A 102-year-old man killed himself on April 12 in Iitate-mura in Fukushima Prefecture, which has been designated by the national government as "planned evacuation zone".
Mainichi Shinbun (Japanese article copied below; 1:01 AM JST 4/14/2011) reports that the man lived with his eldest son and the son's wife in the village, and they were discussing the evacuation. He was said to be distressed about having to leave his home.
福島第1原発:避難苦? 飯舘村102歳男性が自殺
ArmstrongEconomics.com, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
I wonder if there will be Shinjū among some families after the reality of their situation finally sinks in? Maybe some people will make the unhappy one way pilgrimage to the Aokigahara forest. Has anyone heard stories of Hibakusha discrimination happening yet?
Some people may not want to live in a reality like the one found in Scotland decades after a reactor 1400 miles away let fly. What will happen if/when Fukushima has a big sustained release when the prevailing winds become onshore?
By Bonnie Urfer
SCOTLAND — It took 24 years after the explosion at Chernobyl for Scottish sheep to get a radioactively clean bill of health and a green light for human consumption without first having to go through rigid testing under the
Food and Environmental Protection Act. In July the Food Standards Agency (FSA) lifted the ban on the last Scottish farmers that prevented movement, slaughter and sale of sheep. After the 1986 disaster, 9,700 farms were contaminated
with Chernobyl’s fallout, in 2009 only five farms remained on the forbidden list. Peat and grass in the upland areas of Scotland were poisoned with cesium-137 from the radiation
catastrophe — which took place 1,400 miles away. Cesium levels increased to legally unallowable levels in the sheep and the FSA set up a monitoring program in the early 1990s
to test for radiation. Farmers in Wales and Cumbria still live with FSA’s radioactive restrictions. Each animal from 330 farms must be
tested before the sheep can be moved. Restrictions in Northern Ireland ended in 2000.
Immediately after the Chernobyl explosion, farmers were told restrictions on sheep sales would last for one week. Twenty-five years later, each sheep gets three readings to
be sure it is free of radiation before it can go to market. At the start of testing, the sheep were killed to measure the radiation levels but a method of measuring cesium concentrations without slaughter came about, minimizing loss to farmers.
— The Sunday Herald, Aug. 5; The Independent, July 7; The Herald, July 4; Farmers’ Guardian, July 5; Food Standards
Agency, June 24, 2010
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