Wednesday, February 12, 2014

(OT) Tokyo Gubernatorial Election in One Chart

People have made a great deal out of the "high" percentage of votes among voters between 20 and 30 years old that went to Mr. Toshio Tamogami, ex-Chief of Staff of Self Defense Air Force. But if you look at the absolute number of votes cast by this age group, they were insignificant.

Much more solid showing of Mr. Tamogami in the 30-40 years old and 40-50 years old brackets is more interesting. There, Tamogami almost equally split votes cast with both Utsunomiya and Hosokawa.

Anyway, people in 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s who live in Tokyo (particularly those in their 20s) couldn't be bothered to go to vote on a snowy day in the middle of potentially an extended weekend (if they took Monday off), and we got Mr. Masuzoke, a puppet for the Abe administration whose agendas turned out to have been hinged on this election.

Another way to look at this chart is to eyeball and lump Masuzue and Utsunomiya votes together as "organized votes": Masuzoe - LDP, Komei, Soka Gakkai and Labor Union, and Utsunomiya - Communist Party, Social Democrats, Labor Union. Both Masuzoe and Utsunomiya pretty much maxed out on the votes they could get through the organizations that backed them. Utsunomiya's votes this time were hardly different from what he had gotten in December 2012 gubernatorial election where Inose had won with more than 4.6 million votes.

Hosokawa and Tamogami, over 1.5 million votes between them, got their votes from people with no party affiliation. If the voting rate had been much higher, I suspect they both would have easily gotten double of what they got.

Chart created by @joe0212t, English labels are mine:

Meanwhile, Governor Masuzoe tried his chair in his governor's office, and said "It's just an ordinary chair."

Mr. Hosokawa issued his message to his supporters apologizing that he couldn't beat Mr. Masuzoe.

Mr. Utsunomiya visited the Communist Party headquarters, and together with the party chairman, celebrated his "win" over the two former prime ministers. "Sense of accomplishment," said Mr. Utsunomiya.

Governor Masuzoe is also busy peddling his new book on his Twitter. The topic of the book? Constitutional amendment.

(Are you starting to freak out yet?)


  1. Meanwhile, Governor Masuzoe tried his chair in his governor's office, and said "It's just an ordinary chair."
    Err, right ... seems we've really got ourselves the sharpest pencil in the drawer, haven't we?

  2. I'm beyond despair.

  3. Dominos, and apace.

    Ambrose says "Don't worry, you're all working for the British, and it's "stimulating"."
    You did say that, didn't you, Ambrose?
    Foreign claims on China by bank nationality

    Tamogami himself flips flops back-to-the-forth on constitutionality.
    He appears to have an almost "self-abusive" penchant for revisionism.

    And Yes, ex-SKF, they are "freaks".

  4. Is it possible the Hosokawa/Koizumi team, the ex prime ministers, were sent out by the LDP to siphon votes off from the only strong principled candidate, a Mr. Utsunomiya? Perhaps their intentions were pure but their approach was overall destructive. Utsunomiya is a Ralph Nader type lawyer who fights for the average people and worker, and is anti-nuke. It seems that the establishment candidate Hosokawa, with Koizumi (who famously helped to destroy Japan's middle class by “restructuring the economy” in the 2000 decade) jumped into the race for the purpose of spoiling Mr. Utsunomiya's chances (Kameda, 2014). Or maybe it was a genuine internal conflict within Japan's ruling hierarchy of Tokyo University graduates, the men who go on to rule the country and become LDP stalwarts. It is hard to imagine the hard core and uncompromising ideologues of the JCP joining hands with such a coalition in the first place, and with justifiable skepticism on their part. The JCP coalition would have ruined the credibility they are gaining by compromising with politicians cut from the same cloth as the Abe crowd.

    Dysfunctional Politics & Nuclear Armageddon

    Nuclear power is ideal as a technology that is opposed to democratic transparency. Compared to solar power which average people can learn to operate safely on the rooftops of their homes, nuclear power is incompatible with democracy and a potential source of the ultimate state terrorist weapon, a nuclear one. In addition, the complexity of running a nuclear plant with all the engineering and safety requirements versus other forms of energy production (ie., campfire) is mind boggling.
    As Wasserman often points out, the reason we don't have safe and renewable forms of energy now is because the power companies and the shadowy interests behind them enjoy a monopoly on electrical, and by extension, economic and political power. They are very happy to make a lot of money and screw the Planet. The social system based on economic incentives and political favors controlled by the nuclear industry has created a veritable “iron nuclear triangle” between the nuclear industry, bureaucrats/politicians and business circles in Japan, virtually assuring that progressive change is impossible within the current paradigm.

  5. Anon above, I've seen that kind of comment (Is it possible the Hosokawa/Koizumi team, the ex prime ministers, were sent out by the LDP to siphon votes off from the only strong principled candidate, a Mr. Utsunomiya?) from Utsunomiya supporters.

    As for him being "strong" and "principled", sadly, no.

  6. and him being "anti-nuclear" is just like Masuzoe is "anti-nuclear".

  7. Anon at 3:41PM, the argument against your position is Mr. Utsunomiya himself, who was happy, elated and beaming as he shook hands with the Communist Party chairman and celebrated his win over Hosokawa/Koizumi. That's all he cared.

  8. Tamogomi's talking out of the side of his face on any issue that comes within his reach: if he's the type of leadership the SDF has then little wonder people scoffed here when some suggested the SDF should "seize" Daiichi and bring the reactors under control.


    "Top NRA officials, including the watchdog’s chairman, have lashed out at TEPCO for “lacking a fundamental understanding of measuring and handling radiation” while responding to the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. "

    Really? Seems they had that understanding .. at the beginning. See here,

    "Trap of Prometheus" Series Part 1 - Men in Protective Clothing (1) "Why Are You Here? Flee!"

    TEPCO has transitioned from full transparency, "Flee!", to preparing to hide fully behind the new Secrecy Law.

    Headless governance by the Dirty Bomb Infidels.

  10. Infidel government, with transparency quickly lost:

    "Fukushima Prefecture had measured the radiation levels in various locations since early morning of March 12.


    At 9AM on March 12, it was 15 microsieverts/hr in Sakai District, and 14 microsieverts/hr in Takase District. These two locations in Namie-machi showed abnormally high radiation levels compared to other towns. It was more than 6 hours before the hydrogen explosion of Reactor 1, .. "

    "This Is a Homicide" [Murder]

    It became a Conspiracy of the Losing of Transparency,

    " .. men in work clothes with "Ministry of Education and Science" on the back came to measure the radiation. ..
    "It was over 100 microsieverts/hour here, in the beginning. I couldn't tell you at that time. I am sorry."
    A policeman: "But we couldn't tell you because the government told us not to."

    "At that time, radiation monitoring cars from the Ministry of Education and Science, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, TEPCO, and Tohoku Electric Power were all over Fukushima Prefecture."

    All over Fuku Prefecture, measuring, telling lies, making great efforts to lose their responsibility.
