liberal arts freshman and CAREER LIARS are plagued by repeated OBVIOUS logical fallacy errors in their arguments.


    Bill Duff

  25. Oh how charming, catch the headlines …

    ‘French President François Hollande lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during his state visit Tuesday. ‘Hollande Honors American WWII Vets, Awards Legion D’Honneur at Tomb of Unknowns’

    Hollande placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns and then stood at attention as “Taps” was played by a lone bugler. Hollande said he was presenting France’s highest honor “to pay tribute to the sacrifice made by the U.S. to save France” from “Nazi barbarism.”

    The historical facts are accurate enough, and heart-warming. However why has France abruptly ‘friended’ the USA facebook page, and discarded their habitual disgust with all things Americana? OR is France trying to Sell More MOX (plutonium enriched) nuclear power plant fuel for our superannuated, corroded, vugged, poorly designed, & shoddily constructed, dangerous as well as exorbitantly expensive civilian nuclear power plants?

    I select (b), peddle mo MOX


    Bill Duff

  26. Could you PLEASE take your discussion (if that's discussion) of global warming somewhere else? It's not even remotely related to the topic of the post.

  27. Au contraire mon ami, 'Team Nuke' uses this global warming claptrap as a sales pitch for nuclear reactors and MOX fuel. Team Nuke may kill a million people in your country, gork half the kids, destroy the agriculture for an eon and KILL the ocean sea. But they SURE ARE PROUD, that they don't produce quite as much carbon dioxide as a coal fired electrical generation station.

    Certainly the mining, refining, reprocessing and disposal of nuclear power plants has a large carbon footprint; but it produces slightly less of the FIZZIE in your soft drink.

    The global warming, climate change HOAX traces directly to the nuclear power plant industry.


    Bill Duff

  28. To bring you up to date again, Bill, the rapidity is unprecedented with effects never seen before, ever. See those rains in Alaska in the winter, where it usually was so cold the trees could be heard cracking, and on the same level as Alaskan changes is rainfall in Finland during the winter.

    On the French, Obama is celebrating that the French, post-Snowden, have not complained at all like those recalcitrant Germans have. But why would they when they've hosted one of the largest spy stations the U.S. keeps overseas for decades. Read business is good and will get better.
    Kinship between corrupt bankster-driven worshippers "at the altar of Zod", as some say.

  29. Take your global warming debate elsewhere, PLEASE.

  30. Diddled Data,

    The NASA Climate Unit and East Anglia University moved the Mini Ice Age back and the hottest years forward. The DATA was diddled. Apparently the original data sets were discarded. It seems LIKELY that, at least a few partial sets of the original data are extant.

    That data recovery effort would be a good place to BEGIN. Of course it would necessitate firing a few lying-whores; to initiate a CREDIBLE re-entry to the actual scientific method.

    We SHALL NEVER get there, until we BEGIN the journey.

    France sponsored Ayatollah Ruhollah (Mousavi) Khomeini, the alledged pederast, and the overthrow of the Shah. France is likely selling ICBM technology to Iran today.

    "France has usually been governed by prostitutes", according to Mark Twain, the American Humorist. It is a good thing to keep in mind, when France is 'making nice'.


    Bill Duff

  31. From the O'Bama Web Page

    Obama Administration Announces Loan Guarantees to Construct New Nuclear Power Reactors in Georgia

    Home • Briefing Room • Statements & Releases The White House - Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release February 16, 2010

    Obama today announced that the Department of Energy has offered conditional commitments for a total of $8.33 billion in loan guarantees for the construction and operation of two new nuclear reactors at a plant in Burke, Georgia. The project is scheduled to be the first U.S. nuclear power plant to break ground in nearly three decades.

    “To meet our growing energy needs and prevent the worst consequences of climate change, we need to increase our supply of nuclear power and today’s announcement helps to move us down that path.”

    “This is a significant step by the Obama Administration to restart our domestic nuclear industry, helping to create valuable long-term jobs and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions,” Energy Secretary Steven Chu said.

  32. “Thicker on top, more down under”

    https nsidc org/ (arcticseaicenews/)

    National Snow & Ice Data Center February 5, 2014

    Antarctic sea ice extent continues to track very high in January, reaching the second-highest monthly extent in the 36-year satellite monitoring record. New monthly extent records were set for each month between August and November, and December was tied for the record (within the limits of the precision).

    Preliminary measurements from CryoSat show that the volume of Arctic sea ice in autumn 2013 was about 50% higher than in the autumn of 2012. In October 2013, CryoSat measured approximately 9,000 cubic kilometers (approximately 2,200 cubic miles) of sea ice compared to 6,000 cubic kilometers (approximately 1,400 cubic miles) in October 2012.

  33. Typical,

    It is typical and apparently DEFINING, that the anonymous contributor has NOTHING but LIES to promote the global warming and civilian nuclear power agendas. The climate change CULT and 'Team Nuke' overlap is quite extensive.


    Bill Duff


    Exelon operates the largest nuclear fleet (17 reactors) in the United States and the third-largest commercial nuclear fleet in the world, according to Exelon's Web site.

    “campaign finance records confirm Exelon is one of Obama's top contributors. The Center for Responsive Politics found that Exelon employees were his sixth-largest corporate donor group. (No. 1 was Goldman Sachs.)”

  35. Bill,your "Brave New World" of sped-up climate change denial can probably be counseled back to "correctness", as it were.

    Recently the actress Ellen Page presented herself as some sort of model before "a conference of counselors who work with teenagers who identify as lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual or queer."
    It remains unclear whether she sought them out or they sought her out, so a final determination of whom is exploiting whom can not be made at this time.
    It may even be a veiled attempt at exploiting heterosexuals. Only time & measurements, with honesty, will tell.
    However, we can take lessons from her experience. Apparently, one can find and commission any number of specialist counselors tailor-made for any anxiety one possesses.
    My money is on the existence of counselors specifically adapted to those who blather on about "Glo-bull Warming".

    Mind you, those who worship at the "Altar of Zod" tend to do it on one or more knees, AND, they tend to be quite chummy with the petroleum industry.

  36. The anonymous poster, has no data, evidence or technical background upon which to draw. This is typical of the Chicken Little 'Sky Is Falling' crowd. The Anthropogenic Warmists raised My Suspicions, from the 'get go', when if memory serves, 10,000 'Social-Scientists' signed on to this unscientific conclusion.

    The term 'Social-Scientists' is an oxymora, like 'jumbo-shrimp'.

    When a pack of liars, starts their drum-beat, I instinctively 'grab my wallet' and patrol the fence lines. For they are thieves and not merely liars. The nescient Warmist Liar(s) on this thread, have seined up quite a mess of 'Red Herrings', for they have no science. If memory serves, approximately 5% of the (XY) male population and 3% of the (XX) population are historically gender-confused or ambivalent. They are increasingly public in their gonad-centric delusional rants.


    Bill Duff

  37. Bill,

    We understand that you really work for Wall Street and their carbon credits scheming, that Zod pays your way.

    Arctic Sea Ice Melt Season Getting Longer

    Tree Rings, 7 Centuries

    Water From the Depths, "decayed ice"

  38. Diddled Data,

    The 'Warmer' frenzy has used up their 15 minutes of fame. They will probably continue to screech their emotional, and unscientific conclusions, from the sidelines of public policy debate.

    NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING, can be concluded from diddled data. I have not ever had, or presently 'a dog in this fight'. My dog is still on the front porch.

    WHEN and IFF, (if and only iff), an objective SCIENTIFIC process, VERIFIABLY and NEGATABLY gathers evidentiary DATA, available for OPEN REVIEW, by a similarly OBJECTIVE technical community.

    Then and only then, will there be a scientific process to BEGIN to survey Planet Blue for climate changes and some evaluation to determine if there is a statistically significant anthropogenic contribution.

    For the present, the Warmer Fanatics are merely peddling pseudo-scientific, nescient horseshit, to a rapidly dwindling audience.


    Bill Duff

  39. Bill spins himself up, yet a-gain, like the Olympic skater. Only difference? Bill would have us believe he still perceives the world outside his spin. Does the Olympic skater ask us to believe he/she is attending to anything other than the spinning?

    tsk, tsk ..

    Amateur hour.

  40. Our nescient anonymous NAG, would not apparently PASS a junior high laboratory science experiment, or the subsequent write up.

    These 'Social Scientists' are LONG on conclusions, zeal, societal-change, preachy-bromides, economic dislocation and FORCED MANDATES. They are unfortunately devoid of education, ability and insight into that SCIENCE stuff (the Scientific Method).

    Your 15 minutes of fame is over. The guy with the shepherd's HOOK is eventually pull you off the stage. Until then, most of the world has already changed the channel.


    Bill Duff

  41. Purpose,

    We do not wish to pay double for the necessities of life, or to further decimate the already rapidly dwindling North American employment opportunities; without some objective, scientific justification.

    But thanks for the dumbass, invective and missionary zeal. So now go back and preach to the choir; because the guests and customers have gone home.


    Bill Duff

  42. Sorry to spoil your party, but the comment section of my blog is not an open discussion board for climate change or global warming, whatever you want to call it. Please find an appropriate venue.

  43. Fine,

    Highly radioactive debris has turned up 15 kM from the FDNPS. I concur that the FDU-3 detonation is the most likely source of the radioactive debris. Nuclear reactors are dangerous, and non-economic sources of electrical power.


    Bill Duff

  44. And the USA AC electrical grid is an inefficient, 19th century relic.

    Point of Use location of energy conversion systems, such as natural gas powered HVAC units, and distributed generation, are FAR more efficient than AC electrical Grid powered systems. This efficiency gain, completely eliminates ANY NEED for those dangerous and uneconomic nuclear power plant,s for the next several centuries.


    Bill Duff

  45. Energy conversion efficiencies of approximately 30% are about the limit for civilian nuclear power plants. Conventional Combined Cycle coal fired Steam Generation plants are limited to about 41% Energy Conversion (to AC electricity) Efficiency.

    Far better Energy Conversion Efficiencies are now commercially available, wherein most of the so called (Waste Heat) is beneficially used.

    For example:

    natural gas fuel cells

    Waste Heat Recovery Systems

    Point of use Energy Conversion

    Distributed Generation

    Such technologies render, the AC electrical grid in general and more specifically, the civilian nuclear power industry, archaic, inefficient, unreliable, environmentally destructive, and unnecessarily expensive.


    Bill Duff

  46. Thermodynamics instructs engineers upon the fundamental efficiency limitations and conditions. We are governed by the Laws of Physics; but our understanding of Physics is still quite limited.

    We are constantly required to update our UNDERSTANDING of physics and thermodynamics, as the cleverness of men plumb the height, and depth and breadth of the vast realms of physical reality.

    Generally speaking combustion produces heat and expansion. An efficient energy conversion process uses BOTH the heat and the expansion to the fullest extent that is economically and technically feasible.


    Bill Duff

  47. Generally speaking EFFICIENT thermodynamic machines have a WIDER temperature range than a machine with a narrower heat range.

    So a hotter fire and a hotter boiler will improve efficiency as will a colder exhaust and a colder turbine final temperature.

    Turbine Generators with a secondary water-steam boiler are efficient because they burn hot, use gas expansion and heat, and exhaust at about 800 degrees F. They can be made more efficient with another stage which uses a lower temperature fluid to operate a next-stage turbine. Such technologies are available 'off the shelf' and are HIGHLY cost efficient and environmentally friendly. Only stupidity and corruption have us trapped with inefficient machinery.

    It does not have to be that way.


    Bill Duff

  48. Automobile Efficiency SUX globally, simply because automobile engines use ONLY the combustion expansion in the energy conversion.

    All the heat is Waste Heat, for none of the heat is used in the commercial automobile, truck, bus or even train engine.

    The Global Energy Challenge is an abject surrender to unnecessary inefficiency. That surrender costs us ALL: time, money, health and environmental quality.

    It is NOT necessarily so. Only gross corruption and gross stupidity have us trapped with crappy technologies, such a civilian nuclear power plants.


    Bill Duff

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