Friday, July 5, 2013

US Job Numbers in June: Part-Time Job Gain 360,000, Full-Time Job Loss 240,000, Number of Bartenders and Waiters All-Time High

Chart from Zero Hedge on this morning's BLS announcement on June job data:

The US now has the highest number of bartenders and waiters in history...

And low-paying job galore...

Feeling the "recovery" yet? The US stock market are feeling it. Has been for the past 4 years.

Just a reminder. Thanks to the unilateral decision somewhere at the White House, employers are exempt from Obamacare mandate and penalty until 2015, i.e. until after the mid-term election in 2014. Citizens aren't. Major insurance companies are exiting from the California insurance market. Penalty for not having a health insurance will promptly start in 2014 for small people, enforced by IRS.


Anonymous said...

Private Citizens VOTE, businesses don't. So I hope any and all voters go to the ballot box, and vote their feelings. Just hope the election FRAUD perpetrated by Acorn and others supported by some government funding gets the fraudsters into jail. Will not hold my breath...

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